Page 11 of Reign

I brought Marko’s hand to my lips, kissing over his knuckles. “Had the roles been reversed, it would have been me attacking him. This position I carry, it changes us. It’s like a living thing all on its own, altering our decisions in the moment. I don’t know how I withheld. Even now, I don’t know how I’m sitting here when Hunter is right down the hall.”

“Is he still here? I figured Aetas would be gone by now.”

I tuned into the energy of the city, feeling Aetas’ power above everything. Hunter’s wasn’t very strong at all, but more so than most of the commoners.

“They’re still here and I believe they’ll be for a while longer. I made a mistake by getting so emotional and ordering Aetas to leave. He’ll stay at least another day to prove to me that he makes the rules. I fear, longer. Margo was right when she took me into her confidence. Aetas grows bored and his sadistic tendencies know no bounds. I’m afraid of what will happen if he chooses to play some sort of sick game between the three of us.”

“A game?”

“Like before, when he pretended to be you. He’s in need of something and I have no idea what it is or if he can even get what he seeks. Maybe Hunter will be distraction enough. But what if he’s not?”

Marko leaned forward, pulling me into his lap, only to spin us around to lie on the bed. He took my crown, leaning over me to put it back on the table. “You look too far into the future. Maybe we’ll wake up and they’ll be gone.”

A knock at our door had my eyebrow rising. “Or not,” I said, replacing my crown and standing. Information began pouring in from Marie and I closed my eyes soaking it in. Humans were beginning to make their way toward the entrances of the city. I could feel their presence in thick clusters of intense energy. My lids flew open and I let my power as ruler explode from me to add an extra seal around us. The air rushed out like an electrical shockwave causing Marko to fly from the bed.

“What is it?”

“Humans. They’re outside. I think they’re cops. I’m not sure. I have to get dressed.”

“Who was at the door?”

“Marie. She’s gone now, gathering the members.”

I rushed into the closet, ripping down a deep blue silk gown. As I changed, Marko was beside me, quickly dressing himself. Another knock sounded and I growled as I reached behind, jerking the laces of the corseted top.

“My shoes.” I scanned the area, sliding them on and rushing for the wooden barrier. Aetas and Hunter had anger mixing with the adrenaline.

“You sealed the city? Why?”

I glanced back at Marko, whose lip was pulled back in distaste.

“Humans. They’re at the entrances. I’m headed to the main gate to see if they’re a threat. I believe its police officers from Hunter’s earlier massacre, but I’m not for certain.”

Aetas laughed under his breath. “Do you not have faith in your members, Princess? Do you not find them capable of handling this simple task? Say the humans are hostile. You could die, and it’d be over nothing.”

“Nothing?” My head shook in disbelief. “You call dying for my people, nothing? The event doesn’t matter—big or small—riot or perimeter check. All due respect, Your Highness, but I think you miss the concept of being a leader. Everyone wants to rule. Few are willing to sacrifice themselves to prove it. Excuse me,” I said, stepping around them. “You can go back to your room. Everything will be okay. You have my word that I will protect you while you stay here. However long that is.”

Marko was right behind me as he swept passed and made it to my side. I didn’t turn back to Aetas or Hunter as I focused on the energy and began giving my orders to my mate.

“You’re to go with Bufar and Beatrice. Take the north and east entrance. I’ll take Anastasia, Marie, and Demetruis. We’ll check the south and west entrances. When I know what this is about, I will tell you. Do not speak to the humans and do not let them see you. I don’t want our presence to make things worse.”

“Got it,” he breathed out, reaching over and squeezing my hand.

Footsteps pounded up from behind. I looked over my shoulder through the darkness to see Hunter getting closer. “Go back to your room.” After he continued to followed, I couldn’t help but jerk to a stop as I faced forward. “Aetas!”

“He said I could go.”

My eyes flared and I spun around, searching out my leader.

“I can keep you safe,” he whispered, stepping closer to grab my hands.

“You did this by killing all those people,” I bit out. “Besides, I assure you I don’t need your help. Aetas!”

Out of darkest reaches of the tunnel, he appeared, approaching at a leisurely pace. His hands were in his pockets and he took his time to get to us. “Yes, Princess?” There was seduction in his tone. A longing deep within the furthest reaches. My body tingled to life and I almost couldn’t believe his persuasion made it through my crown. It was enough to give me pause.

“Take Hunter back to the room. I don’t have time to babysit some newborn.”

“He’s fine. Look at him. My blood does him well. It helps curb the cravings.”