Silence had my lids fluttering open. He was inches above me, still watching. Still taking in every little sound or movement I made.

“Can I come? Please?”

One second.




I bit my lip trying not to cry out as his lids narrowed even more. I was so close. I was walking the blade of the sharpest knife, and I was nearly begging at the top of my lungs for an answer. Again, I rotated my hips, crying out as I nearly unraveled.


Screams did leave me then. I jolted through the spasms at his command, kicking my legs out. I didn’t understand it, but I knew I needed more. More than an orgasm. More than his fingers. More than pleasure.


Jase made something between a moan and a groan as he waited for me to become still. The moment I let out a sigh, his fingers withdrew, going right into his mouth. As he sucked on the digits, I was left feeling emptier than before we’d started. I lifted my injured arm towards him, confused when he shook his head and stepped off the bed. There was a wildness in his stare. One that sent chills racing down my heated skin.

“Did I do something wrong? I tried not to hold back.”

“You?” His hand lifted as he slowly paced in his jeans. His eyes were cut up from his lowered head. He was studying me. “You did nothing wrong. Quite the opposite. Do you usually ask permission to have an orgasm?”

My mouth closed as I blinked through the question.

“No. I just…I told you before, I wanted to come, but I was holding off. Then I thought maybe you’d want me to prolong it. I didn’t want to anymore; I was ready.”

“So, you decided to ask me?”

I tried shrugging. “It felt right.”

“It was right. It was perfect.”

“Then why did you stop?”

He grew still, putting his hands on his hips. “Because we’re finished.”

“But we’re not.”

“You’re not ready for me yet. Not like that.”

“What do you mean? I’m ready. I want to keep going.”

“It’s best we don’t. You’ve come far but continuing will only set you back.”

“No. I am ready. I can do this. I want to do this.” My tone grew angrier through my frustration. One of Jase’s eyebrows rose, but I didn’t stop. “I think you’re just not telling me the truth. I did do something wrong. Or maybe you’re just not into me as much as you thought. You don’t have to use my state of mind to get out of this. I get it. You’re having regrets. It’s fine.”

I tried reaching for the buckle of the cuff with my injured hand knowing there was no way in hell I was going to get it off.

“Don’t touch that.”

I paused as Jase stalked around the side of the bed.

“I’m not going to stay in your bed when you’re clearly finished with me. I told you, it’s fine. You didn’t hurt my feelings.” Again, I brought my nearly immobile fingers closer.

“You’re going to hurt yourself. I said, don’t. If you want out of those cuffs, it’ll be me who sets you free.”