“Then I’m happy for you. So…what are you still doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be getting ready or something?” Julie teased.

Evelyn stood, tying her see-through skirt around her waist. Whatever it was called, a wrap, a skirt, it was cute. The dark blue material matched her sparkling blue bikini and fit perfectly around her hips.

“I will see you all Monday for lunch. You’ll hear every juicy detail imaginable. Of course, if I show up tonight I expect for you all to baby me and pledge your undying love as my friends.

“You can tell me how the perfect man will someday sweep me off my feet and I will tell you all that I already met them. It will be an endless cycle of who’s right and who’s wrong.”

“Oh, get out here and go get your Prince Charmings. Ugh, I think I’m going to be sick.” Sarah downed the rest of her beer.

Evelyn waved and laughed. Her friends might have been confident that she’d be able to snag two guys for the price of one, but she wasn’t so sure. Stephen was very possessive, and her ultimatum would not be just him and her, happily ever after. Brandon would have to be part of the package, unless of course he didn’t want to be. But she’d seen the way he looked at and reacted to her. He would want this, wouldn’t he?

Thoughts raced through Evelyn’s mind as she weaved in and out of the bumper-to- bumper cars and trucks driving down the sandy strip. A few guys yelled at her, but she ignored them. For the first time, Evelyn wasn’t interested in any other guy who wasn’t Stephen or Brandon.

What if both of them made her choose one or the other? This could completely backfire. Damn it! Evelyn couldn’t quit shaking as she walked across the wooden boardwalk that led to the resort.

Couples and children passed her, headed toward the beach. She smiled watching how excited the tourists were. They looked at this place as a vacation, paradise. To Evelyn, this was home.

Getting to the stairs that led to her apartment had been one obstacle after another. The crowd was so thick that she had to wedge between people at times. It was a nonstop party, one that she used to enjoy. And to think, just months ago, she had been planning to have the time of her life during spring break. Now, she really was. This was it, her future.

Brandon and Stephen were not on the porch like she’d expected. Taken aback, she stared down to the large multi-leveled pool area. There was no way she’d spot them with so many people down there.

Turning back toward her door, she unlocked it and walked inside. The exposure to the direct sunlight was causing heat to expel off her skin like a damn heating pad. She was going to be so sunburned, even with the SPF-30 she had practically bathed in. Of course, that was hours ago.

Taking off her top, she walked toward her room. After she picked out what she wanted to wear for tonight, she’d take a shower and start preparing. Excitement and nervousness caused her to bite her lip.

Evelyn froze as soon as she entered her bedroom. Brandon was lying in her bed, his chest completely exposed. The comforter hugged aground the lower part of his sculptured stomach. Just seeing him in her bed caused her pulse to quicken.

“Now that is a lovely sight to see,” Brandon said, smiling at her topless form.

“How did you…” Evelyn pointed toward the front door. It had been locked. She felt how the knob wouldn’t turn when she slid the key in the lock.

“A vampire has its ways.” Brandon flashed her a charming smile.

“Don’t take credit for something you didn’t do,” Stephen said, walking out of her closet. He was holding the same sexy lingerie Evelyn had considered wearing that night, a red silk corset with silk stockings.

Her jaw fell a little more at his half-nude body. Stephen was only wearing a pair of boxers. Her heart escalated even further at the sight of his wide chest. God, how she missed seeing him without clothing. He was downright breathtaking. The need to touch him, to smell him, brought her a step closer.

“What are you both doing here?” Her words barely came out. This was supposed to be her plan, yet they seemed to have come up with one of their own. Seeing them so relaxed, lying in her bed and going through her things, was a bit disorienting, but right.

“Well, you see, we’ve decided we’re not going to let you go. As much as Stephen loves you, he knows how I feel about you, and you about me. He respects that. It took me awhile to convince him it was for the best, but he’s agreed.”

Evelyn looked back to Stephen, whose eyes were practically smoldering while he studied her body. “You’ve agreed to that? You’d let me have both you and Brandon?”

Stephen placed the lingerie on top of the dresser. “I would do anything for you, Evelyn. Plus, Brandon’s cool in my book. He’s done a lot for both of us. Ayden and I had a talk, too. He really likes you. He mentioned how you’re always over there with Nicole. You all watch movies like we used to do.”

“Yes,” Evelyn said, smiling. “I missed us being together.”

Stephen walked toward her and stopped an inch from her face. “I love you, Evelyn.

Please say you’ll think about this arrangement. I can’t lose you aga—”

Evelyn cut him off by crushing her lips to his. The moment she tasted him, a feeling of completeness surged through her. This was the way they were meant to be, always. It had been years since she had tasted him, yet he tasted exactly the same, familiar…like home.

“Oh God, Evelyn. You mean it? Do you truly forgive me for what I’ve done?” Stephen whispered against her lips.

“Yes, please don’t stop kissing me,” Evelyn begged. “Don’t ever stop again.”

Chapter 18