The robotic question was monotone as it left my mouth. I was already pushing against the arrows on Jase’s computer, flipping through the cameras so I could watch the two ride down the elevator.

She sniffled, heading over to grab a handful of tissue off the table. “Coffee would be good.”

“We have every kind you can think of.” I didn’t get two steps before Tiffany waved me back.

“I see the machine. The guys have the same one. Keep following them. I’ll make you a cup too.”

“Thank you.”

And I was thankful. I did not want to lose them while I still had the opportunity to watch. Once they left the building, they’d be gone from me. At least here, I could see what car they were taking. I already even had the garage pulled up on a smaller monitor, waiting until they entered so I could change views.

“Tiff, Jase said ‘we were prepared for this’.” I hit the button as they entered the underground garage, enlarging the area on the main monitor. “Did Rian or Rush ever mention that to you? Did they go over a plan if something were to happen?”

Her head shook. “No. We had a plan, but it was much like the one we have here. I was to stay inside their apartment. I’d be safe there. They never brought up any scenario where one of them was taken or hurt. I don’t like this. Any of it.” She brought up another tissue, blowing her nose. “How do you do it? How are you not freaking out right now?”

Jase and Rush stopped outside of a sporty, black SUV. When they climbed inside, I had to force myself to breathe.

“I am freaking out. I can’t stand that I’m about to lose contact for lord knows how long, but what can I do, Tiff? The guys need us in one piece. They need us safe and ready for anything. I’m trying my best to be prepared for that.”

Her head shook as she popped in a pod and pushed the button for the single serve coffee machine.

“You’re so much stronger than I am, Kody. You’ve always been.”

“That’s not true.”

“It is. I’ve been through some shit. I’ll admit it. But you…you have every right to be falling apart, and yet you’re the only thing keeping me together. You’re the calm. I’m the chaos.”

I forced a laugh as I watched red lights illuminate the space. Jase turned on the car and began backing up.

“It’s always been that way, Tiff. That’s why we’re best friends. We’re here for each other. We hold each other up. Who was there for me every day I was in the hospital? Who helped dress me and take care of me? Who drove all that way to see me once I was released? You made sure I was eating. You brought me dinner after work. Chaos, yes, but a beautiful one I couldn’t live without.”

Tiffany smiled, making her own cup. She walked over with our coffee just as the SUV headed down the long stretch. We watched together, silent and terrified as it headed up and disappeared from sight. For a long moment we didn’t speak. All we could do was stare. Neither of us had the skills to tap into traffic cams or cell phones. We were in the dark, and we were going to have to find a way to deal with it.

“You don’t think…I mean, do you think this could be a trap?”

“A trap?”

Tiffany shrugged, heading to the couch to sit down. She stayed on her side, glancing between me and the monitors as she continued.

“I mean, we all know how pissed this V guy was about the sites. I didn’t hear the actual conversation, but Rush and Rian talked about it a lot. V threatened us all. If you get to one, don’t you use that to your advantage? What if Rian is the trap? What if it’s meant to take them all out?”

My hand pressed against my stomach as I straightened.

“The guys are smart. Jase said they were prepared. We have to believe that.”

“This is a mob or gang or something, Kody. The man makes a living from killing people. Maybe not directly, but he oversaw the person who was going to kill you. And David wasn’t the only one. Look at all these arrests the guys are responsible for. They’ve been working with the FBI for almost a month. In that time, there’s been tons. Think about it. If the man is from Russia like his name suggests, who’s to say this isn’t global? The network he runs, it’s…untouchable. Impossible. Look at what they did to Rian. What if—”

“Stop it.” I took a drink of my coffee. “I’ve already considered the worst. It does nothing for us right now. Let’s focus on what we can control. This.” My hand waved to the monitors. “There’s not a hallway or available space we can’t explore. I say instead of worrying about the men, we start worrying about ourselves. If you are right, and this is a trap, they’re not going to stop with Jase and the twins. They’re going to come after the one person who started it all. For all we know, we’re the main targets. I don’t know about you, but I’m sick of being a prisoner within these walls. I think it’s time we start our own search.

Chapter 37


“Still there?”

Rush clicked buttons, sighing as he shifted in his seat. “Yeah. His supposed location hasn’t moved. Neither has the device. Either he took off the tracker or he’s still in that car.

I squeezed the steering wheel, pushing the SUV faster. Traffic was already picking up, and weaving in-between cars wasn’t easy with the speed I was going.