“You’re J? You’re…”

“Jase. Jase Colter.”

He said his name as if I were supposed to know it. As if that information told me everything. My head shook, and I still couldn’t stop staring.

“Where are you taking me? To the police station?”

“No. They can’t keep you safe like I can. I’m taking you home. Until I figure out what’s going on, you’re staying with me.”

Chapter 13


I knew that look. That trapped, on the verge of an episode, panicked expression. Kody had had it quite a few times during her breakdowns. It wasn’t any different now. She may have somewhat known me, but she didn’t trust me. Not like she should for the possessiveness I used in my tone. I wasn’t offering her a place to stay. The fact was, I wasn’t giving her a choice, and she knew that.

“If we call the police—”

“I already did. I can bet they’re at your apartment now. Thing is, you’re not safe there. Not even with them present. If they want to talk to you, they can come to my house.”

She shook her head, the defiance obvious.

“Are you listening to yourself? They can’t know we know each other. What about David? They’ll put it together. You have to drop me off. If not there, somewhere close. I can go in and pretend I don’t know who the call came from. I’ll play stupid and let them take their report.”

She did have a point.




I gripped the steering wheel tighter as I turned into the parking garage of my building. This was on me. I didn’t look more into the operation David was running, or part of. Truth was, I jumped to conclusions. I believed he was working alone. My biggest mistake was assuming. Kody could have easily been found by now. They were biding their time, waiting for the police presence to fade, and had I not been watching, she’d be dead.

“Let the cops do their job. You can call the department and talk to them later. If they want to meet with you, I’ll take you to the station. How about that?”

She twisted the strap of her purse tighter before giving a nod. “Only for a few hours. We can let time pass, and then you can drop me off at Tiffany’s. I’ll be safe there.”

“No you won’t. If he found you, he found her. She’s safer without you there. He’ll be watching, waiting for you to show up. Think about it, Kody. You have to be here. I want you here. You’re better with me.”

For her to argue was pointless. I was right, and she knew it. If someone was trying to find her, she’d lead them right to her friend.

“I need to call Tiffany. You threw out my phone. Can I let her know what’s going on?”

“Absolutely. I’ll let you use mine for now; it’s safe. Let’s just get upstairs first so I can see what’s happening.”

Hesitation. “Alright.”

I opened the door, walking around to meet her as she shut hers. My eyes scanned every shadow as we headed for the elevator. It was automatic and built in from my past. I couldn’t help who I was. It was all I had known for so long. It was also why I needed things like the dark web. Revenge. It ate at me nonstop.


Kody held to her purse like a vice as fearful eyes searched mine. It was clear, she wasn’t sure what to fear more: me or this person I fed her. She wanted to know if I was telling the truth. If maybe I wasn’t the one to truly fear. Oh, she was right to see all possibilities. She’d lived through real hell. She was smart, and it put me at ease when I wasn’t sure it should.

“I’m not going to hurt you; I told you that. Think about it. We’ve met a couple of times. I could have easily taken you the night I saved you. I could have pushed my way past the flimsy lock and made it into your apartment if my intentions were not good. If anyone should be weary right now, it’s me. Do you know who I am?”

Kody stared for all of a few seconds before she shook her head. The elevator doors opened, and I led her forward, pushing the button to the top floor before turning back to her.

“You don’t recognize my name or face?”