“You did what? Why in the hell didn’t you tell me this before? I could have gotten someone else to look after Sheila. Do you know what you’ve done to this girl?” Ayden growled. “Stephen, you can’t release the bond. I don’t care what you’ve heard. It’ll be there forever.”
“What do I do? I love her. I loved her from the moment I saw her, but I don’t think she loves me. She just feels what the bond wants her to feel.”
Ayden took a deep breath. “No, Stephen. If she’s as bad as you say she is, the bond is only intensifying what she feels. She loves you too, or else she wouldn’t be this bad. You have to replace the bond. Having the connection severed is only hurting her more. She needs to feel it or else this will go on and only get worse.
“I really wish you would have told me. Nicole and I were only separated a week, and it was the most agonizing time in my life. I don’t know how the both of you did it for two years.”
“I don’t either. Thanks, Ayden. I’ll figure something out.”
“There’s nothing to figure out, Stephen,” Ayden snapped. “You have two days to replace that bond or else I’ll hunt you down myself. I will not allow anyone from my pack to put an innocent person through that much pain. Two days.” Ayden hung up the phone.
Stephen looked at it, shocked. “Shit.” Overwhelmed, he stuffed it in his pocket. How in the hell was he going to get her to fall back in love with him in just two days? That was impossible.
Brandon and Evelyn walked into the living room, both holding cups of coffee. Evelyn handed him a cup made just the way he liked it. The realization that she remembered after all this time made his heart skip. He would find a way to get her back. They were meant to be together, and he wouldn’t stop until they were.
* * * *
Evelyn felt so much better now that she’d had what she considered a breakdown. Maybe if she would have had hysterics like these two years ago, instead of crying and drinking her troubles away, she would be over Stephen already. Why was that thought not very comforting to her?
The red dress Evelyn had on was perfect for tonight. She turned, examining herself in the mirror in the restroom. The dress was one of the many curve-fitting microfiber concoctions she owned. It screamed fuck me. It was perfect.
A knock on her door had her swinging her hips. She tried her best to run in the red stilettos, but gave up and settled for a fast walk. Melissa looked absolutely stunning in a black little number. Her dark red hair haloed her face in silky waves.
“Hey, you look great,” Evelyn said, collecting her red clutch.
“Not as good as you. So how are things? Sarah told me Stephen is back in the picture. I’m not sure what I think about that, but my lips are sealed,” Melissa said, pretending to zip her lips closed. “He’s outside, by the way.”
“I figured he was. He’s always sitting out there with Brandon now. I don’t know, but I don’t want to talk about it.” The thought that the stabbing pain would come rushing back scared the crap out of her.
“No problem, I understand. Just be careful,” Melissa said softly. “I will. You ready?”
Melissa opened the door and they walked out. A whistle had them turning toward Brandon’s door. The men both stood with their mouths parted.
“Wow, you look amazing,” Brandon breathed out, walking over to Evelyn. “Thanks a lot,” Melissa said jokingly. “I guess I’m chopped liver.”
“No, you look amazing too.” Brandon smiled at her charmingly, but Melissa didn’t buy it.
“Yeah, yeah, save it, Romeo. You’re not fooling anyone.” Melissa looked over at
Stephen. “Haven’t seen you in a while. How’ve you been?”
“Okay, I guess. I see your little group is going out tonight.” Stephen looked back over at Evelyn. Shyly, she looked down. Something between Brandon and her ex had happened earlier. One minute they were drinking coffee, the next, they excused themselves and rushed from her apartment. It was enough to make her head spin.
“Yes, we’re going out, and we’re going to be late. Ev, you ready?” Melissa was already heading down the stairs.
“Yeah, I’m right behind you. You boys have fun tonight. Don’t party it up too hard.”
“Who, us? No, we’re just going to sit here and drink. Should we save you one?” Brandon asked, smiling down at her.
Damn, he’s gorgeous, Evelyn thought. “No, I don’t expect to be home tonight. Thanks, though, I appreciate the offer.”
Brandon’s smile faltered. “All right, well, have fun tonight. Don’t do anything too crazy.
I don’t feel like bailing you out of jail.”
“That’s me, the crazy law breaker. All right, bye, guys.” Evelyn took one last look at Stephen, and her heart dropped. She turned quickly and headed after her friend before she did something as unbelievably stupid as throw herself at him.
Melissa was waiting for her by her car, tapping her foot. “Damn, you took forever. Why are you even going out? There are two guys up there right now ready to devour you. Did you see the way Stephen was practically drooling over himself? He still wants you.”