“There’s a restaurant downstairs that has breakfast twenty-four hours a day. Do you like pancakes?”

A slight smile. “I love them.”



“Ooh. Good choice.”

Hesitantly, I reached to her face. No flinching, but she definitely took in my every move. My thumb flattened on her chin, brushing over the bottom of her lip.

“I like when you smile. I’ll go order and have the shop downstairs bring you something to wear too. You’re going to need clothes to go shopping in. As cute as you look in my shirt, I think it’s time we both got out.”

“Out? But…After yesterday? Last night? What if someone sees us? What if they try to hurt us?”

“I doubt they’ll be looking so soon. From the emails I went through, it seems our guy reported once a week. I’ll be responding as him in the meantime. I think it’ll buy us time and help with my own investigation. Besides, I heard your therapist. She said you need to be getting out as much as you can. I think after this setback, it’s a good idea.”

Her hand waved away the last part. “You got his email?”

“I did. I’ll explain everything later. Clean up. I’ll put in the order and do the same. We need to get moving. Half the day is already gone.”

Kody climbed from the bed. There was still hesitation present. That alone told me there was hope. It was up to me whether I kept her trust or completely broke it. I wasn’t that type of person. My word was my bond. I promised myself when I chose to save her, to buy her, I’d make sure she was safe. I’d protect her like I couldn’t do with Fahima. The attraction I felt was just a bonus I greedily clung to. And, oh, was it there. Especially now that I had her in person.

My need was growing with every smile. Every laugh. The sway of her hips when I watched her walk nearly killed me. The hardest, but best part so far, was putting the cuff on her. It was a part of who I was. Kody needed them just as much as I did. It was a connection on a level a hell of a lot deeper than I wanted to face. I was torn. Yeah, I’d pull back from hunting these motherfuckers down. I’d even obey Kody’s wishes. That didn’t mean if karma brought us together, I wouldn’t torture and slaughter every single one who crossed my path. How exactly would she take that? I couldn’t hide that part of me. I didn’t want to.

Leaving the bed, I headed for my own bathroom. By the time I was cleaned up and back in the living room checking my messages and emails, knocking sounded. I hit the button, glancing at the screen from the camera that was outside my entrance. I headed over, unlocking and opening the barrier.

“Breakfast and your order from Kimmy’s.”

“Julio, come in. I haven’t seen you in a few days. How’s the wife?”

“She’s great, Mr. Colter.” He wheeled in the cart, placing the breakfast and gift bag on the table. I handed him a tip, noticing him lock up before he could so much as take it. My head turned, catching the smile vanish from Kody’s healing face. The bruising wasn’t as bad as when I’d rescued her, but the lightest shades still covered her cheek and under her eyes. “Is she okay? I’m sorry. My apologies, Mr. Colter. I didn’t mean to intrude.” His head immediately went down.

“It’s okay, Julio. Kody is doing a lot better now. She’s my friend. A very dear one.” The tension in Kody’s shoulders eased, encouraging me to continue. “If she calls or happens to go downstairs for anything, she’s to have whatever she needs. I’ll let the front desk know about her as well so that way they’re prepared. She’s going to be with me quite a while. I need you to listen because this is important.”

Brown eyes came back to me.

“Kody escaped some very bad people. They may come looking for her. I need her protected at all costs. If anyone asks, you know nothing.” I grabbed my wallet, pulling out a more than generous tip. It was more of a bribe.

“Yes, Sir. I understand, Mr. Colter. Not a word from me. Not one.”

“Thank you.”

Kody threw him a soft smile, brushing back her wet hair as she headed towards the table. Julio grabbed the doorknob giving us one last wave before shutting it behind him.

“I’m not sure if it was your face or your legs he was really staring at.” I laughed. “Did my shirt shrink on you?”

She shrugged, her cheeks growing red. “It’s from the top drawer. It’s the same color but different from the first. Have you ever even worn these?”

“No. But you can never have too many. Here, this is for you.” I grabbed the blue and silver gift bag, handing it over. Kody took out the panties, quickly putting them back in the bag as she withdrew the outfit. She put the crème cardigan on the back of the chair and gasped as the length of the dress fell to her feet.

“Jase, this is beautiful.”

In a slow sweep of her finger, she traced over the small, embroidered flowers.

“It’s just a sundress. I think it should fit. They only had two colors. I opted for light green. It’ll work for taking a store trip. Then we can actually get you more of what you like.”

Her eyes lifted, almost the exact shade of the dress I picked out. “I can just go home and get clothes. It should be safe, right?”