Page 38 of Reign

“Oh God,” Tessa breathed out, twisting from my grasp. “We have to go. We can still get back in time. We can help our city.”

She was already trying to move around me. Her fear perfumed the air and I locked around her waist, pulling her back.

“Did you not hear him? They have set up a perimeter, ma minette. We cannot leave.” I closed my eyes, shaking my head. “I feel it now. It’s already too late. They’re already all dead.”

“What?” She jerked against me, still making sounds of pain. “What do you mean, all dead? Who’s all dead?” The shrill tone was on the verge of hysteria. Tessa was fighting harder, desperate to break free of my hold. She knew, whether she wanted to admit it to herself or not.

“The majority of our city. Some live. They have fleeing, but … Demetrius, Anastasia.” I opened my eyes to look into hers. “Marie. All of our members. They’re all dead.”

“No,” she gasped, slamming her fist against my chest. “No! How did you not know? How did you not feel our city’s need? We could have left in time. We could have saved them. You should have felt the threat. I would have felt it, Marko!”

“Calm. We’ll figure something out.” Hunter stepped closer and his hand reached for her, only to retreat at my stare. His face was pained at his mate’s anguish.

“Take her and do not let her go. Someone has to take control of this mess.” I eased Tessa into his hold, stalking toward the podium, just in front of my throne. Enforcers’ gazes snapped to me, cautious as my energy exploded to heights I knew they hadn’t felt before. Even as leader, I rarely had to display my position, but here, in front of them all, I’d take what was already mine. Just as someone else—as The Black Fire King.

Eyes followed me as I took a step up. As I moved behind the podium, the enforcers grew closer. They watched, not sure what to do, or what to think of my power.

“From here on out, all of you will answer to me, King Marko Delacroix—you’re new leader. If there are any objections, feel free to speak out. But know that if you do, you better be prepared to defend your rejection.”

Maribel pushed around the enforcer who had previous held her. Her eyes were narrowed and her steps turned hesitant the closer to got. “You try to take what is rightful not yours? I am next in line! Not you. You aren’t even apart of Axis. Aetas would have never allowed you to tarnish our table, nor would he approve of this atrocious claim you’re trying to stake.”

“That sounds like an objection to me,” I said smiling.

My hand rose and my energy shot through the internal shield she used to protect her gifts. As I grasped around her core, she held to her stomach, cutting her gaze up to mine in horror. A cry fell from her lips as I projected Marko’s fire to inflame her stomach. The black smoke still in me from Tessa and Marko’s mixed blood ignited, and the fire I placed within her left the thick black substance pouring from her mouth as she let out a blood curdling scream. The heat bubbled and blistered her skin as it worked its way up her chest and throat. She was clawing at her herself, spinning in circle through her agonizing death.

“Anyone else object?”

A blue ball of light exploded against my shield, followed by multiple colors and forces of random vampires throughout the crowd. I laughed, reaching for the energy of the instigator of the attack. The ruler of New Mexico’s body slid inches away from my feet and I jumped down, flipping him over as the enforcers held their ground just feet away. When my hands rose, his body lifted until he was levitating just below my face. The black fog rolled from my opened mouth, crawling over his face, and down his throat. The toxic poison only increased as I covered him in it. Skin began to melt down his face, revealing the muscle and bone underneath. I thrived in my new powers. Twisting them and trying everything I could to learn more about the way they worked.

Blood and chunks of his form flew toward the crowd as I blasted the body with all the strength inside of me.

“Is that all you are capable of, rulers? Is this what we have come to? Weak, pathetic powers? You all are nothing without me! I asked once again. Is there any more of you who object to me ruling?” My fangs were down, ready to bleed them all dry. Tessa’s energy neared and my eyes shot over to her inquisitive, terrorized stare. I immediately composed myself. I had to get control. I had to stop acting like myself and be more like Marko.

“I see the decision is final. I am your new leader. Cross me again and you’ll be charged with treason and dealt with accordingly.” I turned my attention to the enforcers. “Your orders come from me now. Get these vampires out of here. Let them leave and go back to what is left of their cities, and then lockdown the grounds. After that, everyone who takes residence here is not to leave. I’m sure you know what to do. Aetas had trust in you. I do as well.”

“Thank you,” Colin said, bowing. “We’ll carry out your orders, Your Highness.”

I forced the anger to fade from my face as I turned to Tessa. She was staring at me like a stranger. Like she didn’t know me at all. I had to make this right.

“It had to be done,” I said, softening my tone. “There would have been a bloodbath here if I wouldn’t have stepped up. Everyone wants the throne, but we all know who it belongs to rightfully. It’s mine,” I whispered. “I’m the strongest here.”

Tears came to her eyes and she nodded, slowly. When I held out my arms to her, she blinked rapidly.

“Ma minette, come.”

The pause had me clenching my jaw as I battled these new emotions. I had to convince her better. To play Marko’s part. I didn’t want to push her away. Not after I’d waited so long. I just wasn’t sure how to act, yet.

Tessa eased into my arms, stiffening as I wrapped around her. The crowd was thinning out as the members rushed to get away from me. Their fear excited me, but was vital. They needed to be cautious, to respect me, and not think they had a chance to rise against my rule.

“You must be exhausted. Let us go to our new room and lie down. I will hold you. Feed you,” I purred, nuzzling the side of her head.

“It has been days,” she said, weakly. “I just don’t feel the need to feed at the moment. I wish to see Aetas.”

My head drew back. “You want to go to The City of the Dead?”

“Yes. Alone.”

She stepped back, a tear sliding down her cheek as she turned away from me. The black lace dress she wore trailed the floor behind her, the train, swooshing with the sway of her hips. My old crown sat on her head and the black curls held back by pins cascaded down her back. The elegance, the bravery, she was every bit the queen she was titled.