
My breath was ragged as I sat straighter. Sweat was beginning to coat my palm as Jase held on with a steady grip.

“Is it more blackmail stuff? Another video of us together?”

Jase let go of my hand, moving to the chair next to mine.

“I didn’t receive another email, no.”

“Then what is it?”

“If you knew the information I had was going to hurt you, would you still want to know?” At my mouth opening, he lifted his hand cutting me off. “You don’t ever have to hear this. I could make it disappear and for all we know, that might be the end of it. We could take that chance. We could pretend this day never happened.”

“But it did. You hit Rush. I saw him bleeding. Why would you do that? What does he know about me that made you angry? Did he say something bad about me?”

“No. Quite the opposite.”

My head reared back a little. “Opposite? So, it was good, but you hit him?”

“It’s the way he said it. Just.” He stopped, groaning as he rubbed down his face. “He discovered something about you on accident. Something that I don’t want you to know about only because it’s going to devastate you. Kody…Fucking hell. You should know. You have that right. It’s just, God I hurt for you. I’m angry for you.”

“Then let’s be angry together. What is it?”

“You’re sure you want to know?”

The question was like an anchor. It pulled down my words, drowning them before they had a chance to leave me. I took in the pain on his face. There was a silent plea buried within that gaze crying out for me to forget all of this. I couldn’t. I couldn’t run from whatever had Jase so afraid. And he was afraid for me.

“Tell me.”

“Before I say anything, I want you to know that this changes absolutely nothing. It doesn’t change how I feel about you. It doesn’t change what I think of you. Kody, you mean everything to me.”

“You’re scaring me. Just tell me. What is it?”

He got quiet, glancing around the room.

“Maybe we should go sit on the sofa, or—”

“Jase.” My head shook, and I reached up, making him face me. My heart was pounding in my chest, but after everything I had been through, I wasn’t weak. Not anywhere close. If anything, I was stronger than ever. “What happened with Rush?”

“He thought he knew you. He couldn’t remember from where. We got into it, and…he suddenly remembered. It wasn’t in person, it was online that he’d seen you. On a site, Kody. I think it was from the night you were abducted. You told me you were in and out of it. That you didn’t remember where you were taken or really much of what happened. You said you might have been drugged.”

“That’s right.”

“I need you to think back for me. When you finally woke up inside, how was it? Where were you?”

“I was on the table in front of the cameras.”

“You’re sure? You don’t remember waking up before that?”

My brows drew in as I thought back. “I don’t think so. What exactly did he see?”

“Do you remember what you were wearing when you woke up?”

“Nothing. I was on the table.” Again I stopped. “He saw that?”

“Kody, David recorded a video of you before he put you in the dungeon.”

I grew quiet. For the life of me, I couldn’t unsee that look David had given me. The one that said he had a secret. The one that made my skin crawl. And then when he’d licked the blood off my breast. Just the thought made me shiver in repulsion. “David made a video of me in his SUV? Jase, just tell me. I don’t remember anything but flashes of the ride or the table.”