“Five minutes.”

“What?” Before I could keep going, he stood, making my hands shoot up. “Fine. Three.”

“Thank you. I’ll be looking at shoes. Undergarments are in the back. Grab some of those too. Unless you prefer me—”

“Undergarments I can do.”

Jase winked, sending heat covering my face. I wasn’t cut out for letting people take care of me. Tiff couldn’t even pay for my lunch without it driving me crazy. How was I going to pick three outfits knowing I’d have to go back to Jase’s and order more? He wouldn’t let me use my money. I’d already tried to convince him. He probably knew I didn’t have enough to pay, even if I wanted to.

Heading back to the dressing room, I hung up the clothes, putting back on my dress and cardigan. There was another loose-fitting dress I’d tried on before the jeans, along with a romper that had a good flow. I took the three outfits, pausing for the handle as my new phone rang from my purse. I opened the door, trying my best not to dive for it.


My gaze went towards the shoes, narrowing at the empty section. I dug out my phone, taking in the name on the front: Tiff.

“Before you answer that...”

I jumped, spinning. “I need to talk to her. I need to see if she’s okay.”

“You can, hold on. You need a story.” He took the outfits I carried, pointing towards the panties and bras.

“What do you want me to tell her?”

“It’s not what I want you to tell her, it’s what I don’t want you to. My name doesn’t come out yet. I know she’s your friend, but even the smallest slip could be disastrous. Just let her know you’re safe.”


He let go, and I glanced back as I dialed and headed towards the panties and bras. I barely paid attention to what I was grabbing as her phone repeatedly rang. Just as I expected voicemail to kick on, she came through.

“There you are. I was worried when you didn’t answer. How are you? Talk to me.”

“I’m fine. Where are you? How are things?”

“It’s all good. I got off work a little early. Ray and I are catching an early dinner, and then heading back to his house. Have you heard anything? Any idea when I can go home? I wouldn’t say their place is the cleanest. You know how I am, girl. I like my own space too.”

“I know.” I turned, looking over my shoulder. “Maybe give it another day or two to be safe. I’ll let you know if I hear anything. I’m a little busy right now, but I’ll call you back later.”

“Wait.” Tiffany’s voice lowered. “Are you sure you’re okay? Can you tell me anything about where you are or who you’re with? I need something, Kody. I need to know you’re safe. I need to see that you’re okay. Can you send me a picture? Anything?”

My head lowered through the worry in her tone.

“I’m sorry. I’m not sure I can do that yet. These people…they’re scary. I’ll send you something soon. Let me check with my friend.”

“I need something by tonight. Anything to prove you’re okay.”

“Give me a little time, Tiff. I promise, I’m in the best hands. I’ll call back soon. I love you.”

I hung up, hating the fear I’d heard in her voice. Before I ended up going against my better judgement, I headed to Jase.

“I have to send a picture when we get back. Tiff is worried. She wants proof I’m okay. She deserves that. This is scaring the crap out of her, and I don’t blame her. Look at me. This entire situation is horseshit. I can’t stand it.”

“Are you done shopping?”


Jase grabbed the wadded panties from my fist, lifting a pair of mesh thongs. My lips parted in surprise, taking in the similar styles I’d grabbed during the conversation.

“Cute. Not what I would have expected, but I think I like them.”