Page 29 of Reign

Another force swept through the room again and Marko’s lip lifted in distaste for only a moment before he turned her onto one of my legs and ripped the material of her dress. A cry came from my mouth and I couldn’t stop from wrapping my hand around her thigh to spread her legs wider for him.

“That’s it,” Marko moaned. “Perfect.”

He lowered and his thick length plunged into her. She screamed as she scrambled to get my cock free. My arm was cradled around her shoulder, but I couldn’t get a good enough angle to bite.

“Yes. God, yes. Fuck.” Tessa’s moans increased as she began to stroke up and down my cock. My legs shot out and I tightened my features as I tried to adjust to the overwhelming pleasure.

“You like that, baby?” Marko’s face was so close to me. He was so near and he wasn’t trying to tear my throat out, and neither was I. God, we were so far gone.

“Not like this,” I groaned. “Flip her on her knees so she can rest on my thighs. Fuck her from behind.”

When Marko kept thrusting, I knew he wasn’t hearing me. He knew nothing but her.

“Master Delacroix. King,” I said, louder.

Aetas was suddenly next to me. “Let me help.” He reached over, tracing his finger down Marko’s cheek. The action was enough to have the king jerking his head to look over. The anger left the moment he registered our leader. Aetas eased Marko up, turning to fix Tessa the way I had suggested.

“Fuck her while you taste me, King.” Our leader’s hand settled on my shoulder as he pulled the collar of his shirt open. Marko didn’t have to be told twice. He surged back into Tessa, holding at her waist as he dove forward to our leader’s waiting frame.

“Bite me, Hunter. Taste me. Give me everything you have.”

My precum had Tessa’s hand gliding down my length at the perfect speed. My hips thrust forward while I tore at the silk covering her breasts. The weight filling my palm had me burying my face in her neck.

“Ahhh,” Tessa cried out as my fangs slid into her. “Yes. More. More.”

The poison leaving me was a relief. Almost an orgasm on its own. But the blood … I’d never get used to the addicting taste or power. It had me moving under her, faster. Thrusting into her palm as I craved more. To feel the heat of her pussy around me, I would have done anything.

Loud sounds were coming from Marko while he still fed and slammed into Tessa almost violently. I tightened on her nipple and her body shook with spasms. The orgasm turned her blood sweeter, more intoxicating as I drank it down. I couldn’t get my fill fast enough. Each swallow was different. Better than the last.

Aetas hand tightened against me, but I barely felt it as I tried to control the need to come. Tessa’s strokes were too good. Mixed with her increasing scent and taste, I was in a realm of consciousness I never knew existed. This went beyond heaven. Beyond words or even a state of being.

“You want to come so badly, my king,” Aetas groaned. “Fuck, so do I. Your poison is good. So fucking good.” He breathed out, heavily. “I want it as my own. God, I do.”

I felt Tessa’s arm being pulled up and I knew it was Aetas. Her fumbling with his belt was an afterthought. Another blast hit us and we all tore at each other worse than before. I broke from Tessa’s neck, crushing my lips into hers. The hunger that was returned was what my dreams were made of. My hands slid up to her face and I didn’t have to urge her lower. She moved on her own accord. Her lips encased the tip of my cock, so hot, so unbelievably wet as she ran her tongue around the head.

Her arm moved as she slid down Aetas’ long length and I felt my eyes roll. With the amount of pleasure, everything was blurring together, like flashes or clips of a movie. I knew I was here and I knew what we were doing was happening, but it almost felt like I was someone else.

“This is too good,” Aetas mumbled. “Too good. Fuck.”

Tessa’s head plunged down, and the suction she applied drew me deeper into her sweet mouth. My hand shot out and I grabbed Aetas’ thigh as some sort of anchor. Marko was breaking away, trying to breathe as he still fucked Tessa. His eyes were rolling, too, and if it weren’t for him holding onto Aetas and Tessa, I was sure he would have fallen over.

“Open your eyes, King. Look at me.” Aetas lifted Marko’s face, pressing his lips into Marko’s before his head was lifted all the way. The passion, the hunger, both of them had it as Marko’s pace increased, again. Tessa’s hand was even going faster along Aetas’ length. She lifted, taking me deeper, stoking me at the same speed as him.

“You love this.” Aetas went back for another kiss, teasing Marko as he waiting. “This is who we are. This is in the core of each and every one of us. Do you feel it?” Aetas slammed us with another wave. “People have called it our glamour. They think it only revolves around eye contact, or a mysterious sexual appeal. I tell you, there is so much more. Each gift we harbor. Everything that makes us who we are, if it were tapped into to the fullest, tapped into like I have done, can you imagine? No one looks past these little things. That is what makes them ordinary. We, the four of us, we are not like them. We are so much more. Our power together. Yours and mine.” Aetas kissed him again. “Tessalyn’s and Hunter’s. We will discover things never imagined.”

A loud yell echoed through the room as Aetas dove back for Marko’s throat. Blood sprayed across my face as Aetas violently slit to his own wrist. He was shoving the wound in Marko’s mouth, forcing his blood back on the king. It wasn’t seconds before Marko’s orgasm hit him. He was clawing at Aetas arm, even as he held our leader’s wrist to his mouth. Tessa pulled at me and there was no cost, no repercussions, as I gripped her thighs and eased her down my cock.

Her arms locked around my neck and I hugged around her hard, pulling her down until she rested at my base. The gasp sounded loud in my ear and I used my weakened strength to start moving her against me.

“What are we doing?” she mumbled. “I can’t think. There’s too much pleasure.”

“Don’t think,” I said, finding her lips. “Kiss me. Taste me. Fucking have me.”

Her tongue slipped into my mouth while she rotated her hips. Faster we went, so full of passion that I wasn’t thinking. Tessa clutched to me tighter and when she began to scream from her release, I didn’t hold back. I didn’t prolong what may never happen again.

Come shot from my cock, repeatedly, and I growled through the intensity. One minute Tessa was wrapped around me, breathing hard. The next, gone. Marko had her in his arms, looking back at us panicked as he fled the room.

Chapter 13