Page 40 of Reign

“I want to go. I want to fight.”

Marko laughed and I glanced at him before turning my attention back to the man with long red hair. He was their leader, I could feel his power.

“You are not trained. You’re but a baby.”

I growled, getting in his face. “I’ve been a killer since I was legally old enough to own a gun. I’ve taken both human and vampire lives. I know what I’m doing.”

“I’m well aware of who you are Prince Hunter Moretti. I know everything about you, but I’m saying you’re not ready. Besides, Aetas had plans for you that didn’t involve being on the front lines. Your path is not that of an enforcer. You are to lead Dallas.”

“I make my own path and I’m telling you I want to fight.”

“Colin.” Marko eyes went from him to me. “If The Black Prince wishes to fight, who are we to deny him? Will it not make him a better leader when he takes his place as a ruler?”

The man’s face turned hard.

“Your Highness, he is not equipped to keep up with us. It’s not like we’re driving to get there.”

Marko’s eyes narrowed. “Are you so weak that you can’t take him with you?”

Colin stiffened. “I am not weak.”

“Then stop making excuses. I’m ordering you to take him. Teach him. He is yours now. We will both train him in the ways of our world.”

“Yes, Master.”

Although there was rage present, Colin bowed, turning to rush away. “Thank you.” I threw the words at Marko, running to catch up with the lead enforcer. Tessa’s emotions were flaring, going from sad to angry. It twisted my stomach, feeding my adrenaline. “You won’t regret this,” I said, catching up. “I can fight. I’ll show you.”

Pressure gripped around my wrist. “Let’s go!” The order was directed at the awaiting men. One minute we were headed toward the front doors, the next, darkness. The shock hit hard and gravity became nonexistent for only seconds before my feet hit ground. My knees buckled and I tried to catch my breath as I was jerked to stand. “Try to keep up.”

The tunnel I was in lost the blur as my eyes focused. The familiar smell registered and I suddenly knew where I was—in our underground city—in Austin. But I didn’t get to think on it for long.

Enforcers took off running, rushing through the tunnel. They faded in and out, becoming almost nonexistent shadows with their speed. And Colin and I were trailing behind them. The sight triggered my vampire, feeding the challenge he needed as I became in tune with my own powers. My legs began moving faster. So fast that I could barely feel them.

We turned left, and then right, jerking to a stop only when we were feet from the light that brought us to the great room.

“I speak to them here,” Colin said, tapping my temple. “To be an enforcer, you must tie with me. They will never speak out loud to anyone outside of their circle. Never, unless addressed, and only to one person.

“The leader,” I whispered.

“Correct. We are ghosts. We do not exist to anyone but the people we kill, protect, or serve. Even then, they rarely see us. Do you understand what you could be getting yourself into? If you take this route, you have an oath you will follow. An oath you will die by while you serve.”

“I understand. But the choice is not mine to make alone.”

“You are bonded, I feel it, and that makes you unqualified, but our king makes the rules so it is his decision. We will talk on it later. Stay behind me. You are here to watch and learn. Nothing else tonight.”

My jaw flexed, but I gave a stiff nod.

More silence. There was no signals, no hand gestures. One by one, the enforcers vanished into thin air. Colin grabbed my wrist and all color faded from my vision. We were running again, right into the heart of the city. A large group of men stood surrounding a huge mountain of bodies in the center. My heart dropped as we raced closer. Something within told me the humans wouldn’t see us. With the change in my sight, it was a clear indicator that we’d done exactly as the enforcers had who had stood before me and Colin. But in this black and white, I could see them now as clear as day. They weren’t invisible to me anymore.

They took their positions behind the men, waiting for Colin’s orders. We came to a stop behind a human in all black tactical gear and my pulse was exploding with anticipation. They couldn’t see us. We were right on them, and they didn’t have a clue.

“Hunter? Hunter, where you are?”

Tessa’s voice broke through and I went rigid. I could feel heat igniting in my core and I didn’t understand it. It was as though I was tapping into my powers, like I was ready to use them, but I wasn’t doing it. She was. Jesus, was she searching me out?

Colin’s eyebrow rose at me and I tried to slow my breaths as the blaze within grew.

“Tessa, you have to stop. Give me a minute.”