Stephen just looked up from the pad of paper and looked back down, scribbling against the sheet. Evelyn wondered what in the hell he was doing. What could he possibly be writing?

“Evelyn, you could have been slipped some kind of illegal drug. I just want to talk to this guy to make sure both of your stories match up.”

Laughter floated out of Evelyn’s mouth. “Oh, Stephen, no one drugged me.” She barely got the words out. Then her laughter died. Had she been drugged? Is that why she couldn’t remember? Bill hadn’t given her anything, but had someone the night before given her something? She was missing bits and pieces of that night, too.

“Oh my God, Stephen you might be right. I can’t remember the night before either. I went out. Brandon, you were there. Was I acting weird that you remember?”

Brandon looked over at Stephen for a split-second. Evelyn was sure that she saw him whisper, but there was no way he said anything she could hear.

“Well, you did pass out right before we finished, but you were very passionate. I guess it’s possible you were on something, but I doubt it. I think you were just drunk,” Brandon said, glaring at Stephen.

“So what was Bill’s full name and where can I find him?” Stephen gave her his serious cop expression. She wanted to smile. So many times she’d seen him use that face on other people. It was odd that he was now using it on her.

Evelyn searched her mind. “I don’t know his last name. Truthfully, I didn’t think to ask.

Well, I didn’t care to, actually. His location…well, he’s on a plane, back to Houston.

“Really?” Stephen began writing down her response. “Well, what was the hotel you were staying at? I’ll get his information at the front desk.”

Evelyn once again searched her mind. She had been there plenty of times, and yet the name wouldn’t come to her. “Shit,” she said heavily. “I don’t know. I can’t remember. What is happening to me? It’s the one closest to the ferry. It’s…it’s…”

“No need, Evelyn. I know which one you’re talking about. Do you need me to get you anything?” Stephen walked to the bed and sat on the edge.

She looked into his eyes deeply, searching for the feelings that had led to her heartache the last two years. It had been there, hadn’t it? Why did she feel so light?

“I’m fine, Stephen. Remarkably so, it seems. How have you been? Good, I hope?” Evelyn grabbed his hand. Her heart leaped at the touch, but not with pain, with excitement. Had she hit her head? Why was she so happy to see him?

“All right, I guess.” He gave her a puzzled look and glanced at Brandon.

“And Sheila, how is she?” Evelyn asked, waiting for the ache to come. It didn’t.

“Last I heard she was fine. We’re no longer together. She got her own place two months


“Really? I’m sorry to hear things didn’t work out. I know how much you loved her.”

Evelyn gave his hand a squeeze trying to show her support. Hadn’t she gone through so much pain over him? Even if he had hurt her, she didn’t wish that on anyone.


Stephen’s eyes held so much emotion. She took in a long, ragged breath. At the unidentified look that covered his face, a stabbing appeared in her chest. The pain was still there. She could feel it, hidden behind something. Great, and to think she had gotten lucky. Nope, not her.

“Stephen, don’t. Everything will be okay. I promise. If you would have asked me that yesterday, I probably would have said love was the worst thing imaginable, but you’ll get over it. See, I’m fine.” Evelyn almost choked on her words. The damn stabbing punctured her chest again. She wanted to scream, Damn it, go away.

Evelyn quickly climbed off the bed and noticed that she was in her nightgown. “Who changed me?” She looked back and forth between them. Did she really want to know?

“I did. I hope you don’t mind. I wanted you to be comfortable,” Brandon said, looking down.

“Thank you, both of you, for everything. If you both don’t mind, I need to jump in the shower and get dressed. There’s something I have to do today. I’m supposed to…” Evelyn trailed off, not remembering. Everything had suddenly gone blank, like that part of her mind had been wiped clean.

“I’m supposed to…damn it! I can’t remember. Sarah should know. I’ll call her. If you two want, you can both wait in the living room. I’d love to catch up on more that I’ve missed. I just really feel like I should get clean.”

“Take your time, we’ll be here when you get out,” Stephen said, walking out of the room. He still looked upset. Evelyn’s heart sank. Oh well, she wouldn’t think about that right now. She obviously didn’t get to shower after Bill. Ugh, she felt dirty.

Brandon walked out the door, and she grabbed a pair of jeans, a T-shirt, and a clean set of matching undergarments. With the water turned as hot as she could get it, she didn’t waste any time scrubbing herself clean with her body soap.

Pink flowers on the designer bottle caught her attention and she read the words on the front. Cherry blossoms with almond extract. Something in her memory tugged. Why was it so imperative for her to remember what type of soap she used? She couldn’t quit staring at the label. Captivated, she reread it over and over.