“They have guns! Gun! Gun!”

“The guards can’t hear you, Tiff! This place is soundproof.”

My heart exploded as I watched Dominguez laugh and turn towards the other man outside our door. He pulled out his phone just as the elevator door opened. My head whipped from the screen to the door, and then back, as bullets began to spray the entrance area. Shots from the rooftop doorway sounded, but I couldn’t see the guard who was posted there. The other two were already down, being shot at pointblank range.

“We have to go. Tiff! We have to go!”

Her screams filled the room as shots began to ping into the front door. I clutched my phone, pulling against her arm as I led us into the closet. I raced to the back, sliding Jase’s clothes to the side, searching for the guns he’d spoken of. They had to be here, yet all I saw was a wall.

“Help me look, Tiff. Jase said there’s guns here, behind his clothes.” I pushed them around, scrambling to the shelves not two feet over. I saw nothing as loud bangs erupted from the living room.

“Kody, they’re trying to break in. Where are the guns? I don’t see anything.”

“I don’t know. I…”

I spun, looking around the space. Everything was the same. I’d never seen guns here before, but Jase wouldn’t have lied about that. I turned back to the wall, banging the side of my fist against it. Was it hollow? It sounded firm.

“Maybe the wall opens up. Look for a door or a secret passage.”

“You’re serious?”

“There has to be something. Jase said the guns were right here. I believe him. Maybe there’s a latch or—”

“Wait.” Tiffany felt along the wall. “It could be spring loaded. Push.”

My hands leveled next to Tiff’s and we threw our weight forward. At the pop, I nearly cried out. The back of the closet opened, and a light flickered on, giving view to more guns than I’d seen in my entire life. The fact that a shelf was already cleared sent my stomach twisting.

“Fuck taking guns to the living room. Get in. Let’s shut ourselves inside. I doubt they’ll be able to break in, but if they do, maybe they won’t find us in here.”

“What if they do?”

I helped her push the door back in place. “If so…” I reached for a gun, holding to it like a lifeline. “We shoot.”

Tiffany quickly reached over, grabbing a handgun almost identical to the one I held. Where I didn’t know what the hell I was doing, she had no problems ejecting the magazine to check to see if it was loaded.

“They’re ready. We should be good.” She leaned over, checking my gun. “Safety is off. Don’t pull that trigger until you have to.”

I nodded, pushing Jase’s number on my phone. Nothing happened. I jerked it back, checking the screen.

“Shit. There’s no service in here.”

“Of course there’s not. Do you think they got in? I don’t hear anything.”

“Cameras.” I jogged to the back, taking in the positions. There was the living room, the bedrooms, the kitchen…the entrance area.

“I don’t see them. Did they leave?”

“No way.” I moved in closer to the small monitor, squinting as I peered into the different rooms. A loud alarm had me shooting my feet.

“What is that?”

Tiffany’s hand grabbed my bicep as we lowered back to the screen. Swift movement in the corner of the entrance had my breath catching. It was towards the roof, almost just out of sight. The color couldn’t be mistaken.

“Fire. They’re trying to burn us out.”

The other men stormed passed the blaze, coming back to the door. He was on the phone, appearing to yell to whoever he was talking to. The other two were both huddled over the keypad, doing their best to get inside.

“Tiff, I have to go out real quick. I have to call Jase.”