All thoughts vanished the moment his lips touched hers, and she could feel the bulge through his jeans press against her pussy. Wanting him closer, she wrapped her legs around his waist.
When Evelyn broke their kiss, golden eyes stared into hers. Thoughts exploded into Evelyn’s mind. What was she doing? Hadn’t she repeatedly rejected this guy? Her head swirled. Was it still the alcohol? She had felt fine in the car. The memories flooded back. Bet, right, that’s what she was doing. Fingers brushed across her face and drew her eyes to him.
“Evelyn, stop thinking so much and kiss me.”
Pushing away the doubts, she ran her tongue against his lips and felt him shudder. The ragged breath coming from above caressed her face, filled her lungs with his sweetness.
“You’re very good at seducing men, aren’t you?”
“Yes, but I’m usually not so good with taking orders. But for you, tonight I’ll make an exception.”
He pulled off his clothes, revealing a perfect, sculptured body. All Evelyn could do was stare at every inch of him, from his muscular chest, to his perfect abs, to his thick cock, which was hard and ready for her. Her pussy tightened just thinking about him entering her. She took off her dress as fast as she could, ripping it in the process.
Brandon didn’t waste any time. At his weight lying against her, she noticed that his body seemed even cooler than before. Maybe she was just really hot. Was she getting sick?
“So, you’ll do anything I tell you to?” he asked.
Brandon kissed her deeply, nearly bruising her lips. Evelyn nodded her head yes, not wanting to break away from him. He tasted so good. With the tip of her teeth, she bit the bottom of his lip and sucked it into her mouth. A groan shook her chest that vibrated all the way to the core of her stomach, making her clit pulse.
The weight of Brandon’s cock came to rest on her lower stomach. She moaned at the hardness that she couldn’t wait to feel sliding inside of her.
Chapter 7
Brandon broke his lips away from Evelyn’s and looked down at her. Something in his conscience told him not to do what he was about to do. Warmth began to form around the edges of his cold heart. The greenness of her eyes held so much pain and passion that he wasn’t sure which one was making him react the way he was. She was a job, nothing more.
“Evelyn, tell me you want me to make love to you,” he said, watching the reactions in her face.
She looked repulsed. “No, I want you to fuck me, not make love to me.”
“But you’re supposed to be playing the submissive, remember?” he said, gently laughing. Evelyn rolled her eyes, making him laugh again. Something in Brandon’s chest fluttered.
At the new sensation, he wanted to curse. This wasn’t good. He knew deep down he should stop with the love nonsense, but just thinking about fucking her without passion didn’t sit well with him.
“Tell me. Whisper for me to make love to you the way no man ever has. Let me do this for you, Evelyn. I have to do this.” Brandon wedged his fingers between their bodies and rubbed the outside of her wet folds. “Tell me how much you want me. Please, let me hear you say it.” He slid a finger deep inside Evelyn’s tight entrance.
* * * *
Evelyn moaned, staring into the golden depths of Brandon’s eyes. Everything began to swim. Just looking into his eyes, she could feel herself get sucked into them. His words were enough to make her run, but his eyes kept her rooted to the bed. Just looking into them had her wanting to say the words, had her wanting to beg him to be careful and tender. The words “making love” meant a lot to Evelyn, and it was something she hadn’t experienced since Stephen. Shaking her head, she tried to break away from his hypnotic gaze, but her eyes kept coming back to his.
“Tell me, Evelyn. You know you want to feel that again. Let me give it to you. All you have to do is ask.”
Suddenly, she felt the pull of his eyes give way, and she was able to look away and think by herself. Did she want that? Isn’t that what Julie had been talking about earlier? If she gave in, would everything get easier?
“Make love to me, Brandon. Show me what passion and pleasure are supposed to feel like.”
The words poured from her mouth, and within them, something left her body. Evelyn all of a sudden felt lighter. Brandon looked down at her amazed.
“Wow, that was easier than I thought. I was expecting you to give me a hard time. Well, if you insist, I would love to,” he said, smiling.
She watched him lower his face down to her and kiss her slowly. With his smooth, wet tongue, he explored, and he nibbled on her lips while both of his hands cradled her face. Evelyn was swept away at the sensations bursting through her. She had made it a rule not to kiss, to numb herself in case she ever was, but she wasn’t immune to this.
Brandon’s ragged breath brushed against her as he rested his forehead against hers. “Damn,” he said, engulfing her in his sweet breath.
She closed her eyes at the smell, taking it all in. What he was trying to accomplish by “making love” to her, Evelyn wasn’t sure. But he obviously had issues himself, and although this was something he had started, she was going to make sure he finished it.
Gently, Evelyn copied his actions and, cradling his face, brought his lips back down to hers. This time, he wasn’t gentle. Brandon attacked her mouth with such built-up passion that she let go of his face, wrapped her arms around his neck, and drew him closer.
“Why is it you affect me like this?” Brandon said against her lips.