Page 34 of Reign

The emptiness inside only grew as I watched Marko walk out of the door. The tears returned. A mourning so great branched its way through my heart and all I could think to do was turn and hold to Hunter as I broke down and cried for reasons I didn’t even know.

Chapter 15


I stayed focused on Tessa as she tossed and turned in her sleep. My mind wouldn’t stop spinning. Nothing about our meeting had gone as Aetas said it would. He said we were going to talk. That maybe there was a way he could convince Marko to accept me, concerning Tessa. We did share a past and two ties. He said with them now sharing one as well that Marko could possibly be open to it.

They’d arrived … and nothing. We were all together and the next thing I knew pain was shooting through my insides and I was springing to my feet. Tessa. God, I’d been on her. Bit her and somehow bonded with her and I couldn’t even remember it. I knew my wrist had been cut. It was barely healed when I came to. I’d forced my blood on her for the last tie and I wasn’t sure how to feel about that. I hated the action, but I didn’t regret the outcome. I loved her. That was obvious. But…then I saw Aetas. How was he dead? He once told me if he died, so would I. And Marko was alive. They’d bonded! From everything I was taught so far, it seemed impossible.

Another sob shook Tessa as she rolled back toward me. She’d been crying since Marko left. It was another thing bothering me. Was she so close to Aetas? She was loyal to him. That I knew in my heart, but to be so devastated? Perhaps it was the future she was so worried about?

“Shh. Everything’s going to be okay. I promise.” Softly, I stoked back her hair in a slow rhythm and she quieted. When I stopped, her features drew in all over again. I couldn’t stand being on guard from doing what I wanted to. Here I was in her and Marko’s bed and all I wanted to do was hold her. Should I? I fucking wanted to. But what would Marko do if he walked in and saw us in such an intimate position?

Aetas always told me to ask permission. He was very direct with how I should act around Marko. The king could kill me and Aetas wasn’t here to save my ass anymore. I had to be more cautious and learn better control. Tessa may have been bonded to me, but that didn’t mean she would stay that way.

A soft knock was followed by the door opening. My head lifted and Marie jerked to a stop at seeing me lying next to Tessa. My finger shot to my lips to warn her to be quiet. As I eased off the mattress, Tessa rolled over, sniffling.

“Marko knows I’m here … like this.” I kept my voice low so I wouldn’t wake Tessa.

“I would hope so or else you’re a dead man. Again.”

“Ah. The suicide. Aetas told me about it. Good one. Can I help you with something?”

She let out a breath, clearly uncomfortable around me. “I came to check on the queen. She’s upset. Is she okay?”

“Not really. I think she has bad dreams. I’m not sure.” I tried to read Marie as she worriedly watched over the queen. “You feel her from the tie the two of you have?”

Marie nodded. “She’s extremely upset. It leaves me unsettled. I worry for her. Especially since I’m not sure why she is so distressed. I can’t … figure out the reason. Such grief, but I don’t understand. Nothing makes sense right now.”

“Your dreams,” I breathed out. “What do you dream? What does the future say for us now?”

Marie’s features drew in. “I …” She got quiet. “How odd you ask that. I don’t know anything, anymore. Not with Tessa and not of tomorrow. My visions, they’re changing. Something is happening, but I don’t know what it is. Everything is so dark. It’s like I’m not myself. The same dream has come now for days, but I can decipher it. It’s the reason I haven’t said anything. Either something’s going to happen, or something already has. I’m so confused. This one is different. The air is so suffocation and stale. I fight to break free, but it’s like I can’t. I’m in something.”

“In something? You or someone else? Or all of us?”

Marie rolled her eyes. “I don’t know. It can mean anything, but Marko and Tessa are who my dreams mainly revolve around. Or you, I guess. I dream of you quiet often.”

“You do? What happens to me?”

Marie took a step back, twisting her black dress in her hands. “I don’t like talking about this to you.”

“Why? I’m not going to do anything. I’m not the bad guy, here. I wish everyone would stop thinking I was.”

She took a deep breath. “Today you’re not. Or maybe at all. It’s so hard to believe your good since you’ve always been bad. Your future changes more than anyone’s. I used to dream that you were the end of us. You lead a war of humans to kill us, then it was a war of vampires, then a mix of both. Just the last few days it’s warped once again. You …” Marie reached up, pressing her fingers against her temple. “I don’t know. The night of the coronation, your path altered yet again. It’s always changing. It baffles me to the point of madness.”

“What did you see this time?” I stressed. “Do you see Tessa and I together? Are we happy? Marie? Is she going to be okay?”

My voice grew louder and she jerked her arm away from me as I reached for it. The slap had me gritting my teeth.

“Don’t touch me. Never touch me. You once stabbed me through the chest with a holy dagger. I don’t trust you.”

“I did that?” Even as I asked, visions blinded me. My breath caught and I weeded through the emotions my human self felt in that moment. I was so desperate. So afraid of this world. I hated it. The need to kill vampires was there, but it faded the moment the pictures disappeared. “I did do that. I’m sorry.”

Her lids were lowered skeptically as she watched me. “Yeah … well, yeah.” She mumbled the words, dropping her wrinkled dress to hug around her waist.

“Tell me what you saw of me. Please.”

Marie glanced to Tessa and an uneasy sound left her. “I’m not one to judge on mates or bonded, but,” her stare returned to me. “You’ve bonded her, haven’t you?”