Page 76 of Reign

“Marko, please!”

Lights jerked in my direction, blinding me, but I was already diving for the closest human, tearing through his face and throat as I swung my arm to fillet through the next. Shots rang out, pinging with pressure as they connected with my impenetrable skin. Aware of a possible threat, the bullets didn’t stand a chance in harming me. The protection was child’s play, and an act I mastered long before I even found Tessa.

Blood flooded my mouth as I tore into the side of one’s neck. Only when the sweet flavor hit me, did I tap into my gifts. Time slowed and the chaos ceased as I sucked the human’s life-force into me greedily. I had wanted carnage and murder and for the briefest moment, I had had it. But it didn’t have to be this way. I had to think. I …

I broke away, slicing through the necks of the remaining few so fast that my hand and body were but a blur. Just as the last of my claws ripped through the skin, I brought the present back and let them fall to the ground. Tessa was running again, only to slide to a stop feet away. She blinked, confused as she stared at the bodies around me.

“I didn’t feel you stop time. I didn’t even know.”

Nor would she ever went I used that gift. But she knew what I did. For her it would appear one minute I was fighting, the next, it would be like someone took out a frame and the humans were suddenly on the ground.

“Hunter, guard her, and stay a few feet behind me. The city is overrun. I’m going to call them forward. Don’t let human or vampire anywhere near my queen.”

“You don’t have to worry about that.”

He was already moving closer to her as I stepped over the bodies and continued toward the great room. My powers flared, surging out for as far as I could push them. The calm I projected was nothing more than bait to hungry wolves. Yet they wouldn’t act on their impulses. They wouldn’t be able to think at all. Not with my persuasion. It was Aetas’ gift and one I hadn’t tested, but I knew what it was capable of.

The screaming faded as I neared the glow emanating from ahead. Shuffling of feet in the distance grew louder, the closer we got. Fuck, I hoped this worked. I felt it would, but my gifts were just as new to me as Hunter’s were to him. I knew if I put my mind to it, anything was possible, but I hated the thought of failing at such a critical time.

“I told you he would come. I told you!”

A vampire yelled out crazily as I broke into the light. Both vampire and human were gathering, all looking confused and fearful as I neared. The amount of living filled the space until they were practically wedged against each other. Both wanted to act from their instincts. They wanted to murder one another, but I wasn’t going to let them. I had plans of my own.

“Your Highness. Thank you, Your Highness. I told them you’d come and save us. No one believed me. No one would listen.”

My eyes went back to the older, crazed male vampire. That he could speak at all was enough to give me pause. He shouldn’t have been able to, but he was clearly not of sane mind, therefore unaffected by my persuasion.

“I am not who you seek. You put your faith in an imposter. Your leader, your messiah, Aetas still inhabits his headquarters. As me,” I snarled. He will let you all die. I, the true King Marko Delacroix, will not. So yes, old man, I am here to save you. But know the truth of who it is that protects you on this day. It is not that fraud, Aetas.”

Eyes followed me as I neared the blood soaked members that remained at the very heart of the room. Their backs were facing each other, guarding who they could, yet protecting themselves.

“You. Mistress Price.” My finger pointed to a dark skinned woman in what was once a dark blue dress. She was looking over her shoulder at me, watching my every move. She was older than most, but not any more powerful than I was before Tessa’s change. “You’re the strongest here. Your ruler?”

She cleared her throat, turning to face me as I allowed it. “Dead, my king. We are all that is left.”

“I see. And you know who I am?”

“I do. I saw you once, but it was a very long time ago. I’m regretful to say that I missed meeting you when you graced our city decades back. You weren’t a member then, but we all knew you would be in time.”

I saw the truth in her black eyes as I neared.

“I’m going to clean up your city, but I need you to do something for me before I allow you to return to it as leader.”

“Leader?” She blinked rapidly. “I never—”

“No, you never thought it because even as a vampire you are humble and smart. You know someone more powerful than yourself should lead, but I’m telling you that it will be you, and I will be make sure your strength surpasses anyone who will think to try to take it away from you. I need allies. Rulers I can trust after I overpower Aetas. I can trust you. I see that.”

“Of course.” Her words came in a gush of breath. I could feel her mind racing and I didn’t have to tap into it to know she was going over what this would mean. “What will you have us do? You mentioned us returning, so that must mean we are to leave?”

I nodded. “Yes. Vampires are collected in a safe haven. Right now they are held up outside of Dallas, but come tomorrow night, they will move. They will be projecting their energies to call in more of our kind. You and your people must do the same. I will take you all. Except him,” I said, pointing at the old man. “He doesn’t go. He’s a risk.”

“Hey, now.”

“No. You can stay here until this passes.” My head shook and I turned back to her. “I will clear the humans out and between you, your members, and Niko, you should be fine there until I call. And I will call. I cannot promise that you or any of your people will live past that day. I may not even live, but if any of us stand a chance, we have to try. All I’m asking is for your support during, and your backing afterwards. I am not asking you or your people to fight. I just want you all to witness the fall of a king, and the rise of another. A new beginning for us all.”

“You are bonded with him, yes? I feel him in you. And I have heard rumors.”

“I am. I will not kill him, but I will contain him to where he will never be found or free He will be as good as dead to our kind. I promise you that.”