
Nodding, I curled in tighter.

“Are you afraid, Kody?”

“Of you?” I paused. “Yes. A little. You saved me, but I don’t know you. Why did you save me?”

“Why? You have to ask?”

I reached over, grabbing the throw blanket from the back of my couch. “He said you found me. That you were buying me to kill me. Do you do that? Do you kill women?”

“No. It was the only way I could get him to bring you to me.”

“But you were watching the show. Why?”


“Do you like to watch people being tortured?”


My lips pursed, not sure how to take his lack of response.

“Are you a bad person?”

“I guess it would depend on your definition of bad.”

I let out a sigh. “I’m tired. Too tired for anything other than blunt honesty. Just tell me what I’m dealing with so I can go to bed.”

“You’ve done nothing but sleep since I dropped you off. You need to be up. You need to move around and eat something.”

He was right, but I couldn’t get past the need to bury myself under the covers and disappear. To forget. The pain was coming back, and I didn’t want to feel.

“Then answer. Do you watch people being tortured? Do you frequent shows like that?”

A deep breath left him. “You’re the only one I’ve ever watched. I didn’t even think it was real at first. People put on all kinds of shows to make money. If I wouldn’t have seen your tattoo, I might not have even had my suspicions. I recognized it which triggered me to look deeper into the situation.”

“How did you know about my tattoo?”

“They showed it on the news.”

I cringed.

“It was beach footage they showed first. You had your back to the camera, and you were looking over your shoulder. Then one of you at what looked like a work party.”

“I guess I should be thankful, even though I really didn’t want anyone to see me like that.”

“It saved your life.”

“Did it?” My lids closed. “I’m sorry. I’m glad you helped me. I am. I just…I’m so tired.”

Thoughts were getting hard to process. The ones coming were definitely not ones I wanted to remember or think about. I pulled the throw tighter around my shoulders.

“Kody, I know you want to go to bed, but I need you to stay awake. Tell me about yourself.”

“You want to know about me?”

“Yes. Is there a reason your digital footprint is so small?”