“Why do you still watch me? You couldn’t have predicted someone would come. You’re just as surprised as I am. Why?”

It was his turn to take a bite to avoid the question. And like him, I waited.

“I watched you for days before I could save you. Hour after long hour. Hit after hit. I almost didn’t continue watching at all. Ultimately, I crossed a line. One I can’t come back from.”

“I’m sorry.”

His brow furrowed. “Sorry? This isn’t your fault. I knew what I was doing. I wanted to do it.”

“You wanted to kill David?”

He paused. “Truth is, I wanted to kill. The identity of the bad man didn’t make a difference.”

For seconds I couldn’t move. I wasn’t even sure what to think. Did I run? Did I try to escape? He wanted to commit murder?

“You’re terrified.”

My mind raced. Bad men. He’d said bad. Did it really make a difference? The broken part of me knew the answer before I could finish the thought.

“Jase, I’m not sure I understand.”

“You wouldn’t. Or…maybe you could relate on some level, but let’s not talk about that now. We have plenty of time. Let’s get to the part where you tell me what you were really thinking.”

I took another bite, letting the walls he put up, lower. Something happened with Jase. Something bad. Question was, what?

“Fine.” I took a drink. “If I ask you a question, will you be honest?” The look he threw said he had no intention of lying. “Okay, you replayed the video of this morning which tells me you’re recording it somehow.”

“It won’t last indefinitely. Not unless I want it to.”

“But it does so far. Have you ever replayed any parts before today?”

Jase blinked, looking down at his chopsticks. He placed them on his plate, sliding his fingers together to clasp in front of him.

“I see why you were blushing. You’re wondering if I’ve ever violated your privacy. I have. I never said I was a gentleman.”

My mouth opened, only to close. I hadn’t expected him to admit it. I didn’t even think he’d answer.

“What…” I cleared my throat. “What part? That one part where you watched? I know you saw me. I didn’t then, but I…”

“You hoped I was? You never answered me before. Why were you really calling my name?”

Fire. I was burning alive, and I wasn’t sure if it was from lust or mortification.

“I don’t know. I really don’t. Both maybe? I’m not right, Jase. I’m not okay. Surely you saw that in my therapy session.”

“What I heard from your therapist is that what you did was perfectly normal. What you do in the mornings after you get your vibrator. When you slide your hand back through that loop and tighten it to hold on—”

The chair scraped the floor as I shot to my feet.

“Kody, wait.”

My good hand lifted, and I took a step back.

“It’s hot. Hotter if you had someone to help, but you make it work. It’s perfectly healthy. She even said so.”

“Not for me.” I took another step back. “I can’t believe you—I mean. I…” I turned, not making it a few steps before large hands spun me, staying positioned at my lower back. He threw his hands up at my shock, slowly reaching back for my biceps. At my retreat, his face hardened.

“I shouldn’t have been so blunt. I see how hard it is for you. I understand.”