“Ev, there’s someone I want you to meet,” Julie said, pulling Evelyn a few feet away. “Paul, this is Evelyn.”

She gestured with her hand to a large, toned blond. The moment Evelyn looked into his eyes she gasped. They were the same golden color as the man who was staying two doors down.

For a color so odd, seeing two different people with the same uniqueness in the same day was a little shocking, to say the least.

“Ev, this is Paul,” she said, raising her eyebrows.

The movement caught Evelyn’s attention, and she watched as Julie’s finger rose to her and in slow motion pointed toward Paul. It was their initial signal.

A wicked grin crossed Evelyn’s face. This was what she needed to get her mind off the growing anxieties. Seductively, she looked back toward Paul and put on her most dazzling smile. Well, if she couldn’t have one of them with golden eyes, she might as well have the other. Paul was safe. The stranger wasn’t. At least Paul wasn’t staying practically next door. And, as attractive as he was, he didn’t have that weird pull to her.

“It’s nice to meet you, Paul.”

Evelyn shook his hand while he smiled back down at her. His hand was warm to the touch, almost too warm. It reminded her of the stranger next door. Heat rushed through her at just the thought of him. What was so special about him that her mind couldn’t push him out no matter how hard she tried?

Paul held her hand for a few seconds longer than etiquette required, which was all right with her, but he broke the connection as soon as her mind acknowledged the thought. She took a step back, right into a brick wall. The abruptness of the stop had her spinning around and looking right into another pair of golden eyes.

“Paul, I see you’ve met my neighbor. This is the one I was telling you about earlier.” “Evelyn’s your neighbor, really?” Paul asked, raising his eyebrows, as if they shared a secret she didn’t know about.

This wasn’t happening. She looked back and forth between the two men, so different, yet so alike. By the color of their eyes and their build, they could have passed for relatives. Both of them had to be at least a few inches over six feet. But somehow, she didn’t think they were related.

“Yes, she really is,” he said, cutting his eyes toward Paul. “So, Evelyn is it? Since we were never properly introduced, I’m Brandon,” her stranger said, grinning.

He held out his hand and Evelyn paused in taking it. Against her better judgment, she placed her hand into his and squeezed it a bit harder than she probably should have. His laugh had more than one head turning. The sound caused her body to react. Damn it!

All of the girls looked over, and their eyes froze on Brandon. Evelyn silently laughed to herself. This stranger was becoming a quick pain in her ass. An idea popped into her head. She could bet one of the girls to take care of him. Maybe then he would get off her back.

Evelyn raised her finger and stopped. For the life of her, she couldn’t point to anyone in particular, and she wasn’t sure why. Perplexed, her brain couldn’t interpret what to do.

Evelyn felt puzzled. Her lips parted while she looked toward the girls. They were just as confounded as she was. What in the hell was wrong with her? Still, she was standing there with her finger pointing halfway in the air.

“Will you gentlemen please excuse us ladies? We’ll be back shortly.”

Melissa’s voice penetrated through Evelyn’s stupor, but she still remained frozen. Hands grabbed both sides of her arms. Hazy, she could feel herself moving, yet it felt more like she was floating across the room.

The door flung open, thanks to Sarah’s frantic shove. “All right, what in the hell is going on with you, Evelyn? You’ve been acting weird all day.” Agitated, she flung her blond hair over her shoulder.

“Are you not feeling well,” Melissa asked, rubbing Evelyn’s arm.

Relief filled Evelyn at Julie’s silence. From their conversation on the phone earlier, Evelyn had no doubt she knew exactly what was going on. “I’m fine. Just surprised, that’s all. I wasn’t expecting to see my new neighbor here.”

“You mean that hunk is your neighbor? Holy shit! You lucky bitch. No wonder you changed your mind about placing a bet. You’ve decided you want him yourself. I don’t blame you at all,” Sarah said, fixing her hair in front of the mirror.

“No, you’ve got it all wrong. You see, he’s more of a nuisance than anything. He set up a date for us at seven tomorrow, even though I told him no. He doesn’t give up. I’ve made it as clear as I possibly can. If any of you are interested, have at it.”

Even as she said the words, Evelyn’s throat threatened to close. Whatever was happening to her, it had to stop, soon. She didn’t even know this guy. There was no reason for her body or mind to be betraying her like this. He was good-looking, so what. So were all the guys she bet on.

“If you say he’s free, then I’m all over him.” Sarah looked over and smiled at her.

Evelyn tried to give her the most genuine smile she could but failed horribly. It felt more pained than anything.

“Ev, are you sure you’re all right?” Melissa asked, concerned. “I’m fine, really. Say, don’t you ladies owe me some drinks?”

Cheers echoed off the restroom walls, and a real smile started to appear. No more self- pity. Evelyn had had a plan when she came here, and that was to have a good time. It was time she stuck with it.

“That’s my girl,” Julie said, pulling her out of the restroom.

Chapter 5