He took my plate and headed for the sink. “He’s a bastard. You can’t justify cheating. Nothing makes that okay. He’s cheating on her now too, you know. Or was. She left yesterday.”


“No, he’s with Liza now. Or was. The newest is Julie.”

“What a mess.”

He laughed. “You are better off, trust me. Drink your tea and smile. I like when you do that.”

My lips pulled back, and I threw him a look, picking up the mug. It was still warm which only made my smile grow.

“There it is. That. That’s what I’m talking about. It’s more than a drink to you. It makes you happy.”

“You see too much.”

Jase chuckled, placing the dishes in the dishwasher. “I see everything.”

“My mother drank tea religiously. She’d sit in her chair by the window and read for hours. Just…sipping her tea. She was a wonderful mother. The best.”

“You have her eyes.”

I swallowed back the tears, nodding.

“What about you? Tell me more about Jase Colter? Are your parents still alive? Where did you grow up?”

The water shut off as he made his way back to the table. “They’ve been gone a few years. I grew up in Phoenix but moved to Texas when I was seven.” The expression softened as he scooted his chair closer towards me and sat. “You really have no idea who I am?”

“I can’t place it. I know I’ve seen your face. I think I’ve even heard your voice, but I don’t know. I don’t watch TV a lot. I’m not even big on electronics, but you know that. Are you a movie star?”

He bit his bottom lip as he smiled, surprising me. “No. No way.”

I took in his broad shoulders. He was tall and athletic. “Football player? Baseball?”

“I played some ball in high school. Nothing big. It wasn’t really my thing. I was a bit of a nerd.”

We both smiled as I glanced at his monitors.

“I give up. I have no idea.”

“Do you want to know?”

The way his face changed; I wasn’t sure what to think about it. There was something there. Something that gave me hesitation. He was willing to tell me, but he didn’t want to.

“I don’t think so. Maybe when you’re ready.”

Relief radiated. He nodded, glancing around the space.

“What now? I’m afraid I don’t have many guests, but it’s,” he lifted his arm, glancing at his watch. “It’s almost one. You’d be reading. Or browsing your new groups. Damn. Your computer.”

“It’s okay. I don’t need it.”

“No, we do. We really do.” He turned back to the screens, looking at my now empty living room. “I’ll go back tonight when everyone is sleeping. I’ll be quick.”

“You can’t go back. You said so yourself.”

“We don’t have a choice on this matter. Besides, I can go back; you can’t. A stranger won’t recognize me. They will you. And I can take care of myself.”

“And I can’t?”