As quickly as she could, she tucked in her shirt and grabbed the black leather purse. Without looking back, she walked out of the room. When she slammed the door and the number fell, room number nine turned to six. Well, nine was her lucky number. It was almost like an omen slapping her in the face. Nine, he could have been yours. Now it’s six. You blew it, girl.
Pushing the button on her keypad, she unlocked her Mustang. The car itself was just a reminder of her past troubles. Evelyn wouldn’t even have this new car if it weren’t for Stephen.
The police officer she had loved from the moment she met him had broken off their engagement two weeks shy of their wedding date to run off with some woman.
Everything had been perfect before the shock of his betrayal. Since he didn’t have a vehicle besides his patrol car, they had traded in her car for a SUV. So much for starting a family. It was the biggest mistake she had ever made. When Evelyn had gotten the new car in his name, she never imagined that he would keep it after their breakup, only to give it to Sheila. Now that had been a slap in the face.
Angry from the memories, she sat down in her car and slammed the door. She shook her head, trying to clear the haunting thoughts of her past. It seemed that she would never get over the upset of her first love. The worst part was that she had no warning of what happened. How can you run off with someone you met only once? It didn’t make any sense to her.
Sadly, Evelyn gazed at the now number six hotel room. Bill had opened the blinds and was looking toward her car. She didn’t hesitate to start it. The tires squealed, mocking her anger as she hauled ass out of the parking lot, trying to escape the demons that were determined to chase her down.
“Don’t look back, Evelyn.” She whispered the words until she was out of viewing range.
With shaking hands, she grabbed the phone and dialed Melissa’s number. The echoing rings filled her hollow spirit. They sounded as empty as she felt. This might have been her game, but she wasn’t so sure how much longer she would last if she continued to play with fire. Eventually, everyone gets burned. She prayed that her turn wouldn’t come too soon.
Chapter 3
Showing the house to her clients had gone very well. It was perfect for them. Most of the time, Evelyn tried to stay away from the younger couples, for her own sanity, but they had been referred to her by a previous client, so there was no way for her to refuse.
They were so happy looking at the two-story starter home that it intensified the ache in Evelyn’s chest, making it twist even tighter. This wasn’t working. She wasn’t working. Something was seriously wrong with her. She had been avoiding the truth for far too long now, prolonging the inevitable. Even now, as she admitted it to herself, she desperately tried to push the thought away.
She didn’t need anyone besides her friends. At least Evelyn knew she could trust them. If she repeated this enough, maybe she’d start to believe it.
“Margaritaville” broke throughout the thick silence in her car and pulled her from the depressing thoughts. Thank God, Melissa was calling her back. She could bring Evelyn back to reality any day. The redhead was tougher than anyone she knew.
“Melissa, you owe me so big it’s not even funny.”
The victory in Melissa’s laugh made Evelyn smile. “I told you that you wouldn’t be able to do it.” Melissa’s cheerfulness was contagious.
“Whoa, I didn’t say I didn’t do it. I said you owe me big-time. It only took him fifteen minutes. The getting away part is why you owe me. I thought the guy was going to chain me to the bed so I wouldn’t leave. I have to admit, I felt bad for him.”
A sharp intake of breath sounded over the phone. “No fucking way you made him come that fast. I worked on him for two hours! He was like the Energizer Bunny. He kept going and going… Hold on.”
Her call for Sarah echoed throughout the real estate office. Evelyn listened while Melissa whispered to her other friend about what had happened. Sarah got on the phone.
“There’s no way. Fifteen minutes, you’re joking. Shit! Well, I got first round tonight. You better feel like drinking because we’re not stopping until it takes all three of us to carry you out.”
“That sounds better than you know. I think tonight I’ll take you up on that offer.”
Evelyn could feel her smile falling for the first time since she had gotten on the phone with them. It seemed that no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t outrun her past, but how did one truly get over something like that? Find someone new? She wasn’t sure it was worth it.
“Are you all right?” Sarah asked in a quiet voice.
“Fine. Hey, I’m pulling into my parking lot. I’ll see you all tonight. Tell Melissa not to forget to pick me up. She has the second round.”
“Will do, honey. You get some rest. You have a big night tonight.”
“Okay, bye.” Evelyn hung up the phone and looked at her resort apartment. Most people just rented these by the day or week, sometimes the month, but she was lucky enough to snag one that went on the market for a steal. Her favorite thing about the apartment was the variety of people that came along, especially during spring break.
In less than a month, this place would be packed with tourists from all over. She almost couldn’t wait. The resort had one of the largest swimming pools in the state of Texas, not to mention the beach was practically in its backyard.
Climbing out of her car, she felt a slight chill in the air. It had to be around sixty degrees, but having grown up in Texas, it was sweater weather to her. Anything under forty degrees and Evelyn had to be pried from her apartment. Nonstop teeth chattering wasn’t the most attractive thing for a real estate agent.
Her heels clicked along the pavement while she rounded the sidewalk for her stairs. On the third step up, she felt herself come to a stop. Walking down toward her was the most gorgeous guy she had ever seen. His dark hair hung over golden eyes as he approached.
His step didn’t falter, but hers sure did. Before he could notice, she dismissed him and tried to ignore her screaming body. It reacted to him upon sight, to those eyes, to those full, kissable lips. His wide, muscular chest was so visible through the white shirt he was wearing that she wanted to rip it off. Damn it, what was the matter with her? Hadn’t she just finished fucking someone not two hours ago? Trying to slow her breathing, she proceeded back up to her apartment.
The stranger pressed against the railing of the narrow stairs while he waited for Evelyn to pass. Without the courage to look up, she nearly missed his smile. If it hadn’t been for her peripheral vision, she would have never seen those perfect lips move.