“I want to go home. I—Cops. Is the police here? Where am I? I don’t know where I am. What hospital is this? Tiffany.”

The guttural cry of her name had me reaching out for her even more desperately. I wasn’t just afraid; I was terrified. This was all too fast, too soon. How long had I been here? How many times had I woken up in the hospital? A few, but not for maybe a few minutes at a time.

“It’s okay, honey. I’m here. Look at me. I’m here.”

“Ms. Marshall. Kody. Do you feel the medicine kicking in? Do you feel the calm I was talking about?”

My head turned to the doctor and nurse while my breaths slowed from the panicked state. Both were now reaching out touching me, listening to my heart, checking my broken hand and refastening the gauze on my arm. Everything was slowing, and I was getting heavy.

“That’s better. Yes?”


My voice sounded far away. Time. It stretched out as the two continued to talk and work. When one disappeared, it was as though I blinked, and she’d returned. “Kody, I need you to listen to me. Your blanket and gown are soiled. You threw up on yourself. We need to change you. I have clean ones here.” The doctor lifted the folded, blue material, taking a step to the bed.

“The cops, are they here? Can he find me?”

The doctor got on one side as the nurse came to the other. The blankets were pulled down giving me a view of my bandaged thighs. Both began to unsnap the fastenings at my shoulders, continuing to talk as they worked to get me clean.

“There’s an officer just outside your door. You’re safe now.”

“You’re sure? He’s not going to leave?”

“No. He’s not allowed to.”

The weight of a million worlds took over my limbs. My lids grew even heavier, and all I wanted to do was forget everything. I didn’t want to feel this terror anymore. I didn’t want to keep getting the flares of pain.

“There we go.” The doctor adjusted the new gown while the nurse took away the soiled linens. The new blanket was pulled up and Dr. Landers checked me again, lifting the top half of her body back to stand when she finished. “You should feel better now. Close your eyes and sleep. Everything’s going to be okay.”

But she didn’t know that, and neither did I.




“I’m afraid episodes like the one she had earlier are common in people who’ve experienced traumatic situations. It’s going to take time. With help and friends like you by her side, she should make a full recovery.”


Light. Bright light. Spotlight? Was I back on the table?

“Kody…Kody…It’s going to be okay now. No one will ever hurt you again. I promise. I’m going to keep you safe. Kody, look at me.”


The deep voice vanished as my eyes flew open. I wasn’t outside the store anymore. Tiffany was standing at the side of my bed, her purse hanging from her shoulder. She was still wearing the same white dress with red and blue flowers. Was it the same day?

“Kody, honey, I have to go. Visiting hours are over. You’ve been asleep for quite a while. I’ll be back first thing in the morning. Is there anything you want me to bring you?”

“I…” Clearing my throat, I shook my head. “I don’t know. Clothes, maybe?”

“You got it. I’ll bring your favorite, muffins and coffee. How does that sound?”

Memories…They played again, blinding me as David bumped into me as I left Joe’s. I’d been getting coffee when I first saw him. That had been the day he took me. I wouldn’t have even remembered had he not winked as he apologized. It was so out of place that it stuck with me.

“Coffee would be good. Thanks, Tiff.”