Bill’s arm wrapped around her waist and slid up under her generous breasts. Evelyn’s nipples were desperate with wanting him to touch one, to squeeze one, anything to make the aching go away. The tingling sensation traveling from the core of her breast to the core of her stomach, attached by some woven thread of need, was almost unbearable.

Fingers edged their way between her smooth folds, working magic on her clit with every adjustment to pressure and position.

Before she could catch her breath, Evelyn’s petite body was lifted against Bill’s towering frame while he walked backward toward the bedroom. Numbly, consumed by the intense euphoria of her beckoning orgasm, she almost didn’t feel herself being seated on the small desktop.

Lips encased her nipple at the same moment two of his fingers slid inside of her. A soft cry escaped her throat at the feeling of completion those two actions caused.

Bill’s fingers began to thrust fast, which caused her back to arch. She could feel her nails digging into the wood of the desk as she tried to ground herself against the floating feeling that seemed to consume her.

Evelyn let her head fall back and felt her hair slap against the center of her back from the movement of his thumb rubbing against her clit while he pushed his fingers even faster. Over and over, he hit the perfect spot in her center, just to thrust back into her even harder the next time. Her pussy was starting to clench against him, but he pulled them out right before her orgasm could release.

Evelyn’s eyes, heavy with lust, opened to catch a glimpse of his blond locks easing between her thighs. A sighed escaped her lips while she leaned all the way back against the desk and felt the cool wood against her exposed skin.

“Evelyn, are you ready to let me taste you?”

Thickness resembling sandpaper filled her throat. “Yes.” She moaned at the feel of his tongue brushing against her clit.

Expertly, Bill moved down to trace her folds. At his slow pace, she wanted to scream, to grab those beautiful curls that framed his handsome face and bury him against her.

Desperate for more, Evelyn wiggled her hips. With slow flicks, his tongue brushed against her clit again, and this time, she did grab a fistful of hair. “Enough teasing,” she said, staring into his eyes.

A wicked smile formed on his lips, and her orgasm exploded the moment he latched onto her pussy and sucked her folds into his mouth while sliding his tongue inside of her. It was her undoing, and her hoarse screams echoed off the walls.

Evelyn twitched with spasms while he drank in every last bit of her release. The desk felt as if it were spinning counterclockwise and slowly rocking, as if she were on a boat. The combination of the two separate feelings had her sitting up shaking and lightheaded.

“Will you come back later,” Bill asked, looking up at her from his knees on the brown carpet.

It was a rule Evelyn stuck to, no matter what. She never double dipped. One man, one time, and that was it. After all, it was just a bet. One couldn’t get attached to a bet, especially one who also happened to have been involved with two of her best friends.

“I’m sorry. I can’t.”

In one quick motion, she slid off the desk. Not wanting to look up, she removed her watch and continued to her original destination, the shower. Turning on the water, she listened to it pour out, letting the sound fill her ears and drown her thoughts at the same time. She got in, noticing that Bill had followed her and now stood at the door. The look she gave him caused him to stop in his advance. Maybe it was mean of her to do, but the last thing she wanted was to give him false hope.

The distant look she gave him after such intimacy couldn’t be any more bizarre than a stranger showing up at his door and kissing him into submission. Sure, he had been a little shocked at first, but his passion had quickly taken over, and before he knew it, she had slid a condom on him and fucked him senseless.

Evelyn was a take-charge kind of girl. Most guys didn’t like that, but she had yet to find one who didn’t submit to her dominant ways. She never used to be like this. Hell, years ago she would have laughed if someone would have told her how she turned out. But bitterness and hurt took the stage the moment her world crumbled.

Bill took her away from her thoughts as he handed her a towel from the doorway. She wrapped it around her and headed in the direction of her clothes, scooping the watch off the desk on her way.

“Are you sure you can’t come back tonight?” Bill whispered from behind her.

Evelyn tensed. This was the part she disliked the most. More than anyone, she knew the need for companionship. Since her sudden breakup with her ex-fiancé, Stephen, two years ago, a part of her longed to have the convenience of a partner that she could depend on for company and friendship. But a bigger part of Evelyn was scared to get her heart broken again. That was the whole reason for the love-them-and-leave-them attitude.

“I’m sorry, Bill. I can’t.”

Evelyn slid on her black lace panties and bra and refused to look at him while she buckled the black stockings into the garters. She slid her black slacks to her waist, and she buttoned them while trying to ignore the way her fingers were shaking.

Frantically, she scanned the room, looking for her red silk blouse. For the life of her, she couldn’t find it. Evelyn’s heart started pumping hard against her chest. Panic was setting in the longer she stayed in the room. The need to escape Bill almost felt like claustrophobia. She was suffocating from his nearness.

This was starting to happen more and more often. From what started out as a nightmare at first eased over time, but with every day that went by, oh God how her heart ached.

“Stay, please.”

The red silk blouse hung down his fingers. Evelyn must have missed it when she refused to look his way. Damn it! Sarah and Melissa were going to owe her. They may only be buying drinks, but after today, she felt sure she would be drinking double. Her nerves were shot. If she hadn’t known people in this town, then she might have been tempted to leave shirtless, she was so panicked.

Focusing on staying calm, Evelyn pulled the shirt out of his fingers, refusing to make eye contact. “I said I can’t. Now I have to go.”

Knots twisted in her chest, bringing more pain. Her throat felt like it was ready to close around a lump that threatened to choke the life out of her. She wasn’t good about this part. It was so much easier to slip out while they were asleep or in the shower. Evelyn was never brave about facing them.