He stood, and my teeth chattered through the adrenaline. I could do this. One minute at a time. Worst case scenario, one more night. I closed my eyes, trying to slow my breath. I could do this. I was stronger than the people who bid on me. Stronger than him. I’d leave here. I’d try to mentally go—


What felt like jagged spikes tore over my stomach. My eyes flew open as the second strike sliced and hooked right into my muscle. Silence wasn’t even an option anymore. Skin split with each swing of the barbed wire strands, sending me further and further from any reality that I could grasp to. My voice wasn’t even holding up with the volume leaving me. Harder, he hit, tearing through my chest like tissue paper. Each swing was faster and more impatient. Light got brighter as he leaned in, running his tongue over my bloody breast. I wasn’t even sure I was breathing anymore.

“David, surely you didn’t think I was bluffing.”

“What the fuck is this?”

“If I were you, I’d walk back to your computer.” A pause. “I said fucking walk.”

My head dropped forward as the room spun in circles. I gagged, not able to stop the vomit that left me. Had the voice been real all along? Was I even alive anymore? Maybe it was God.

I was leaving again.

I was fading.

I was gone.


Colors. They broke through in flashes of the stone floor as I blinked and tried to move my body. Where I expected to be trapped to the wall, my arm slid across the cold, dirty floor. It was enough to have me lifting my head to try to understand how I was free. Confusion registered, but footsteps approaching took it away. Angry eyes glared down causing my head to whip back to look to where my hands should have been. Guilt was immediate. Fear was consuming.

“I didn’t. I mean…”

There was no use explaining in my lethargic state. From the start, I knew it would come down to this. My bravery and pride were worthless. The monster didn’t care for my excuses. Still, I didn’t do this. I could barely move at all.

“I don’t know how. I didn’t—”

My limbs jerked in at his lunge. A pop merged with my strangled cry as my face bounced against the stone. The slap was powerful. He’d gotten not just my jaw, but a hint of my neck. It wasn’t the sting that caused me to sob. It was that suffocating tightness that clenched the muscles in my throat from the overwhelming, never-ending anxiety. I’d been off the table now for what had to have been hours. I’d tried to sleep, but it was more me passing out in random spurts than actual slumber. Even then, I’d been shackled to the wall. Had a day passed already? Was it time?

“I know you didn’t do it. I did. Stand.”

My bottom lip quivered uncontrollably as I fought for balance. To disobey would mean punishment. I couldn’t afford anymore unless it was to the death.



He slowly circled around. Shadows climbed the walls, and dirt crunched under his boots. Survival instinct secretly begged me to move. To run. If only there was a way out aside from his voice. If I could just get him to open the door.

Breath tickled my neck making me shiver as he stopped directly behind me. I could barely keep my balance. I was swaying. Rocking. I eyed the large roll of plastic that was new to the room. It was obvious what it was meant for—me.

“You want to know what I want?”

The need to cringe was there but I managed to suppress it.


His finger traced up my bare spine drawing out the one thing I had withheld. My shoulders curled in, and the repulsive shiver was automatic. “I had quite the thing going on here. For years, my business has gone smoothly. Maybe it was how I was secretly doing things under the table. Regardless, it’s been perfection, smooth, without a hitch. Then, I get you. Out of nowhere, this person takes a shit on everything I’ve worked hard for.

I wanted to turn around and face him. I didn’t. “W-What did he do?”

Large hands locked around my throat from behind, squeezing as I reached for the tight grip. My nails sunk into the flesh of his hands, tearing down, as air refused to come.

“Did you not hear? Did you miss the best fucking part of the show last night?” He gave a hard shake as tears poured from my eyes. “People bid. That’s the way it’s supposed to be. What isn’t supposed to happen is being violated. Contacted. My system is untraceable. Unbreakable. My location is impenetrable. Or it was, until him. Now, I’m exposed and fucked no matter what I do.” He leaned in whispering into my ear. “I have no choice on what to do with you. He wants your life, and he’s willing to make me filthy rich for it. No cuts with my money. No sharing.” He spun me to face him, moving in as he glared. “I’m not sure whether this is your lucky day or mine.”

Chapter 5