They sat back at their booth. Brandon and Paul were nowhere to be seen. Evelyn thanked her lucky stars and downed her first apple martini. Closing her eyes, she basked in the flavor of her favorite drink.

“We should go to the hot tub. It’s perfect weather, plus I bet we can get really naughty with whoever we decide to take,” Melissa said, looking around the crowded bar.

“Sorry, everyone, but I have a bet and I fully intend not to take him anywhere near the resort.” Evelyn searched through the groups of people for Paul. So what if he knew Brandon. A bet was a bet. Bill would just have to wait until tomorrow.

“He’s definitely scrumptious,” Julie said, downing her drink.

The laughter floated around the table as hot guys walked past. Before they knew it, everyone had a bet placed for tonight. Evelyn had to have been on her fourth apple martini when Paul and Brandon showed back up. She was laughing so hard that she almost didn’t notice. It had to have been the laughing, or the fact that she was completely bombed. Drinking wasn’t something Evelyn was very good at.

“How about a dance,” Paul asked, reaching for her hand.

Evelyn stood, still steady enough to hide how drunk she was, and laced her fingers through his. The warmth emanating from Paul had diminished considerably since the last time her hand was in his. They walked to the dance floor, and Evelyn, picking right up on the rhythm of the music, swayed her hips to the hypnotic sound.

The feel of Paul’s firm body against the softness of hers had Evelyn closing her eyes, but all she could imagine was Brandon against her. Thick arms enfolded her stomach and brought her closer against him. His hard cock pressed against her lower back, and she felt the length grow with every sway of her hips.

“Let’s leave, just you and me,” Paul breathed against her ear.

Evelyn turned, not breaking the rhythm of her hips. Smiling, she wrapped her arms around his neck and drew him closer. Paul leaned down, bringing his arm tightly around her back and pulling her against him as he bent to whisper in her ear.

“I want you. I want to taste every inch of your body. Leave with me.”

Evelyn bit her lip, feeling her body tighten in response to his words. “Maybe I will. We’ll have to see. I’m not done yet with my friends. I plan to stay and get drunker still, and then if you still want to leave, we’ll leave.”

Paul crushed his lips to hers, engulfing her mouth with the taste of peppermint the moment his tongue slid inside. She moaned at his taste and tightened her arms around his neck. Brandon flashed behind her closed lids and she nearly gasped at the unexpected vision. At the realization of what she was doing so plainly on the dance floor, she jerked back.

“Come, let’s go and sit with our friends,” she said, tugging him to leave. He groaned, bringing her back against him.

“All right, we’ll do drinks and have fun, but then I will taste you.” Shivers raced down her body at his words.

* * * *

Brandon sat at the booth watching his friend and Evelyn. The smile that radiated off her face, followed by that kiss, had him clutching his fists together.

Paul wasn’t someone he wanted around her. Yes, he was his friend, but Brandon had a job to do, and Evelyn was his job. He had been asked by a very good friend of his to take care of her. Not to hurt her physically, but more, emotionally.

It seemed that she took her bets very seriously, and when his friend wanted to see her again, she denied him. Taylor was never denied, and for some reason, he couldn’t hypnotize her, which alone had intrigued Brandon. What human could not be swayed by a vampire’s gaze? It was unheard of. The second time should have been easier.

From the flashes he had gathered the moment Evelyn had looked into his eyes, he knew that she harbored a deep hurt. His job was going to be easier than he thought.

Multiple scenes played in his head of her crying on several occasions. One in particular was of her in a wedding dress, sitting in what looked to be a bedroom. She had been clutching a bottle of liquor, burning pictures in a trash can that could have burnt the house down.

Hurt like she had been through was something Brandon never wanted her to feel again, but he had to focus on his job, and his job was to do exactly that. Paul didn’t, of course, know what she had been through or what Brandon had been asked to do. He didn’t have the same gift as Brandon, so he’d never know what was going on.

As they approached, Evelyn was swaying a little against Paul’s side. Brandon stood from her former seat at the booth. It was time. Paul looked at him, knew he was thinking something, and gave him a look of curiosity and confusion. Brandon would have to explain things later.

* * * *

Evelyn sat down, looked at her phone, and noticed how late it was getting. Paul wanted her to leave with him tonight. He was gorgeous, but something told her not to do it, for the first time, to reject a bet and go home. Should she? Why was she suddenly confused? Not two minutes ago, she was kissing him on the dance floor.

Everyone at the table started laughing. Looking up, Evelyn didn’t see anything that was funny. She finished off the apple martini that had been waiting for her and decided for once to listen to the nagging inside her head.

“I should be going,” she yelled across the table toward Sarah, who was sizing up Brandon and, never breaking her stare, just nodded her head like a puppet.

“Where are you going?” Melissa asked, from next to Evelyn.

“I’m not feeling well all of a sudden. I’ll call you tomorrow. Have fun tonight, okay?”

Melissa pouted. “Do you need me to take you home? You’ve had a lot to drink. I don’t think it would be safe for you to drive.”