Page 9 of Melt With You

Was Dori supposed to use the belt on his boxers, or on his naked skin? She couldn’t ask him. That wouldn’t have suited the situation at all. Without thinking, she snapped the belt once more and watched him jump. Then, not-letting herself hesitate another second, she flicked her wrist and watched the belt lick at his ass. Luke groaned and bucked his hips, but didn’t say a word.

Look at her. She was actually doing this.

Dori snapped the belt once more, watching the leather snap against his boxer-clad ass a second time, and then, moving fast, she yanked down his boxers, before pausing once more to admire him.

His body was fine. In top shape. But that’s not why she stared. He was thrusting his hips against the mattress as if he couldn’t help himself, and she knew that wasn’t allowed. Not in this world. Not in this little fantasy.

Quickly, she stroked his ass with the palm of her hand, while hissing, ‘Don’t you even think about it.’ And he stopped. Power flared through her once more. She used the belt on him five times in rapid succession, watching the lines appear on his skin, admiring the way he accepted the pain, almost as if he deserved it. She worked him fiercely, until she couldn’t stand the wait any longer.

Had this moment taken twenty years to reach? That’s how long it felt to Dori.

The urgency took over then. She wanted to have him inside her, craved the feeling of skin on skin.

‘Roll over,’ she said, her tone commanding in spite of the hunger that flared through her.

‘I’ve got a condom,’ he said, as she slid her panties down. ‘In my wallet.’

She did as well, a string of condoms tucked into the inner pocket of her purse. Condoms that were ribbed for her pleasure, given to her by Violet ‘just in case.’

There was the fumbling then that had been a part of the sex scene during her whole adult life. Christ, why hadn’t she been born in an era when this sort of thing wasn’t necessary? Since high school, she’d been programmed by the adverts and the magazines to practice safe sex. Still, she managed to sheathe him as his hands were tied, and then climb on top, riding him while he couldn’t get away. Working him, while she was still clad in her turquoise dress, her hips pumping, striving for the pleasure she knew would take her away.

She knew something else. She’d never wear this dress again.

Dori rode him, rocking back and forth on Luke’s cock, feeling him reach deep inside of her each time she slid back down, and oh, it felt good. Fucking him felt amazing, really, being astride the king of her campus. Making him gasp for breath as she rode him.

‘God, Dori,’ he hissed, staying focused on her until the clouds filled his eyes and he was coming.

‘Your turn,’ he said, moments later, his eyes gleaming. He’d just climaxed, so hard, and she would have imagined that he’d be done for the night. And that would have been fine with her. The experience was enough. But he wouldn’t let up. Slowly, she undid his wrists and he shook out his arms, as if to relieve the muscles. She sat back, staring at him, realizing exactly how handsome he was, but finding herself feeling cold at the center. The buzz from the liquor was starting to fade, as was the high from being in charge.

He got rid of the condom, and finished the alcohol in his glass, before saying, ‘Now, let me try,’ a different mood coming over him. He seemed to want to make sure that she received as much pleasure as he had. Another difference from high school, she remembered with a half-smile. Then, boys had really only seemed to be after one thing. Now, men had been trained to make sure that their partners got their fair share. ‘Did you come?’ ‘Was it good for you?’ But those were entirely different queries than the one Luke actually asked:

‘Have you been tied down before?’

She shook her head. She’d been with one boyfriend who had given her handcuffs as a gag gift, but they’d never used them, and she’d hung them from a drawer handle and lost the key. She had ultimately gotten rid of the dresser, with the cuffs still dangling from that handle.

‘Let me show you,’ he said, motioning for her to lie down on the bed. When she did, he peeled off her stockings, slowly, and she shivered at the tickling sensation of his fingertips on her bare skin. Still, she wasn’t ready to let go of the power that had so decadently filled her.

‘I don’t know.’

‘Come on, Dori. I won’t bite.’

She gazed at him from the bed, arms at her sides, stiff. She was still in her dress, although the top was askew, revealing her breasts nearly to the nipples.

He started to laugh. ‘You look fucking miserable.’

‘Just nervous.’

‘You trust me, don’t you?’

Did she? She might have trusted Luke twenty years before, but she hadn’t seen the man since she was eighteen. She didn’t know him at all. What if he liked to tie women up in hotel rooms and leave them bound for the hotel maids to find in the morning? What if he wanted to do something to her that she wasn’t ready for?

But the experience they’d just shared was enough to loosen her inhibitions, and the remnants of the high school boy still looked out at her from Luke’s eyes. Slowly, she nodded. Yes, she trusted him.

Luke tied her down with her own stockings, using one on each wrist. She pulled and discovered that he was more of an expert than she. She wasn’t going anywhere until he said so. Until he let her free. Fear fluttered through her, but the concept made her wet as well.

He was different in charge. There’d been a sweetness to the way she’d topped him. But once Luke had her bound, he seemed to transform. She remembered the predatory way he’d behaved with girls in high school. How he’d moved from one to the next with such slippery ease. How he’d actually seemed to relish leaving heartache in his wake. As if the longing he created made him more of a man.

Now, she saw a bit of that character still in him. Saw it when he had her tightly trussed and reached for her purse and pulled out her phone.