Page 8 of Reign

Heat singed my lungs with every inhale and the wetness on my face was beginning to get sticky as it dried. With the tightness that accompanied the sensation, I opened my mouth repeatedly. Movement to my side had me stiffening and almost attacking. The vampire at the door froze, hissing as I continued on. The fear I had detected had my eyes narrowing for the briefest moment, but I wasn’t able to give it much thought as light from ahead caught my attention.

I knew this place, even if I couldn’t remember it. The constant déjà vu left my mind spinning and defensive walls rising. Something was off…something I couldn’t quite figure out. If it wasn’t for the tempting aura, I would have run. But I suddenly had to have it—no matter the cost.

Chapter 4


Deep gasps drew me out of a deep sleep. My pulse was racing and it was hard to breathe. My eyes flew open and I immediately reached out to Tessa’s sitting frame. Dark hair haloed around her in a mass of loose curls. From the glow of the closet light, she was paler than usual. It drove me up to her side while I reached for her.

“What’s wrong, love? What is it?”

The covers flew back as she sprung from the bed, grabbing her robe. “He’s here. Hunter is in the city.”

“What?!” The deep vibrations of my growl filled the room. I was right behind her, racing to the closet to grab my pants. Rage was all I knew. I wanted to kill him. No, I was going to kill him. The urge was undeniable. Vampire or not, he had shown me pain I’d never recover from. I’d almost lost Tessa because of him and I couldn’t forgive him for that.

“You have to get Aetas and let him know.” She raced for the door, a mass of black silk flying behind at her speed.

“Don’t you dare—”

She was already gone, leaving me trying to button my pants as I burst through the door after her.


“Get Aetas,” she yelled, from the darkness. “We don’t know what we’re dealing with.”

Fire burned into my stomach as I slowed enough to pound into his door. When I threw it open, I noticed the light was on and he was awake, reaching for his shirt.

“Tessa says Hunter is here. She went to collect him.” I didn’t tell him to hurry as I left the door open and started running again. I didn’t even want him to know. What I wanted was to get to the bastard who could very well end up trying to kill Tessa all over again.

The lights from the heart of the city shone before me and I broke into the large room just in time to see Tessa coming to a stop in front of Boyd and Hunter. Blood covered his face and he had his head slightly cocked to the side, staring at her captivated. When I saw a smile pull at the side of his mouth, I didn’t slow. I ran faster, hissing as my fangs shot down. His hand rose toward her cheek and my vision flashed red. MINE! The word repeated obsessively in my head. He paused, mid-way, jerking his attention to me, baring his own fangs as he shoved her out of the way and broke into a sprint, right for me.

“Marko, no!”

Tessa voice was but an echo, deep within the reaches of my mind. I was too far gone. Too impatient to spill his blood after everything he’d done to us.

My claws grew and I pushed from the balls of my feet diving for him, just as he did for me. The force from the invisible wall knocked the air from my lungs. I fell to the ground coughing as Tessa collapsed to her knees in pain. Her hand was still raised, but I could tell my power against her shield had taken its toll. Seeing what I’d done left my heart sinking.

“I said enough!” She was wheezing as she struggled to her feet. “No more, Marko! Our battle is not with him. Not yet.” She eyed him wearily as she came up to stand between us. Hunter still tore into the wall. Still tried to get to me.

“Very well done, Princess. I’m surprised by your resolve.”

Aetas’ voice had me turning to glare in his direction. The tone had deepened along the ending and I knew why. He was looking at me skeptically and he had every right to.

“I rule this city and I take my alliance with you very seriously,” she said, coldly. “What did you expect, for me to attack him as well?”

Aetas shrugged, but kept his attention on Hunter. “I wasn’t sure, but your loyalty will not be forgotten. As for Master Delacroix’s…” His eyes flickered back to me. “I guess I’m not surprised. He always has done his own thing. That’s the problem with your mate, Princess. He is what keeps you from taking my place. This is a good example as any for you to understand my questioning of your ability. You may do what is right, but Marko doesn’t. He cares for nothing but his own greed. This will harm you in the end. It could be the difference between being a great leader, or having your people turn against you. I don’t want to put you in that position. I’d be grooming you for your own murder if I did.”

When Tessa glanced at me but kept silent, the anger only intensified. But not at Aetas or her—at myself. The truth was like a knife in the heart, and the pain was all for her.

“Let’s get Hunter into a room. People are staring. They’ve seen enough.”

There was defeat in Tessa’s tone and I knew she understood Aetas’ point of view. She wasn’t arguing. Wasn’t fighting to try to prove him wrong anymore. Her energy was so withdrawn from me that I couldn’t read it.

“Hunter.” Tessa voice was calm but disassociated as she stepped closer to him. His eyes pulled from me and he gave her his attention. “I’m going to drop the wall between us. Do you think you can walk with me calmly to your new room?”

“Wait, before you do, let me in.” Aetas stepped closer. “He needs my blood. It will calm him and make him able to communicate. Afterward, he can stay in my room. There’s no need to separate the two of us. He can’t hurt me.”

“As you wish,” she said, slightly bowing her head. Her hand waved and Aetas stepped in close to Hunter. The newborn’s eyes studied his every move. The moment Aetas slit into his wrist, Hunter didn’t hesitate. He grabbed our leader’s arm and fed from it like a starving man. Minutes went by before he stopped and Aetas nodded to Tessa.