Page 70 of Reign

“I—” Her mouth opened, only to shut. “I mean no disrespect, my lord. I know you are more than capable of dealing with a crisis. That is why I ask of you, please meet with us. Choose new members that way we can help the ones who are lost to us. The humans have run everyone from their homes. We are in hiding and losing this war they have brought upon us. We need your guidance.”

“We are vampires,” I ground out. “Our instincts guide us. We were made to withstand these measly humans and rule this world. If we are not tested, how will we know who we are?”

Eleanor grew quiet as her expressions turned to shock.

“We will meet at sunrise tomorrow. Inform our strongest.”

“Thank you, Master.”

Relief was evident in her tone as I turned my back on her and continued to my room. Perhaps choosing new members would come to benefit me. After all, they had gifts. If I couldn’t find the answers I was looking for to bring Tessa back, maybe one of them held it.

Chapter 32


Twelve. Twelve vampires.

A yawn came from my mouth as I took in the ten males and two females that sat around the small living room. For two days Marko projected his power off and on, and only the few before us had shown. Stress and panic were wearing me down and it was almost impossible to focus through the growing anxieties.

“I almost didn’t come. I didn’t want to. The stories going around, they’re not good.” Cedric pushed back his long dreads, keeping his dark eyes low as he stole glances at Marko. “They say you’re killing our kind. That you’re setting us up to be wiped out by the humans. I’m not even sure why I’m here. I guess I got tired of trying to find a place to hide and curiosity got the best of me.” He paused. “Is it true?”

“No.” Marko shook his head, shoving his hands into his suit’s jacket pockets while he leaned against the far wall. “It is like I told the ones before you. Who everyone is seeing is not me. It is Aetas portraying me, and you’re right by what you say. He is trying to destroy our kind. He and I are bonded. Did you know that?”

Cedric gave a quick shake of his head.

“We are. His blood is very powerful. Not only with him, but within me. I believe it is the reason he can’t bring me back to him. If he could, I most certainly wouldn’t be here. He knows I’m missing from where he entombed me, and I have no doubts that the enforcers are searching for me even as we speak. That’s why it is imperative I reach out to as many survivors as I can. You all must know the truth. Aetas is not dead. He is very much alive and he’s using me as the face of this war. I assure you, the culprit behind this massacre is not me. I want us to live. When I leave here, you must let everyone know that.”

“Leave?” Confusion flickered on Cedric’s face. “But where will you go? Who will lead us if you disappear?”

Marko sighed, glancing over to me. I felt his pain as a natural leader. He wanted to stay. To protect what we’d found of our kind.

“I must reach out to as many as I can before they catch me. Staying in one place only increases the odds. But we’re going to find a safe place for you all before we leave. During the time I’m gone, I want you to use your own powers and project them as I did. Collect and try to rebuild until I can deal with Aetas. If I am able to overthrow him, I promise you all my protection. If that means moving what is left of us to Axis to provide that safety, so be it.”

Daisy, one of the first to arrive came forward, clutching her hands nervously. “What if you fail? Aetas is the strongest of our kind. If he’s truly the one behind this, there’s no beating him. Look at what he’s already done. What hope is there for us if he kills you? Can’t you stay with us for a while? We will find a place. We can hide you until our numbers grow. Then …”

She didn’t continue and I knew why. To speak against our leader was sure death. It was ingrained in us not to do, even in these times of distress. Yet, we all knew what she meant.

“I wish I could remain here, but I can’t. Trust me when I say that I don’t plan to lose. Aetas may be our leader, but he is not invincible. Anyone can be overthrown. It just takes finding a person who wants it bad enough to win. I am Aetas’ match. Because of him, I am the strongest. I plan to use that to my advantage.”

“I feel him in you,” Cedric whispered. “I met Aetas once when he visited our city here in Dallas. It was decades ago, but there’s no mistaking his power. You have it. You could win if you go about this the right way.”

A smile tugged at Marko’s mouth. “You have any ideas that could help me out? I’m not opposed to suggestions.”

I moved closer to Marko, watching the way the vampires’ faces drew in as they thought. They were looking to him to be their savior, and so was I. He was our only hope. Hunter and I wouldn’t be able to do it on our own, and Marko was so much stronger now than he was before Aetas bonded him. His powers were incomparable to anyone outside of our leader. And if I wanted to be truthful, they were quite possibly matched. Marko felt stronger in the sense of his aura, but I couldn’t be for sure.

“You can’t kill him. Not if the two of you are bonded.” Cedrick licked his lips, keeping his eyes downcast as he thought. “You mentioned he entombed you. Is it possible to get him in there … to stay for good?”

Marko let out a sound that I couldn’t quite read. “I’m sure we could manage it. His powers would be useless there. Mine were. But even if I did entomb him, the risks involved go beyond what I’m comfortable with. Someone could set him free. He could overpower me at some point and get out all over again. During the time there, he had to personally feed me to keep me alive. I’d have to do the same with him. It’ll only be a matter of time before he or someone else figures out a way to turn the tables. Then we’ll be right back here, or worse.”

An older vampire, a male who looked to be in his late thirties slowly eased from the chair.

“Nelson, correct?”

Marko’s voice had the vampire nodding. Surprise lit his face almost as if he couldn’t believe Marko remembered. Even I was a bit surprised. I hadn’t recalled his name.

“I was a doctor before I was turned. I’ve stayed one for our city for the last twenty years. I have a suggestion. One I’m not sure is much better than the entombment, but it’s worth a shot.”

“Go ahead.” Marko pushed from the wall.