“A little, maybe, but—It’s a name. We’ve had no luck tracking it to an actual person.”

Gaige crossed his arms over his chest. “I did, months ago. How hard did you look?”

Warez glanced between us, turning back to Agent Sullivan.

“Can we talk alone?”

“I’m not going anywhere.” I stepped forward. “I gave you that name. It’s the whole basis for our investigation. Did you forget he threatened me and my friends? That he called from your number?”

Gaige’s eyebrows rose as he turned back to Warez.

“He didn’t call from my phone. Maybe my number, but not my phone. How he even managed that—”

“Goes to show who we’re dealing with.” Gaige got quiet as he took in Warez’s shifting. “Steve, what’s going on? Victus, Vitor, his men are behind the kidnapping of Rian Lockhart. I have the location of the warehouse they’re keeping him in. I already have a team assembling to go over there to take them down. What are you not telling me?”

His face turned hard as he shoved his hands in his pockets.

“The Director wants us focused on what we can prove, not what we suspect. You may have a location, but unless Vitor Voznesensky is on scene, do not bring up him or his alias. We’re not to mention either one. My hands are tied. I’ve done everything I can, but this is over my head.”

“Over your head? That son of a bitch has my brother. I don’t give a shit if he’s there or not. He had him taken. It’s his men who are responsible for this. For all of it.”

“Mr. Lockhart—”

“Don’t you fucking Mr. Lockhart me, Warez.” Rush stepped closer. “Why is the Director refusing to hear anything about this piece of shit? Is he afraid or is he paid off? I’m not stupid. I know how this shit works.”

Gaige raised his hand to try and calm Rush. “Let’s focus on one thing at a time. According to the footage we uncovered from following the GPS on the watch, he’s at the warehouse. We’ve had no calls. No demands for ransom. When they drug him in there, he was alive. The team should already be heading that way. Let’s see what we uncover once they’re in. Until then, arguing will get us nowhere. Accusations sure as hell won’t. Warez is right, though, we need proof, and that’s what the hell we’re going to do right now.”

“I’ll get it for you, but I want Rush on his way to Rian. He doesn’t need to be here for that.”

Rush handed me the laptop, waiting. I couldn’t stand the thought of staying behind, but I also knew my revenge wasn’t in that warehouse. From the mugshot Gaige showed me of Vitor, he wasn’t any of the men who took Rian inside. Maybe he was already there, or maybe he was on his way. I was about to find out.

“I can take him. Warez can stay behind with you and help with the evidence.

“Sounds good to me.” I sat down, opening my computer. At my phone digging into my hip, I shifted, pulling it from my pocket to lay on the table. The blank screen had me hitting the button.

“What the hell?”

Gaige and Rush paused at the door. Again, I pushed the button. Nothing appeared.

“Is your phone dead?”

I glanced at Rush, but it was Warez who started talking.

“That’s what I was saying. I’ve been trying to get ahold of you for a good two hours. I’d call and it would go to voicemail.”

“I was up all night. I’ve been working. I didn’t think to put it on the charger. Shit. Rush, let me see your phone.”

He pulled his from his pocket, handing it over. I immediately dialed Kody’s number. It went straight to voicemail. My fingers were already going to work as I broke into the FBI’s Wi-Fi to get into my system.


“What the fuck. No, no. This isn’t right.”

“What is it?” Rush got closer, and so did the agents.

“My system is down. I can’t get in.”

“Impossible.” Rush took his phone from me, dialing, and bringing it to his ear. As I worked to get into the building’s security, he paced. “Tiffany’s not answering either. She’s always glued to her phone. Something’s not right. We have to get back.”