“The door was open when the authorities arrived.”

My hand reached out, but there was nothing for me to hold to. Kody was gone. They had her. They had her, Tiffany, and Rian, and I was standing here helping none of them.

“Jase.” Gaige grabbed my arm, but I jerked it back, turning in a circle as I tried to think. “Jase, come upstairs. Let’s take a look around. Your work is there, yes? There has to be something you can do.”

Look around. Yes. I had to see how they got in. I had to know where I’d failed, once again. I calmed, taking in the agents in front of me. The law. The obstacles. The men I needed to lose so I could finish this once and for all.

“I need my phone. I…have to call Rush.” I backstepped, spinning for my SUV. Gaige was still talking to Richards as I pushed in Rush’s number.

“Do you have them? What’s going on?”

“They’re gone.” I squeezed into the leather of my seat. “The door was wide open when the police arrived. He’s got them. We need to ditch these fucking feds and get to work. Have you made it to Rian?”

They’re clearing the place now. We’re almost there.”

“I’m going upstairs. We have Vitor’s real name. I’m getting to work. Call me the moment you’re headed over. I’ll be ready. We end this tonight.”

“Agreed. Talk to you soon.”

Chapter 40


I wasn’t sure if it was the silence or the lack of water that was starting to drive me crazy. The panic attacks were back, squeezing around my neck, and not being able to swallow was making it worse. Hunger I could live with, but this…this was driving me to limits I wasn’t sure I could deal with.

“It’s been hours since we heard any banging, Kody. Surely they’re still not out there.”

“What if they are? What if someone stayed behind to make sure we didn’t come out? We can’t risk it.”

Tiffany got quiet as she lay on the floor, dozing off and on, while I walked the length of the room. I never had a problem with small spaces. That was before today. The walls kept feeling like they were closing in. They were suffocating me just like the lack of water was. But I didn’t stop. I kept going, and walking, and breathing, and praying.

“I have to go to the restroom so bad. How much longer? We have to go out at some point.”


“I can’t do this anymore.” She sat up, breaking down completely. “We’re safe now. Think about it. The fire alarm stopped. The noises and voices have all gone away. No one is here. Please. I can’t hold it much longer.”

“You will hold it, or you’ll piss yourself,” I snapped. “Either way, we’re not leaving this room. Do you think I had a choice where to go when I was chained to the floor in a dungeon? Or when I was so terrified and in pain that my body didn’t give me a choice? We’re alive and safe, Tiffany. That is all I care about. If you have to go, go. You’re not going to gross me out. Not after everything I’ve lived through.”

The sobs grew louder, and I put down my gun, crouching to her side.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be so cruel. I have to go too, and I’m so thirsty I can’t breathe. I’m worried about the guys. It’s been so long. I’m just…freaking out, okay. Do you forgive me?”

Tiffany threw her arms around me, crying even harder. I tried to hold in my own tears, but one slipped free, falling into her hair as I tightened my hold.

“I’ll try to go back to sleep. It’s better when I’m not awake.”

“That’s a good idea.” I helped ease her down. “Maybe when you wake up, we can get out of here.”

Tiffany curled more into herself as I stood again. Minutes passed. Longer. When light snores filled the space, I was content to stop walking completely. My lids closed as I stood still, placing my palm against the door. I tried to feel any sensations. Any talking or moving around. I felt nothing. I heard nothing. Not that I heard much before. Even with all the commotion I assumed was going on when the bad men got in, it was always more of a feeling than actual noise. A small vibrational thud here. A hum of voices there. It was never any words or distinct sounds. This room was damn near as soundproof as the house.

I turned, looking back at Tiff before easing more pressure into the wall. If I could listen real quick. If I could be swift and silent without fear of Tiffany getting hurt, maybe it would be okay. If I opened the door and heard something, I could shut it again. Or even if they found me outside of the room, they wouldn’t find her. I could be stealthy. I could be as quiet as a mouse.

Reaching for the gun and phone, I pushed harder. And harder. The snores stayed steady as I threw my weight forward and felt the door inch open.


I held my breath, stepping onto carpet. A little more. Another step.