Page 14 of Reign

“Let’s head back,” I whispered to Beatrice and Bufar. “We can meet up with the rest of the members.”

I gave a quick point to the guard who stayed hidden deeper in the shadows at our presence. At my signal, he headed to the side of the tunnel to go back to sitting watch.

“They’re debating to leave.” I kept my voice low as the members followed me back toward the heart of the city. “What they feel, they’re not prepared to face. I don’t think we have anything to worry about.”

“All clear. Headed back.”

Tessa’s voice came into my mind just as I expected it to. I could already feel her energy begin to move closer.

“The number of potential attacks are increasing.” Beatrice’s face was devoid of emotion, but I could detect her anxiety. “It’s only a matter of time before the humans grow immune to the sensations they feel and breach our walls. Once they do, it’ll become constant. They’ll keep returning, trying to kill us in our sleep.”

I smiled, only for it to melt immediately. A rush of power cut right through me and with it, the shield to our city disappeared. I jerked to a stop, scanning the darkness.

“What was that?” Bufar breathed out, heavily. “Did the princess drop her protection?”

“No.” I turned to face the entrance we’d just left. Aetas. It had to have been him. But…why? “Beatrice, head back to stand with the guard. Bufar, go to the north entrance. Be ready to fight. I have to protect the princess.”

All three of us took off running. Tessa’s words came pushing back into my head, feeding my need to go faster.

They’re coming! Ready yourself!”

Doors flew open on my sides as vampires began to peer out of their rooms. “Get inside! If a human opens your door, kill them,” I yelled.

My claws were already down, my fangs cutting into my lip as I neared the light of the heart of the city. Sounds were still coming from the room and I slowed as I broke into the large space. Marie was ushering Tessa in, but my concubine was obviously not happy about it.

“Come, we can get you into the bedroom. You can stay there until this passes.”

Panic had me sliding to a stop to reach for her. I didn’t mind the fight, but I wanted her safe. The mate in me was worried. The member in me stilled as she threw me a look.

“Do my words means nothing to any of you? Are you all not listening to what I say?” Black began to take over her green color and the whites were quickly disappearing as she pointed one of her claws toward me. “I may not be at the entrance, but I will not cower away in a room until this passes. We fight. I fight. If you want to join me, take your position at my side. But do not for one second think about stopping me.”

The biggest battle of my life played out before me as the bonded male wanted to throw Tessa over his shoulder and spank her ass for not listening. Her second in command had me scowling and stepping to her side.

“Then we fight.”

Tessa didn’t appear to hear me as her lids closed and her arms came out. “They’re breaching all entrances.” Her head jerked the smallest amount to the side and I knew she was in tune with the city—with the energy, the sounds. Seconds went by as she grew quiet. Then a good minute. Two.

“Wait…” Her eyes snapped open and she immediately looked to the far left of the room. It was the tunnel that held lockdown, but there were openings that led to the outside. “They’re not alone,” she whispered. “The officers…they’re being joined by more. Rebels. They’re coming, too. They’re pouring in. They’ve been waiting. They knew …”

“Marko.” Marie moved closer to Tessa’s left side and I stepped up on the opposite to be even with her. Our ruler wasn’t here in the moment. She was too deep into her mind, watching what was happening.

“Anastasia,” Tessa said, lifting her index finger, “Beatrice, Demetrius…John is still locked down…”

My eyes darted to Marie whose claws were lowering at Tessa’s headcount.

“Bufar….no. No!” A sound equivalent to growl poured from her. “Bufar is dead. He’s…” Her hand came out before her. “They’re going into the rooms. They’re killing us…”

Dark hair flared out as Tessa spun and her blacked out eyes met mine. Dark smoke began to lift from her body and span across the floor in all directions.

“Both of you take cover in one of the shops and wait for my order. They’re on their way here. Only when I say, do you both come out. From there we’ll finish them off.”

Her words barely reached my sense of hearing before her body evaporated toward the ceiling. Marie was already running, already obeying. Just as I went to turn, I caught Aetas’ energy. I couldn’t see him, but I knew he and Hunter were here. They were watching.

Rage sparked and it took everything I had not to storm in their direction. Instead, I put my back to them, racing for the front of the city where all the shops were lined. Marie headed into George’s and I followed. But my mind wasn’t on waiting for our enemies to arrive. No, the real threat was already here, assessing and testing us. This was his fault. I knew he was the cause of Tessa’s shield-failure. Why, was the question.

“I can’t believe Bufar is dead,” Marie breathed out as I settled down in front of the glass, next to her. “I wasn’t expecting that.”

I glanced over, moving my attention to the peer into the dimly lit room. “I just left him. I almost can’t believe it, myself, but I know what Tessa saw was true. There’s a lot of humans within our walls.”