Page 46 of Melt With You

What the fuck?

He’d been too quick for her.

She struggled for a second, but he applied more pressure and she held still.

She was embarrassed by the harness now, but he didn’t say a word. He had her pressed up against the wall, and she could feel how hard he was. Maybe he simply liked the threat of being fucked. Maybe this is what he fantasized about. Bette hadn’t been clear enough. Dori wished she’d asked her boss more questions, that she’d done her research. Because now, she was lost.

She felt him shove her Jockeys aside, reaching between her legs and under the harness to feel the wetness awaiting him, and she sucked in her breath when his thumb brushed her clit under the dildo. The mere touch of his slightly calloused thumb made her want to come. Oh, God, he knew how to touch her, didn’t he? She was always surprised by that. How an eighteen-year-old could know, just know so well how to turn her on.

He slid inside of her fast from behind, working her hard from the start, and she groaned at how good it felt. God, yes. No pussy-footing around. Just good old-fashioned fucking. That’s what she thought, at least, until he slid out and started to press the head of his cock against her asshole.

‘Wait,’ she started, but he didn’t pause.

‘Wait, I have lube –’ she begged, reaching for the small bottle concealed in the pocket of her shirt. The small bottle was accepted, and she felt the slickness over her tender skin before his cock pressed there once more.

She wanted to tell him to go slow, to give her time, but when she tried to talk, he put one hand over her mouth and began to press harder. She couldn’t get free. Not even if she wanted to. There was something unbelievably sexy to her about the fact that struggling was futile.

‘Oh, God,’ she said again, but this time, her words were muffled by his palm. He wasn’t stopping. He was going slow, as she’d begged him to, but he wasn’t stopping. She felt him push forward, and suddenly he was in, made ready by her own slippery juices and the glossy river of lube.

Oh, God,’ she said again, louder, as he started to fuck her there, fuck her in earnest, and then, ‘Oh, God!’ more of a yelp than a moan, as the bathroom door opened and Van strode in.


What the fuck? she thought again. ‘What the fuck?’ she managed to say out loud. If Van was walking into the bathroom, then who was behind her? Who was inside her?

Dori’s mind whirled, but she couldn’t fathom what had happened. Couldn’t understand what was going on. She just stared, seeing Van come forward, seeing him as he tilted her head up so that she was kissing him. His eyes had that look again. That glazed look that told her he was in love with her, and that he was in love with the bathroom, and with the mirror, with the soap dispenser, and with the man fucking her ass.

When Van was on X, he was in love with the whole fucking universe.

‘What’d you bring me?’ he asked, fist wrapped tight around her cock. ‘Oh, sweet baby. What on earth did you bring me?’

Dori couldn’t think. She couldn’t speak. Some stranger dressed to the nines as Frank-N-Furter had just fucked her. And not just fucked her, but taken her ass in the ladies’ bathroom of The Majestic. And her new boyfriend – if that’s what she could call Van – seemed to have no trouble at all with this concept. Instead, he was now down on his knees on the bathroom tiles, fellating her rubber cock, an act that seemed almost unspeakably dirty to Dori.

And Dori herself was in a daze.

There were two Frank-N-Furters in the bathroom, and she was sandwiched between them. When she looked at the mirrors on the wall, she saw that there were an infinite amount of characters from Rocky Horror. Twice as many Franks as Brads, though. The look on her face was one of total shock.

And yet, as she looked down at Van, getting the toy nice and wet, and as the false Frank-N-Furter kissed the back of her neck, she felt a shiver rush through her.

Van’s sea-change eyes glowed at her and he stroked her legs as he continued to suck on a cock that would always be hard, a cock that could never come. The man behind her bit into her shoulder, and Dori moaned and squirmed. God, she ought to be yelling, right? She ought to be screaming at this stranger? But she couldn’t – it felt too good.

‘Don’t dream it,’ the man whispered, ‘be it.’ Then he pulled away from her, tucked himself back into his shiny black panties, and left the restroom.

She ran a hand through Van’s long hair, pushing the curls out of his eyes, and he pulled off her. The toy was nice and wet, but was it wet enough?

While she watched, awestruck, he stood and turned around, gripping onto the sink, offering himself to her. She knew exactly what to do. She pulled at the corset he was wearing, tugging it open, and then ripped down his panties. He was wearing black satin ones, and thigh-high fishnets. She poured lube into her hand and wet the space between his rear cheeks, and then, fisting her cock with the excess lubrication, she pressed the head of it to his asshole.

Van groaned, and she realized that Bette was right. This is what he wanted. This is what he liked. She was almost disappointed in the fact that she didn’t have a real cock of her own. That she couldn’t fulfill his entire fantasy, be the boy he sometimes craved. But she wouldn’t fail him. She started to fuck him in earnest, watching his body, seeing his arms tighten, knowing that he was getting more aroused by the moment.

Inspired, she put a hand around his body and gripped onto his cock. Van groaned harder, pushing himself back on her, impaling himself deeper with her toy. She’d never had sex like this before, not with anyone in real life, not even in her mind, but oh fuck, it turned her on.

Van whispered something under his breath, and Dori strained to hear. What was he saying? Not words. Not actual phrases. Just nonsense muttering about how good she was, how hard he wanted her to take him.

No, she’d never fucked a man before. But she understood the appeal. The way it felt to be in charge. Playing those kinky sex games with Luke had taught her that she actually liked being in the driver’s seat. Now, with her hands on Van’s hips, she reveled in the sense of power that flooded through her.

The fact that she could see his expressions in the mirror turned her on even more. He was clearly in heaven, or ‘blissed-out,’ as Bette had said. A thought flickered in her mind – had Bette fucked Van like this? How else would she know that the boy liked it?

And then Dori realized that Van was watching her. Even through the haze of his pleasure and the daze of whatever drugs he was on today, he was watching her. And for a split second Dori saw recognition in his eyes. That he’d realized she wasn’t some cousin of the girl he knew at the shop. But that she was the actual girl in the shop.