The woman turned to look at her fellow members. The four besides herself that remained were strong, but not like I had hoped. Dammit, I had so much work to do to rebuild our kind. My blood—Aetas’ blood—would solve that over time.
“Aetas has gone too far. He wishes for our deaths, but I will not give it to him. We will go and we will stand with you.”
“Thank you.” I glanced around the room to the humans holding their bows, daggers, and guns at their sides. Simultaneously, their hands all rose to rest their weapons at the hollow point behind their chin. Panic flared in their eyes while they held steady. “My gift to you and your city.”
The unison of explosions, tears of skin, and cries, rang through the room and a wave of bodies fell to the ground. The energy of the vampires spiked in an array of different emotions and some even jumped away from the dead humans that lay at their feet. Before I let them adjust, we were in an all too familiar room. One almost identical to where we’d just been. Austin’s underground. My city.
“Your Highness.” Mistress Price spun and took in the surroundings. “Your powers are great. More than I have ever seen. To bring us all here. At once …” She swallowed hard, meeting my eyes. “I am honored you chose me. We will not let you down.”
“I count on it. Let your people go to their rooms and rest. Our time is running out.”
Although I spoke, I tested the air for humans. They weren’t here. Not underground anyway.
I let my power stretch out, guarding the city. Before I could turn, an all too familiar power mingled with my own. I turned in fear, rushing to Tessa and Hunter. He had his arm around her, practically holding her up. Pain laced her face as I tore her from his side.
“Let me see.” My hand settled on her stomach and I cursed as I felt heat flooding out through the material of her sweater.
“I’m not sure how much longer I can hold him off. I’m trying, but …”
Sweat beaded her skin and I pushed my own powers into her core. She seized, her knees buckling as she clawed into my suit’s jacket. “He’s trying to locate you. To bring you back. He’s getting closer.”
“He will take me.” Her voice struggled as she barely got the words out. “You must not stop getting everyone together.”
My head shook and I met Hunter’s pained eyes. He was clutching to his stomach as well.
“Marko, we lose if you stop now. Move your hand.”
A loud cry burst from her lips and all I could do was try to guard her as best as I could. But it wasn’t working. Not enough to stop the pain.
“Hunter, come.” I made it to the nearest table, laying Tessa down while keeping my palm securely in place. He barely made it to my side before I locked on his wrist with my free hand. “Help me. Use every ounce of your abilities to locate Aetas’ power and try pushing it away. Aetas’,” I stressed. “Not mine or Tessa’s. You have to know the difference. Feel.”
He lowered, just to the side of my hand. I let go of his wrist, watching his lids close as he focused.
“I feel three. I know Tessa’s, but … the other two are so closely matched.”
My jaw tightened. “Weigh them against your own powers. The one closest to yours will be Aetas’. You hold his blood, not mine. Pay attention to the way it pulls you. Do you feel it?”
Sobs left Tessa as her head shook through the fire and tugging that was no doubt twisting inside of her.
“I think I know which one is his. There’s so close though.”
“You have to know for sure,” I snapped. “If you push mine away, she’s gone. He will have her.”
“Fuck! Don’t yell at me. I’m trying.”
Deep breaths were leaving me as I forced myself to calm. “You’re right, I’m sorry. Just … focus. Weigh them against your own again.”
Seconds stretched out for what seemed like eternity. I could feel Hunter’s aura changing with time. Out of nowhere, a shockwave of heat scorched up my arm. Black eyes stared down at Hunter’s connection and his face was flushed through his surge. Tessa screamed in agony only for it to die out midway. Her head rolled to the side and with her unconsciousness … Aetas’ powers grew. But not enough to take her. Our leader’s attack on our mate left a hunger in Hunter. I could feel it growing as he did what he meant for—fight.
Chapter 35
“No. No!”