His eyes got even wider. He looked as if he could not believe his luck, could not believe this was actually happening to him. But he nodded.
‘Good. You remember that rule. Don’t speak, don’t even move, unless I say so.’
Was it the whiskey that was making her talk like this? Or was it the fact that she’d been without someone to share her bed for two months? Or was it the freedom of being all alone with a man who might as well have been a stranger?
That was why she could talk to him like this. Because she never had to see him again.
Luke was hard. When she put her hand over the bulge in his slacks, she nearly lost her ability to play the game. She nearly told him to just slip off the pants and let her climb on, cowgirl style. But that wouldn’t have been what he wanted. And knowing she was fulfilling his fantasies turned her on more than she would have thought.
Slowly, she worked her way down his body, kissing his chest, slowly, oh so slowly. He held himself entirely still, almost as if he believed she would disappear if he moved, if he did the wrong thing. She loved the way it felt to crawl down him, the top of her dress slipping slightly, revealing more of her breasts as she moved. She’d thought tonight was going to end up differently. She’d thought Rowan would come, that he would see her looking like a movie star in her dotted turquoise. That he would take her out behind the gym, and lift the hem of her dress, slowly revealing the tops of her thigh-highs, slowly …
Didn’t matter now. She was with Luke instead and, if he were a consolation prize, then she should be grateful. Certainly, plenty of the single women from her class would have switched places with her in a heartbeat.
She’d reached the middle of his body, and she pressed her lips to his cock, still sheathed in his pants. He groaned, and she gazed up quickly at him, a warning look in her eyes. He bit his bottom lip and shook his head, clearly trying to tell her with his actions that he would be good. But she hadn’t told him he couldn’t moan, had she? And what was she going to do if he did? Gag him?
She continued to work her way downward, undoing the laces on his shoes, slipping off one, then the other. She was the one to undo his slacks, to pull them off him, so that he was left there, in nothing but his blue silk boxers. And then she was the one to take his tie and wrap it around his wrists.
Luke didn’t tell her what to do. He didn’t say step by step what turned him on. He simply looked at her. Was he daring her with his eyes?
No. He was begging her with them.
She found that once his wrists were bound over his head, she loved the way he looked. This was difficult for her to believe. She’d never played games like this with Bryce. Never played games like this with any one of her former beaus. But she felt a sense of power, a delicious sense of control rumbling through her. God, why had she never tried on the role of a dominatrix before? Why had she been satisfied with fairly normal, generally pleasant, everyday sort of sex?
Luke moved under her, bringing her thoughts back around to him. Having him tied, even as inexpertly tied as he was, put her in control. Once more, she crawled over his body, this time kissing his mouth, spending a long time focused on the way his lips felt on hers. He groaned and arched his body upward, and she could feel how hard he was, how turned on he’d gotten from the little bit of teasing she’d given him so far.
So damn hard.
She snaked one hand down beneath the waistband of his boxers and gripped the rod of his cock, never breaking from the kiss. Luke bucked against her, and when she pulled back to look into his eyes, they were dazed. Was it the alcohol? The pleasure? The disbelief that Dorian Martin was a capable Top? Or perhaps all of those things combined?
Because Dori was surprised, too.
‘You like this?’ she whispered, bringing her mouth close to his ear. ‘You like it when a girl does stuff like this to you? When you don’t have to do a damn thing?’
He licked his bottom lip, staring at her, as if trying to figure out the correct response, the answer that might win him the prize he so desperately sought. She thought of all of those times they’d talked about sex together, kicked back on the cool Spanish tiles of the stairwell in the tower building on campus. She thought about how she’d looked up to him, how even though they were the same age, he’d been so much more experienced, had seemed so much older than she was.
And then she thought of that Bob Dylan lyric that had been playing when they’d left the reunion – I was so much older then, I’m younger than that now. Her mom had played that song so often when she was growing up, and she’d never understood the lyrics before. Now, looking at Luke, she thought she understood. She thought she understood a lot of things she’d never realized before.
Rowan had reached the Gilbert Hotel, a place that hadn’t even been built when they were in high school. The site had been an empty field filled with clover and the full white puffs of dandelions, surrounded by the redwood trees that gave their school its name. Now, the trees were gone except for one large beast in the center of the circular drive. A mascot, he supposed. An emblem from the past.
He thought about Dori, about how they had sometimes skipped class to come to this field. He’d gotten a second-hand motorcycle at the end of his senior year, and they’d ridden on it together, Dori with a sparkling blue helmet the same color that she’d dyed her hair at the year’s end. She was smarter than he was in some ways. He had the numbers down, but she always brought a blanket with them, spreading the colorful quilt out in the tall grass, the two of them hidden from the street by the trees.
He thought of the way she’d looked in her pegged Guess jeans with the zippers on the ankles and tight-fitting T-shirts. She had a whole collection of concert Tees, and she wore them until they grew soft and faded. Fitting her slim body to perfection. How funny that he was turned on by the feel of worn cotton now, rather than satin or lace. Whenever he came across one of his old U2 T-shirts, now barely threads holding the thing together, he thought of her.
They had hidden from the world behind those trees. They had held each other and touched each other and taken those first few fumbling steps into an adult relationship.
It was the first place they had kissed, wasn’t it?
No. The Majestic. Back behind the theater. But the field came in close second on his list of favorite memories. And now the field was gone, the trees were gone, and all that was left was a $600-a-night hotel. He let a valet attendant take his car, and then hurried into the lobby, eyes scanning the room for Dori, seeing but not seeing the plush surroundings – golden carpeting and antiques in the lobby. Sterile, he thought as he went into the bar, hoping that he’d find her there, sitting at the counter with her friends, recapping the evening in that gossipy way he knew that girls did.
She wasn’t anywhere. He searched the room with his eyes, finally landing on the bar where he saw Chelsea. She was sitting with one of Dori’s other friends, Janie. He started toward them when he heard Chelsea say, ‘Can’t believe Dori went off with Luke.’
‘She always liked him,’ Janie responded, lifting her drink off the bar.
Why hadn’t he thought she might go somewhere else, with someone else? Why had he not let that fact figure into his plans? You could control numbers. You could count on facts and figures. But humans – they were the unexpected variable. It was why he’d always been such a loner. He could trust his data.
He couldn’t trust anything else.
Dori looked from the boxers to the belt on the bed, and Luke followed her eyes. His body stiffened. He wanted her to use that leather on him. She knew that, but she wasn’t sure that she could. Still, she reached for the belt, and Luke moved without her having to tell him. Moved so that his wrists were crossed over his head, and his backside was exposed, still clad in the luxurious navy-blue silk of his boxers.