“I know. I’m fine.” My eyes met Kody’s. If something did happen to me…what then? If they were any good, they’d find her. The moment she left my building, they’d have her. She’d be dead just like Fahima. I couldn’t save that girl back then, but I could help Kody. Even if I did end up dead somehow.

“Rian, you’re the only one I can trust. The woman I mentioned a few weeks back.” I waved over Kody, watching her hesitation as she approached. “I can’t go into detail, but I possibly uncovered something. Something big. I’m going to be working on that. I have someone here with me. Someone you’ll recognize. If anything happens to me—”

“Whoa, whoa. Hold the fuck on. What the hell are you talking about, Jase?”

I reached over, easing Kody into the camera’s frame. Rian lived for the news. By the lowering of his lids, he knew instantly who I had.

“Give me a moment while I process what the hell you’ve done. God dammit, Jase. Kody Marshall? The kidnapped victim who was dropped off at a convenient store by a mystery man? The same mystery man the FBI are no doubt searching for?”

“She wasn’t just kidnapped, Rian. If you saw what I saw.”

“I told you to stay off there, man. I told you it would get you into trouble. You promised.”

“It’s done. She’s here now, and I’m going to keep her safe.”


“Don’t feed me any lectures. Are you going to watch over You2 for me or not?”

Kody pulled back, narrowing her eyes.

“You know I will. What else can I do?”

“Nothing. It’s best you stay out of this for now. Just watch her account. Track anyone who views or searches her name. Call me if you get any hits. I gotta go.”


“I’m fine, Rian.”

“Be safe.”

“You know it.”

I hit end, turning to Kody.


“You2 is yours? You made that site?”


Her eyes lowered, and I knew she was searching for where she knew me. She may have not remembered, but I did. It was the entire reason I never really went anywhere anymore. I’d been living the high life, thriving in my new wealth. My face was everywhere. I hadn’t minded it so much back then, until the media had a change in heart, and I became the bad guy.

“I lost it about three years back. You2 was just blowing up. I was stupid. Partying, dating, trying to be anyone but me. The paper wanted to do this big story on who I was. My rise to fame.” I shrugged. “They kept bringing up when I’d been taken in war. They wanted to know details I wasn’t about to share. This one reporter kept pushing and pushing. I was drunk. I pretty much stayed wasted back then.” I leaned against my desk, still feeling my hands around his throat. “He wouldn’t stop, so I made him.”

“Did you kill him?”

“No, no.” My head shook.” I just lost it. I punched him a few times. We were fighting pretty good, but he got me square in the mouth. I guess the fighting was more fun up until that point. The moment I tasted blood, the rage I had hidden erupted like a bomb. Next thing I knew, I was choking him. He’s lucky. It could have been a lot worse with the training I had. Anyway, I haven’t really left here much since then. All work meetings are via this.” I gestured around. “I trust no one. Last time I did, they told that reporter information I never wanted anyone to know. Things that happened to me and others that were private.”

“I understand. I’m sorry. I really am.”

“I know. Now go relax. Drink your tea. It’s time I find out what I can on these men.”

Kody nodded as I returned to my desk. As I disappeared down the numerous sites, searching for Kody’s intruder, I made sure to cover my trail. I was as much a ghost as he was. Picture upon picture shuffled out. If the man had ever existed in the system, I was bound to find him.

I wasn’t sure how much time had passed. I held the back of my neck, pacing in front of my laptop. Frustration was at an all-time high. He shouldn’t have been this hard to find. That didn’t sit well. It was Kody’s whimper that drew my stare from the screen. I couldn’t see her, but I could hear her.

Walking over, I peered over the back of the sofa. She was curled into a ball, fast asleep. Her biceps were level with her face and her wrists were up over her head. Seeing her in person like this was enough to have me reaching forward to trace over her healing wounds on her good arm. She’d been so brave. Strong. She was a fighter, and I needed one of those.