“Hold on.” He cursed. “What the hell?”

“What is it?”

“I don’t know. There’s someone in your place.”


A pause. “You see that department store you’re coming up on? Go into it.”

“J, what’s happening?”

“I don’t know. Whatever it is, it doesn’t look good.”

My steps were fast as I headed for the door, pushing to go inside. The shop was a small boutique, specializing in clothes I couldn’t begin to afford.

“What does the person look like? Maybe it’s the manager or maintenance man.”

“I don’t think so. This person is going through your stuff. I’m running facial recognition now. It might take a while though.”

Heat radiated from my skin as sweat broke out across my chest. Fear had me moving closer to the counter, but towards the wall. David was dead. He was dead. So, who was this coming after me?

“This is going to take too long. Fuck.”


“Stay where you are. I have the police headed to your apartment now. Fuck. God dammit.”


“He read something on your desk. He’s leaving, and fast. Kody, you’re not safe. Something’s not right.”

I lowered my voice, walking closer to the door. “The address and my appointment were written down there. I thought you said David was dead. Who else could it be?”

“David is dead. He obviously didn’t work alone. That’s my mistake. I’m sorry, Kody. I don’t see how I have any other choice.”

“About what?”

“Don’t move. Don’t talk to anyone. When you see a black car pull up and the window roll down, run out and get in.”

The line went dead before I could so much as say a word. I stared at my phone like a ghost, afraid to put it away. What if the man found me? What if he had skills like J? Hadn’t he made it into my apartment? Hadn’t he found out where I lived? I didn’t like this. I couldn’t go home, but I sure as hell shouldn’t get into some black car either. Would it even be J? He said he’d send me a driver earlier. A driver. Not himself, but another stranger.

“Ma’am, can I help you with something?”

I jumped at the voice, shaking my head as I pretended to look at a shirt.

One minute.


I kept my eyes trained at the large glass windows as I tried to decide whether to wait or run. People who broke the rules always paid for it. They caused more trouble than it was worth. What if trying to be good, I did the same thing? What if the man who broke in found me first? What if he put a bullet through my brain before I could react? I didn’t know what he looked like. It could be anyone: young, old, dark hair, light.

I was nearly hyperventilating as I rushed towards the door. The police. That’s where I should go. Would I make it there in time?

The sounds of the city disappeared as my pulse pounded in my ears. There were so many people out, walking into different stores. Black pants and a black leather jacket caught my attention, but not as much as the gloves he wore. They were all I saw, and with them, my body nearly locked up from the engulfing fear. I only made it two steps outside the door before a honk had my head whipping over. Black car. The expensive coupe sped up, the window rolling down as it came to a stop. I glanced back over, seeing the blonde-haired man look right at me.

“Kody! Get in!”

No more thoughts after the voice. No hesitation. I didn’t even look back to see if the man was affected by my sudden sprint. I pulled open the door, sliding in, and…freezing. Brown eyes locked right on mine. Brown eyes I’d seen before. He tore my phone from my grasp, throwing it out the window. The car took off, but I couldn’t move. I couldn’t break my gaze to the handsome profile of his face. I knew this man. Not just as the delivery person who’d come to my house, but from somewhere else. From…the hospital?