There was no point in me saying for what. There were too many things to name. He’d saved me…twice. And that was just my life. Food, a place to stay, the silk ties, the cuff. They all appeared small, but the significance was so much more. The only person I’d ever let myself get this close to was Tiffany. Even she didn’t know my darker secrets. Jase did. We didn’t technically know each other, yet he knew me better than anyone. Literally. I had no doubts he’d dug into as much of my life as he could find. And he had found things. He knew my old boyfriends and what my mother looked like. I hadn’t even been aware there were pictures of her floating around the web.

Another nod.

My stomach tightened as the door shut. Silence mixed with the cool air and blankets. With the weight from the cuff, it didn’t take me long to drift off. Stone came back, as it always did, but I didn’t allow myself to be confined by it. I focused on the hardness beneath me, tracing my finger over the rough surface. This way, over the crevice. That way, closer back to me. A voice tried to break through, but I pushed it away.


Pain flared over my side. I couldn’t feel it, but I knew it was there. An ache, worse than fire.

Kick! “Did I say you could sleep?”

My body seized from the assault. I grabbed the small length of chain that connected the shackles to the bolt, holding on for dear life as I waited for the next blow.

“EvilSinnr5 wins! He wants me to puree your insides.” Kick! Kick! “More money to do it harder?” David laughed. “We’re only getting warmed up. What do you think? Broken ribs? How about I cut one out. Not yet?” Stomp! “Answer me! How bad does it hurt?”

But I couldn’t speak, because I couldn’t catch my breath. His hands were suddenly in my stomach, feeling their way around, and there was nothing I could do about it but scream in my head.

“I told you your life was in my hands. Do you see?” Demonic laughter blurred as his saturated hands smeared blood down my face. “Your life. I got it. It’s right here. Tick tock, Kody. Time is running out. Tick tock.”

Gasping, I rolled sideways, flying to a sitting position in the dark. My broken hand went to my chest, the device fitting between my cleavage. My other slid free of the cuff to press to my stomach. I expected it to be warm and wet from the blood in my dream. There was nothing there now but dark pink scars as I lifted the shirt to look down.

I stood from the bed, pressing the door open to the bathroom. The light was still on, just like it always was no matter where I was these days. I needed water. Maybe even one of my pills. The aching was still present in places, and I’d fought taking one as long as I could.

My purse was at the end of the bed, and I took out the bottle, pouring one into my palm. When I opened the door, I expected it to be pitch black. It wasn’t, but it wasn’t light either. There was a glow. An illumination that drew me forward. It had to be late. Surely, Jase wasn’t still awake?

The light from the monitors had realization dawning. It wasn’t a light; it was them. He had to be asleep. The room was empty as I tiptoed through, heading to the kitchen. I got a glass, filling it with water, and swallowing my pill.

I glanced around the space.

You2. I laughed under my breath, shaking my head. What made him want to open a site like that? How did he come up with the name? Social media was communication/interaction that wasn’t physical. Did that mean something to him? Was it just a job? An idea? A need to be social without having to technically be social? It made sense. Still, the curiosity had me going back to the screens. All looked to be on standby mode except my apartment. It was empty, but not dark. I always left the light over my oven on at night. The glow was enough to show a small portion of my floor, but it looked…off. Had it been at this angle before?

“Surely, you didn’t expect her to come back so soon?”

I spun, looking for Jase. It had my stare narrowing on the parts of his living room I couldn’t see.

“Where’s the girl?”

“Somewhere she’ll never be found.”

“You’re wrong.”

“I’m never wrong. She’s safe. You won’t find her.”

“We’ll see about that.”

What started out as sounds of clothes shuffling, quickly turned into impact. I spun to face the monitor, my glass dropping, and sending sharp shards and water spraying over my feet. A loud pop turned into repeated hits, followed by groans and grunts. They surrounded me, filling the room like a movie theater. The distinct noises sent chills down my body like I’d never felt. The strength was crushing. Harder than any kick or blow I’d received. And it wasn’t stopping. Movement blurred in the dark, but I couldn’t make out what I was seeing.

I took a step, wincing as pain sliced into my foot. Why hadn’t he told me he was going? Hadn’t I asked? I did. I could have sworn I did.

“Jase. Jase, please. Let me see you. Come on, Jase.”

Nothing, but solid blows. I went to race into my room, suddenly realizing it was pointless to try to call him on my new phone. I didn’t have his number. Tiffany’s was the only one I had saved so far.

A deep cry had my hands flying to my mouth as I stayed glued to the darkness. An eternity seemed to pass. It’d been quiet for far longer than I liked. What was happening? Where was Jase?

Footsteps. They grew closer, stepping right along the edge of the light. The best I got were the bottom of black jeans as he swept passed. Within seconds, my front door opened, only to close, But I couldn’t see it; I couldn’t see anything.

I raced to the counter, fumbling with three different pairs of car keys. I had no idea which ones I grabbed, but I didn’t care. Blood made my steps slick causing me to slide to a stop. I hit the code, jumping when a loud voice echoed over the speakers.