Page 33 of Reign

Marko turned me, leading me to the door when he stopped. “Hunter, come.”

“Come? To our room?”

An array of different emotions passed over his face as Hunter came closer, looking just as confused as I felt.

“The two of you are bonded, love. Let’s just say that right now is not the time to fight over what has happened. Let’s all just go to the room and we can discuss what we’re going to do. I don’t know about you,” Marko said, switching to French, “but I don’t want to let him out of my sight.”

“Right.” I nodded, glancing at Hunter as Marko opened the door and we headed down the dark hallway. The entire length, I couldn’t believe the turn of events. Aetas … dead. How was any of this possible? And death from bonding?

As Marko shut us in, I narrowed my eyes, really looking at him. “Is your blood so strong that it could have killed him?”

“No.” His head shook. “It had to be a negative reaction or something. It doesn’t make any more sense to me than it does to you.”

Hunter was taking deep breaths, rubbing his hand over his head as he started to pace the far end of the room. I focused on Marko, trying to push away the pull to the man who confused me the most.

“Negative reaction? I’m not so sure. I mean, we’re talking about Aetas, here. Most powerful vampire known to man. He’s done things that no living thing could ever do. Man, vampire … only a God. Maybe deep down I believed him to be truly immortal. How many others has he primed to take his place? Marko, something is not right, I feel it in my soul. Aetas can’t be dead. He can’t. I refuse to believe it.”

A pain expression turned into one of sympathy. “Ma minette, he was just a vampire. Just like any of us. He could not escape death. It would have found him at some point. Today just happened to be that day.”

My head shook, my mind still not able to consider the possibility.

“Come here, let me hold you. I haven’t seen you this upset before.”

I sighed, walking forward, and wrapping my arms around his waist. The lack of sensation had me stiffening. Our bond. Tears streamed down my face and a sob couldn’t be held in.

“What is it?” He lifted my chin and all I could do was hold on tighter.

“Bite me. Let’s exchange blood and rebond. Aetas is gone. You can bond with me again.”

The tenderness on Marko’s face hardened into what looked like uncertainty. “We have to give it time. His blood is still in me. It might not work yet. Let’s wait a few weeks.”

“Do you not want mine tainting his?”

I couldn’t help but be offended. Marko would have drained me every single day trying to strengthen our connection, wouldn’t he have?

“Tainting his? Don’t be ridiculous. If you want inside of me, I’ll be more than happy to feed from you. I just think it’s too soon to work. Would you like to try? Would it make you happy?”

My hands slid down his back as I put distance between our bodies. “No. Later.” I let my hands drop as I stepped out of his arms. I suddenly felt so cold. So alone, and I couldn’t figure out why. I wanted Aetas back. I felt lost. Fear of the future had never been a concern. I thought I had had time to prove myself. Now, the leader I was once feared, yet looked up to, was gone. And with his departure, I felt as though I were roaming through a room of unfamiliar strangers.

Well, that wasn’t true. Hunter didn’t seem that different. The appeal for him was there. But I couldn’t go to him like I wanted with Marko standing just feet away. Or at all. I was married. Devoted to the king. My king. Why did that feel wrong to think? It had to be the missing bond.

“You’re very conflicted right now. I can see it. Tell me what troubles you?”

My eyes rose and I went from Marko, over to look at Hunter.

“Yes. Now I see. Hunter, come here.”

I jerked my head to Marko, frightened for what he planned to do. Now that Aetas was dead, he could kill Hunter.

I backed away, putting myself between the two of them. Hunter went to step around me, but I put out my arm, making him stay behind. It had Marko’s eyebrows raising. And then he did it. A smile pulled at the side of his face, throwing everything off even more.

“Do you plan to end his life?” My hand eased down, grasping Hunter’s. I had no idea what I was doing, but I couldn’t let him die. My heart … I could feel him in it again. Bond, no-bond—he had always existed within. Whether it was from betrayal or love, it was like Aetas had said, the two emotions stemmed from the same thing. Hunter was a part of me and my vampire was claiming him as her own. Just as I had done once before.

Marko clasped his hands, narrowing his eyes as he began to walk around us. “I could kill him. A large part of me wants to. Aetas,” he nearly growled. “He may have saved your life, Hunter. Oddly enough in the moment, I … feel something for you. In truth, I really don’t mind this,” he said, gesturing to us. “I know I should. I should be ripping him to shreds right now. But I don’t want to.”

An exhale left Hunter and he wrapped his arms around me from behind. All I could do was stare at Marko in shock as I numbly placed my hand over Hunters crossed arms.

“Why don’t the two of you lie down and rest. You’ve been through a lot today. I have to go take care of some things with the high members. I’ll be back in a few hours. Don’t wait up for me.”