She reached between her legs, grabbing to hold my wrist with her good hand as I continued to make her whimper and moan. When her face rested against my chest, I could feel her get so much wetter. I brought my other hand up, wrapping it around the back of her head to keep her against me as I slowed. She was moving her hips and growing louder by the second as I matched her pace.


“Shh.” I kissed the top of her head, adding more pressure with my palm. Kody cried out, her nails biting into me as she waited.

“Don’t make me beg. I—Fuck. God.”

I had once been God to her. For some reason hearing it from her lips like this, I could almost forget everything else inside my brain. For her, I could. I wanted to. Were rules always the best? Was holding to my discipline worth the wait? Questions got me nowhere as I breathed in the smell of her hair. In how she was so perfect for me in every way I could imagine.

“Come, baby.”

My eyes shut as instant spasms shook her body. My fingers closed into a fist in her hair, and I held on firmly. Not so she’d experience more of the pain she needed. I did it for me. To capture a piece of her in this memory. To hold on to it with everything I had.

Kody let out deep breaths as she grew still against me. For the life of me, I didn’t want to withdraw my fingers, but I did. When her heavy-lidded eyes rose and met mine, I took a step back. Slow. Right. I had to fucking slow down.

“Dress casual. No privacy. Tonight, you face your fears. We don’t run from those, doll, we meet them head-on. Understand?”


I nodded, spinning for the door. There was no way I was looking back to see how she was reacting to my harsh tone. Confused or not, I was seconds from taking her to the bed and continuing to dangerous territory. I couldn’t do that. Not for her or me. Besides, Rian wouldn’t just disappear. I knew him. He’d sit outside until he saw everything was okay. That, or he’d use my emergency code to get in. Now wasn’t the time to focus on me and Kody. She got what she needed. Me…I needed a plan. One that would help wipe out the motherfuckers linked to this torture ring. If I could figure out a strategy to unmask them, Rian would be too busy to give me a hard time about Kody. It was a win-win.

I slowed as I approached my laptop. Although my focus was on my desk, my eyes were glued to the monitors covering my wall. Kody’s apartment was empty. No one was outside of my door. Those screens didn’t matter. It was my private email that caught my attention. Twelve new messages. Two, with bold-capped subjects: WARNING and URGENT.

My eyes narrowed as I headed over, taking in the senders. Both came from the name, V Right, and somehow, both had made it through the filters I had set. I clicked the first message, scanning through the words as my fingers pressed harder into my desk.

Mr. Jase Colter,

I must admit, you’re not an easy man to track down. It was difficult to get through this email, but not impossible. Seems you’re not as good as they say. If you were, you would have discovered my attempts. Now I’ve made sure you won’t be able to. Perhaps you’re…distracted? I would be too, but more on that at another time.

How’s your search going? Are you having any luck figuring out how those emails work?

Nope. I didn’t think so. My people happen to be pretty good at this stuff too. Did you really think I wouldn’t figure out it was you answering for Andrew Keith? You should have destroyed his phone when you took him. I keep very good tabs on all my people. You’ve been at the top of the world for far too long; you’ve gotten lazy. I think it’s time for you to see just how much.

Don’t worry, you’ll have time to figure it out. How much time depends on what you do in the next twenty-four hours. You’ve made your bed. Now I get to choose whether you end up sleeping in it.

Game time.

Name: DeWayne Vanderwaal. Can you find him? Or will he get to you first?

I’ve started the clock.

Let’s see how good you really are. My money is on my man, but he doesn’t know about this message. I believe there needs to be a level of fairness somewhere. At this point, what do we have left to lose? You’ll know what I mean by the files in the next email. I have some goodies on you, Mr. Colter. All kinds of goodies. My favorites are in the last file. Technology isn’t always our friend. Great show though with Andrew. I look forward to seeing if there’s a next.

Will it be his win or yours? Who will get to the other first? I’ll be watching


Chapter 24


There was something about the burn—the ache. Every step. Every time I flexed my ass, throbbing took over. It was arousing, despite that I’d just had one hell of an amazing orgasm. So much so, I couldn’t stop shifting my feet as I finished my makeup. Suddenly, the anxiety over eating-out wasn’t what was consuming my mind. It was the burn. I wanted more. I wanted to see how much I could take. More importantly, I wanted to see what other ways Jase could inflict it. But what about after that? The need to have his cock inside of me was more torture than Jase’s hand had been. Maybe it’s because he refused to give it to me. Perhaps it was that he still didn’t think I was strong enough? I was.

A soft sigh left me as I rubbed my lips together and placed down the tube of lipstick. Maybe it was my mood, but my eyeshadow was darker than usual. Smokier and tempting. What was I doing? If I wasn’t already taking forever, I would have washed it off and started over. Thing was, voices had been nonstop outside my room now for half an hour. I had run out of time.

I took a glance in the mirror, taking in the nearly non-existent bruises. They were so light you couldn’t even see them through the makeup. My eyes travelled lower to the scooping collar of the dark burgundy dress. Although it was on the conservative side, the color would draw attention. The small slit up the thigh didn’t help matters either. What made me choose this outfit? It screamed ‘see me’, ‘fuck me’, ‘want me’. Hadn’t Jase said casual? Normal?

Forcing myself to the door, I grabbed my purse, keeping my steps steady as I headed for the living room. The voices grew louder, but not distinguishable. They were whispering, albeit loudly. Were they arguing? The moment I broke from the hall, Jase’s eyes jerked to me, and he slowly stood from leaning over his desk. His friend, Rian, caught his distraction, turning as well. Both stood, not speaking. Not even moving.