“M-My w-wallet.”

I glanced over to the one next to mine. A few random receipts were skewed over the top. There was a fake ID, like I suspected, but nothing with an email address on it.

“Did you not get enough? I already looked, there’s nothing there.”

A loud growl left him as he took deep breaths that shook his entire body. He was fighting passing out. He was so pale, he almost looked dead. “The DL number from the fake license. Plug it in to any mailbox. You don’t need a password.”

“Bullshit.” I grabbed the ID, picking up his phone. Opening his mail app, I did as he said, shocked when an inbox loaded. “This is—”

“Beyond you, like I s-said. You’re a dead man. You…are. You’re fucked, buddy. I hope you’re ready.”

I pulled out the knife, refusing to be swayed by his words. This was new. It didn’t mean I couldn’t figure out how they managed it. It also didn’t mean I couldn’t nail their ass to the wall when I did.

“I guess I’ll see. You won’t. It’s time for me to go.”

“Nah. Come on. Hey. Hey!” My fingers embedded in his hair, clenching in a fist as I leveled the edge along his throat. The skin split like butter, peeling back as blood rushed over the metal. I added strength, taking my time as I increased the incision. Sobs transformed into screams, turning to gasps and gurgling like David. Andrew’s legs kicked out and he went wild, trying his best not to add to my pressure. It was too late. Crimson was rushing over my gloves, and I used enough force to end him for good.

“Fucking emails.”

I ground my teeth as I untied his body, pushing him down to the plastic. I went to reach and move the chair, stopping myself. Something felt off, and I couldn’t ignore the sensation. I took off one of my gloves, picking up my phone.




Sickness swarmed as I clicked on my system, pulling up the cameras in the penthouse. I zoomed in on the living room, cursing under my breath. Blood. It was smeared over the tile, leading for as far as I could see. What the fuck had happened? I clicked through the rooms, cursing even more when I couldn’t find Kody. I hit the call button, sending a ring through the penthouse. Kody shot from the hall, holding a mop. She spun in a circle, looking for a phone to answer, but she wasn’t going to find one. I hung up, hitting the intercom button.

“I don’t want to talk over the intercom. My laptop on my desk. Accept the call from there.”

Her face turned hard as she headed in the direction. I hit the call button again, knowing the moment she answered, it was bad.


Her face twisted even angrier. “Don’t you Kody me as if everything is okay. You made me believe you weren’t going tonight. You gave me a fake code. You lied to me!”

“Not necessarily. I didn’t want you to be worried.”

“You didn’t want me to know!”

Her hand shot to her forehead as her eyes closed. “I was watching my apartment, Jase. I know you hurt that man. Is he dead? Did you kill him too?”


“Stop it! Answer me. Honesty, remember? You owe me that. Especially after lying to me about the code. You trapped me here.”

“You’re right, I did, but only because I put in an emergency override. I’ll change it back once I return. I apologize. I truthfully didn’t think you’d wake up. There are people that have my code. Friends. It was more to keep them out so they wouldn’t frighten you. It wasn’t to keep you inside. Tell me about the blood. What the hell happened?”

“No. You don’t get to twist this your way. You don’t get to order me around when you don’t deserve it. I was nothing but truthful with you. God, I let…” She stopped. “I let you put that cuff on…and you lied to me?”

“I hurt you. I’m sorry. I didn’t want you to have to worry about this on top of everything else. I couldn’t find him in my search. I knew there’d be a chance he’d return to your apartment, and I was right. We needed answers, and he gave them. Can you please accept that?”

“Why? Because you don’t want me to know you have some sick compulsion to kill these men? These bad men? Too late; I know. When does it stop, Jase? You think you’re invincible because you’re tech-savvy? That means nothing. The truth has a way of catching up to us. When it finds you, what then?”

I studied the fear on her face. The way it made her voice tremble. It was the last thing I wanted to see on her, but she wasn’t there yet. She was so newly free from the torture. Her need for justice, for revenge, hadn’t kicked in. Thanks to me, it wouldn’t have to. Not like mine.

“Did you ever think maybe I am the truth?”