Page 52 of Reign

“Look at me. Look into my eyes and tell me you don’t want me.”

“I don’t want you.” She grunted. “Not here.”

A small chuckle had the hair on my arms rising. It wasn’t nice. If anything, it was full of sadistic intentions. I knew the sound all too well.

“Still not strong enough to escape my stare. You should have known better, but your temper makes you susceptible. That’s alright. You’ll learn in time. Now, we’re going to start this conversation over with. Hunter has left. Your anger is gone and you’re happy to see me. I’m holding and touching you, and you want me.” He got quiet and Tessa’s breathing got heavier. “Spread your legs wider …yes … good girl.”

A loud crack sounded and I blinked through the rage that sickened me.

“Next time you want to try to twist my mind, make sure you’re not sloppy about it. My core may be damaged, but my mind is far from weak.”

Clicking faded and the yell that followed left my forehead slamming against the marble. It hadn’t been good. Aetas had been enraged, and he was going after her. What that meant, I wasn’t sure, but I knew if Tessa kept this up, it was only going to be a matter of time before he hurt her too.

Chapter 23


“Stop right now!”

My voice carried through the City of the Dead as I yelled for Tessa. My heart was racing. Not just from her almost seeing Marko lying in the place I was supposed to, but because she’d withstood my powers and busted me. Fuck, she was getting stronger. It appeared my blood was a better match for her than Marko’s. Paired with more of her own from Hunter, she was healing and growing at a much faster pace than I had prepared for. Even during her practice, she was stronger than she knew. First breaking through my mind, then through the shield I had around the memorial … If I didn’t put a stop to this fast, she was going to discover what was really going on.

“Don’t you walk away from me,” I snapped, catching up to her. When I spun her to face me, she penned me with a look I’d seen before—directed at me. The real me. Hate. Yes, she was starting to suspect. I’d have to try harder.

“Give me a chance to explain.” The anger was gone now, replaced with sadness. “I keep messing this up. My behavior is appalling. I don’t know what I was thinking. When I’m around you … I can’t think of anything but wanting you. I want you. Nothing I do fills the cravings. I’m desperate for your love.”

“I would have given myself to you had you taken me back to our room. I tell you a part of me love’s Aetas and because of your hate of him, you decide to make yourself feel better by fucking me in a place where people show their respect? That’s sick,” she said, turning back to walk the path. I kept even, trying to force the anger away.

“You’re right. I’m sorry. Forgive me.”

Her eyes cut to me and she crossed her arms over her chest, losing some of the repulsion she harbored. “Don’t do something like that again. If I say no, I mean it.”

“Of course.”

Hunter was further ahead, leaning against a monument for one of the enforcers. My lips couldn’t help but peel back, angrily. Tessa stopped, again, and I could have cursed myself when I took in the expression she had aimed at me.

“I’m jealous. He has something I don’t think I will for a very long time.” I was quick to admit my mistake before she had a chance to say anything. I reached, gently pulling her into my arms. “All I want is to bond with you. For us to be one and lead together. Nothing is turning out like I had hoped. And this blood. Tessa, I’m afraid of what it’s doing to me. I know I’m not the same. I see the way you look at me. I can’t stand it. I just want you to love me again. Like before. I miss us.”

Her forehead came to rest on my chest while I held to the back of her neck. Hunter watched, but I couldn’t look at him for long. The more I did, the angrier I was becoming. Marko’s blood was fucking with me. His jealousy and short temper was mine now. It was ruining my plan. I was losing her and I wasn’t sure what I could do to stop it from happening. I tried to get into her mind, but I failed every time. If I could just force her to believe. If I could make her love me …

“You’re getting cool. You need to feed. Let’s go to our room. We’ll hold each other. Nothing more. You have my word.”

She nodded against me, only lifting her head when I went to turn her so we could start walking. When we got even with Hunter, Tessa glanced in his direction. He only had eyes for her. I had a feeling they were speaking, but I couldn’t get into either of their heads. Not Hunter’s, and sure as hell not Tessa’s since she was wearing my crown. My strength was my curse. With my blood in both, it guarded them, just like I protected myself.

Her eyes. I had to find a way in. Without the crown.

“Maybe we should go somewhere. I could take you out for a dinner or maybe you’d like to take a trip to the South Wing? I could give you a tour. Show you the museum there.”

The elevator doors shut and Tessa looked over at me. Tears clouded her eyes and the realization had me pausing from pressing the button. She reached over, doing it for me as I tried to think of a way of fixing my slip. Would she know I hadn’t explored the area since my return? That only Aetas would have known about that part of headquarters?

“What is it? You’re upset.”

“No, you’re right, I’m just tired. I have a lot on my mind.”

I stepped in closer, glancing toward the city below on instinct. Tessa’s hand quickly cupped my face, turning me back to her.

“You’d take me somewhere after how mean and distant I’ve been toward you?”

“Of course.” My voice softened as I pulled her in closer. “It’s not just you, it’s both of us. We’re under a lot of stress. But I can make it better. I can fix us. Do you want to go out? To … be with me.”