Page 48 of Reign

“What it is?” Tessa asked, lowly. “Something upsets you.”

I threw her a glance and took in the large tower ahead. It had to been three stories high. A steeple protruded from the white cathedral top and it looked more like a church to me than anything else.

“I’m torn on what I should do. I’ve been giving thought to joining the enforcers. I’m just not sure if I should.”

“It’s a very dangerous profession in our field.” Her low tone didn’t hide what I knew she meant.

“Yes. It’s the reason I think I’m going to have to pass. If I die, well, we both know what will happen, then. I do believe Marko would make me suffer even after my death if I were to take you away from him.”

Tessa’s face turned stoic as she stared ahead. Our pace increased at whatever she was thinking. “Maybe. Although I’m not so sure.”

“What do you mean?”

“He’s different now, but you know that. He’s very self-centered.”

I laughed, not able to help it. I’d gotten to know him well enough before his bond with Aetas, but I was remembering more from my past.

“Hasn’t he always been?”

Tessa’s gaze shot to me. “Not like this. He loved me once.”

“He loves you still.”

“Not like before.” She threw me a look. “He also loved his people once, too, but this Marko let them die. I will never forgive him for that. Ever.”

My brow creased as old memories came back. “He was a different leader before. I remember that. He has changed a lot since then. It’s almost like …” I trailed off, not wanting to go there.

“Like what?”

She stopped in front of the pathway that led to Aetas’ memorial, but I continued on, making her follow as she waited for me to speak. I wasn’t sure I should tell her my fears. Although, she could probably discover them herself if she only pushed into my mind like I knew she could.

I came to a halt outside of the door, amazed that it was almost impossible to stay so close.

“It’s almost like Marko.” I paused. “Like he and Aetas are one in the same. Does that make sense?”

Tessa’s lips parted while she nodded. “I feel the same. I’ve tasted his blood, Hunter. He is more Aetas than Marko. In time I suppose it will fade, but what if it doesn’t? What if Marko is doomed to keep Aetas’ personality traits? I feel like.” She lowered her head. “I feel as though I am married to a stranger. Making love to a stranger. He’s so different in that regard than Marko was. Marko took care to …” She stopped. “You don’t wish to hear this. I’m sorry.”

“No, please. I grabbed her hand, pulling her closer to me. “I want to know everything you’re thinking. Everything that happens that I can’t be a part of. I know that sounds odd, but you have no idea how hard it is for me not to be with you. If I can’t physically, I wish to be in these ways.”

My hand was lifted and I couldn’t stop my pulse from racing. She flipped it over, kissing my palm. “You were always a great friend. Sometimes I wonder if maybe there wasn’t meant to be more between us.”

“It will never happen being mated to Marko. Aetas told me those vows are unbreakable until death. Unless agreed by both, but I don’t see Marko giving you to me.”

“No,” she breathed out. “He will not.”

“What were you saying before? How is he different now when the two of you are together?”

Tessa’s arm extended and she put her palm against the large metal door. “He used to take such care with me. Pleasure me for hours before we made love. Now, he’s so eager, so impatient. He takes me almost immediately. It’s as though there’s more lust than passion. I don’t really understand his change. And this,” she said, waving her hand over her appearance. “This is what I materialized from his mind. This is how he saw me when he wanted me. Marko never liked me wearing heavy make-up. He once refused to leave the room until I took it off. He always said I was more beautiful natural than painted up. Is it Aetas’ desires he feels now? Aetas’ lust? I don’t know.”

The last was almost silent as she moved in closer to focus on the door.

“Hunter, I don’t know if I can continue to hide my true feelings for this new version. He doesn’t listen to me when I suggest he get our people to come here for safety. He’s acting recklessly.”

She bit her bottom lip looking around. Instantly, words pushed into my mind.

“If he doesn’t start helping our people soon.” She left the rest open and I felt my stomach drop at what I knew she meant.

“I will fight with you. I will support your rule.”