Page 30 of Reign


For two days Tessa and I stayed secluded. We were like zombies, lost in our thoughts, and unable to speak more than two words to each other. I wasn’t sure whether I should be mad at her, or myself. Fuck, we’d both done things … things we couldn’t resist at the time. Things we would have never done had we been in control of our actions.

A knock sounded at the door and both of our heads snapped to look at each other. Dread flashed on our faces before I forced myself to stand. “It’s Demetrius.”

She nodded, sadness coming to her face. I knew it was because she didn’t have the power to rule anymore. I’d ruined that for her by injuring her. I would have gotten it back, anyway, but the guilt over what I had done was still there. And then there was still her secret. It made my anger surface once again. I flung the barrier open, faced with Demetrius’ pale features. His nervousness was apparent as he avoided my stare.

“Master … King, I have a request from Aetas. He wishes to meet with you and the queen at your earliest convenience.”

“He’s still here?” Tessa stood and I nodded. Of course he was. I felt his every move. His ever pace, back and forth in his room. With how close he was, our connection was only stronger. So why didn’t he just tell me himself?

“Ten minutes.”

He bowed, turning away. I shut the door, leaning against it as I tried to push the memories away. God, I’d kissed him. Kissed him with every intention of fucking him. I would have if I wouldn’t have had Tessa as a distraction. The mindfuck that brought sent me spinning. It wasn’t the fact that it was a man that left me baffled. It was Aetas! I hated him. Despised him. Or, I had. Now I wasn’t so sure. That made everything worse.

“Marko.” Tessa wrung her hands as she came forward. “I have to tell you something. That day. The one where you hit me with your powers.” Her head lowered, only to raise with determination. “You tasted something in me.”

“Yes. But not something, ma minette. Some one.”

She nodded. “After you refused to kill Hunter, I had a plan. One that I thought would be perfect. I wasn’t sure I wanted him dead, but I didn’t trust him either. I … tied us. One mark. No sex. Not until,” she flinched, slicing her hand down as if she could erase the images she was seeing. “The night of your coronation was the first time. The only time.”

“Wait. You’re telling me you went behind my back and tied with a man that I hate. That I want to kill. All because of what? You didn’t trust me when I said I’d take care of it!”

“You didn’t take care of it. Besides, I don’t want him dead anymore. My main objective was to be tied enough to watch him. To know if he ever changed and decided to attack us. I wanted to prepare for his betrayal. I thought if we connected like that then he’d have second thoughts when the time came. Or … I don’t know. It was right at the time, but it was pointless. Aetas had us tie anyway. Now we hold two ties.”

“Just as me and Aetas.” I cursed, walking in a circle as I tried to lift the fog that kept my brain so confused. “You’re forgiven. Never lie or do something like that behind my back again.”

Tessa frowned. “I won’t.” She stepped closer. “Do you think they want more from us? Do you think they’re calling us back to—”

“No,” I rushed in. “No.” The denial, my denial, left me repeating the word.

“Can you read his mind? Maybe you can see what he wants?”

My head shook. “He’s too powerful. I can only get random words scattered throughout. Nothing that makes sense.”

“What about Hunter?” I asked.

“Hold on.” Her eyes scanned the floor, but I knew she wasn’t seeing the cement before her. “He.” She stopped and looked up, growing tense.

“He what?”

“He’s just excited to see me. That’s what his thoughts revolve around.”

I rolled my eyes, reaching over and sliding on my jacket. “Of course. And here I am, about to lose you to them—Hunter and Aetas. I can’t believe you offered yourself up for more lessons. You can’t take that back, ma minette.”

“I know,” she said, pained. “That was before. Before …” Her words trailed off and I walked forward, pulling her into my arms. “We can’t keep talking about this. We have to focus on the future. About what lies ahead. You’ve dealt with Aetas before. You’re stronger than you were, then.”

“Did you not see what he did to all of us? To a room full of thousands of vampires? I am but one, Marko. He hides the extent of his powers well,” she said, looking up at me. “I have so much to learn. If I don’t go, I’ll never stand a chance against him or anyone of his caliber. I have to. I have to prepare for Hunter. To see his powers and what he’s capable of.”

“And so you will. Every few days I will come to see you. Or you, me. Whatever is allowed.” She nodded while I led her to the door. “Things have been rocky the last few days, but you know I love you, yes?”

“Yes. And I love you. This is nothing we can’t get passed. Our love is stronger than this.”

I kissed her lips, leading her over the threshold. The tunnel was dark and I couldn’t stop the bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. Before I could knock on Aetas’ door, he opened it, gesturing for us to enter. My skin tingled at his nearness and I tried to ignore how I felt the air thicken around us.

Hunter was sitting in a chair toward the back of the room, his hands clasped, his head down, but those eyes. They ate Tessa alive, begging for things I wouldn’t let myself think on. Tessa. What had she done by secretly tying herself to Hunter? Had Aetas known? Is that why he tied himself to me? What were the reasons? None of this made sense. The questions ate at me as I glanced down to see Tessa’s indecipherable stare aimed at her former best friend.

My poor Tessa. She lived in a hell of her own creation. She was the queen and I was the demons that fed her fiery depths. Maybe this was my fault. Maybe I should have gotten it over with and killed him instead of sparing his life for a crown. Oddly, I wasn’t so sure I wanted him dead either.