Evelyn didn’t answer; she just stepped up into Melissa’s truck and stared out of the window while letting the words sink in. At hearing the loud exhaust, Evelyn drifted into her thoughts even more, letting the sound of the soft music flow through her.
The darkness helped her focus on the plaguing problems. Why were Stephen and Brandon hanging around each other? Stephen had other friends, didn’t he? He always had before when they were together. They used to joke and call themselves “the pack” because there were so many of them. What had happened? Had helping her out of the car that day brought them together? Or did Stephen truly not have anyone else left?
The pack… Why was that so familiar? Damn it, there was something to that statement that bothered her, just like with the damn soap she used. It had a pulling sensation on her mind, as if she should remember something about it. Fuck, this feeling was getting annoying.
Before Evelyn knew it, she was so consumed with trying to remember her lost memories that Melissa had to call her name twice to let her know they were there.
“Are you feeling all right? It’s like you’re in another world lately. Where’s the fun, crazy Evelyn I know?”
“She’s here, no worries.” Evelyn climbed out of the truck.
The bar was packed like always. The girls weaved through people and made it to their booth, where Sarah and Julie were already waiting. Everyone was wearing black but Evelyn. They all noticed at the same time and laughed.
“Well, we’re not going to lose Evelyn in a crowd tonight. That dress is amazing. Where in the world did you get it?” Sarah asked, scooting over for her to sit down.
“You seriously have to ask? Where do I buy all my clothes?”
Sarah nodded and pushed over Evelyn’s drink. “I had the liberty of already ordering.
Second round is on you. Drink up, woman. We’re going to get you loosened up in no time.”
Looking down into the drink, Evelyn felt her stomach flip. “No one besides the two of you has been by my drink, right?”
“Of course not. Why?” Sarah asked, confused.
“I think someone slipped something in my martini the last time we were out. I have pieces missing from the whole weekend it seems.”
“Shut up, you’re shitting me,” Julie said, leaning forward, her blue eyes round with fear. “I’m dead serious. I only remember pieces of Brandon and me fucking. He thought I was
just drunk but seriously, it’s really freaking me out.”
“That is so scary. Everyone watch each other’s drinks tonight,” Sarah said seriously.
They peered into their glasses, shrugged, and drank their martinis like they were shots. In one gulp, the glasses were empty.
Five martinis later, Evelyn felt absolutely wonderful. Every guy who walked by was a potential target. Now who did she want to place a bet on tonight? Julie seemed eager enough.
Evelyn knew her type—anyone good-looking and in a suit would drive her crazy. It could have been that she was a lawyer and just liked the business type of man, but Evelyn had seen pictures of her ex-husband and knew he wore suits religiously. She was betting that was Julie’s link.
The bar clientele was a mix of every type of person one could think of, even though it was considered “upscale.” There were only two suits present, and Evelyn was betting neither one of those guys would cut it. Oh well, there was still the rest of the night and tomorrow. It wasn’t but a few minutes after one. No hurry.
“Well, hello, beautiful ladies,” someone with a deep voice said from beside Evelyn.
She looked over, and her smile fell a little. “Hey, Paul. I take it you’re having fun tonight?” Evelyn asked, trying her best to keep smiling. Why did this guy make her a little uneasy? He was very good-looking. Was she overreacting?
“Better, now that I’ve found you. Want to go dance?” he asked, peering down at her with Brandon’s eyes.
Looking at her friends, she saw them throw her an encouraging smile. Well, shit. “Sure, why not,” she said, standing.
The dance floor was packed. Squeezing through, Evelyn quickly found the rhythm to the music. Paul molded to her back. The heat coming off him was warm enough for her to notice. It felt comforting, something she wanted to cuddle against. His hard body seemed even more inviting. Her heart ached for Stephen and Brandon, but she knew she had to push it away.
“I take it you’re feeling better?” Paul said softly into her ear.
“Yes, I think someone put something in my drink last weekend. Pieces of my memory are missing.”
Paul stiffened from behind her. “Is that so? Pieces are gone? How…odd. He paused, but quickly continued. So, how do you like Brandon as a neighbor? He doesn’t bother you too much, does he?”
“No, he’s not a bother at all. We watch movies with another friend a lot, but he never bothers me.”