Flipping on the spotlights as they passed, Beth sent Jed over the back of the silent faux cowhide as she walked past. He had to bend in the middle or whack the now not-so-soft parts hard. Jed bent, head down, blood rushing in two different directions. He waited long moments for her next move. The heat from the spotlights was causing him to sweat, and he could feel rivulets running from between his shoulder blades to rest against the belt’s edge on his neck. When it began to pool, a wet path ran the length of the leather and slithered along his hairline.
Beth looped the buckle into her palm, whipping the belt away. “You’re a greedy bottom talking to me like that without so much as a please ma’am.” The tail hit the bull next to his ear with an emphatic sound. “I know your momma instilled better manners in you. And if running off to play with the boys and beefers makes you forget them, well, I’ll just be sure we freshen those up.” He was staring at her legs. She wore her Wranglers like all cowboys, stacked the extra four inches deep to the top of her short Ariat boots.
When Jed saw the tail of that belt start to swing, left, right, left, right, he was reminded of her trick-roping in Jr. Rodeo and guessed she was twirling a pretty pattern. He knew he shouldn’t, but he just had to look. Her feet came forward as she saw his attempt to lift his head, and that belt began raining its rhythmic blows to his shoulders and back.
Jed didn’t flinch. His lifestyle had made him tough, and he had played at this before. It would take more than girlie-slapping at the back of his cotton, button-down Sunday-go-to-meetin’ shirt to get him to squirm. He knew his steadiness and silence taunted Beth. He knew she liked to see a reaction from her work. And he knew that his dick had grown stiff just at the anticipation of being spanked by her.
He ground his groin against the hairy side of the faux carcass. But that wasn’t doing it for him. His erection was encased in rigid indigo Wranglers. There was more chafing than coaxing of a greater excitement. A bored sigh accidentally slipped from his lips.
He realized his mistake as soon as he’d done it but not in time to stop himself. Beth reacted with speed, stripping off her own thin, dress belt to tighten it around his hands and place them behind his neck, elbows out at right angles. Then she sauntered around the other side and surprised him by deftly unbuttoning the rivet to his jeans, yanking the zipper apart with a gritty resistance, and ripping them from his ass to settle at the tops of his boots.
The well-muscled globes of his white buttcheeks stood unprotected. And though his hard-on banged up against cowhide, his balls dropped like heavy rocks to hang between his spread legs.
Beth kicked his feet as wide as the crumpled jeans would allow. She ran a shortened but sharp fingernail across one asscheek, leaving a thin red trail. He colored up so easily. Her hand reached between his legs to cup and jounce his meaty testicles. Taking a firmer hold, she drew them back through his legs to the point of stretching his scrotum. That caused Jed to lift up onto his toes.
Immediately, Beth dropped the large load and struck with leather, welting both cheeks with her first swat, lifting him slightly further until he had to land back down squarely to the bottoms of his boots once again.
“I didn’t tell you to move.” She stroked his flopping jewels with the scratchy side of the belt. Jed sucked his stomach in at this new twist just before the flat of the belt slapped his balls soundly.
“You may apologize.”
He remained eerily silent, clenching his teeth.
The belt landed with a sting on both upper thighs, and still he was silent. Beth rained blows on his ass, making the taut globes burn bright. And still Jed had no words for her.
She thwacked him again, making the cowboy start to hump and pump against the coarse, dead hide. He knew the head of his prick would be some shade of purple, begging for release yet holding off. She shoved the tails of his shirt up until it was bunched at his shoulders to hang over the back of his head.
Beth got to work in earnest, the steady beat of the belt rhythmic. Circling the bull, she worked him from bare shoulders to ass to thighs then back. Varying the pressure but never the speed. His body tuned to the rhythm but was jarred by the change in pressure, traitorously beginning to work without him.
Jed squirmed in anticipation of each slap. His torso and ass began reaching for each oncoming blow, his toes curled as his body craved the uncertain depth of pain. He felt his control beginning to wane, his focus fade. He clenched his jaw to keep silent and heard her low laugh as his balls began to climb.
“Oh no, son. I’ll have my apology and more long before those boys go home.”
Her foot stepped between his calves, hooked his jeans, and dragged him back until his chest was on the bull’s back and his dick and balls in midair. Feet solidly on the floor, he felt her hand pressuring the small of his back.
She trailed her fingers across the glowing stripes on his back. To anyone else it would look like he’d had enough, but he was no novice, and Beth would know his silence meant he wasn’t ready to give up. She also knew how to push him where he had wanted to go.
She grabbed his hips and slammed her pelvis against his now sensitive buttocks, insinuating fucking him up the ass. He groaned. The belt, with its hubcap-sized buckle, dropped to the wooden floor. The sound echoed within the small bar.
Beth leaned over Jed’s back, feeling the heat radiating from his body, and fisted his erection. He bucked and gasped until his wits came under control enough to moan while flopping his head from side to side.
The pulsating hard-on thumped in her grasp. She stepped to his side and used her bare hand to first rub and soothe his buttocks and then slap and mar the stripes with her palm.
Now Jed tried to avoid the oncoming blows by pushing his pelvis forward into her tight grip. His head continued to rock from side to side, eyes closed, spittle leaking from his tight lips as it also leaked from his pisshole.
He would break soon. That’s what he had wanted. Beth alternated between caressing his bare back and buttocks, with firm, open-handed wallops to first one reddened globe of his ass and then the other.
A single tear squeezed out of each clench-closed eye and glistened under the hot spotlight. Jed’s mouth opened, the intake of air allowing his vocal chords to quietly express his erotic anguish.
Beth spanked him harder and faster until his groaning and moaning turned into recognizable words. “Fuck! No. Yes.” His hands reached away from his neck, clawing with their wrists secured at the hairy hide.
She beat him soundly as she jerked him off. Jed squirmed and humped under her ministrations until his balls tightened against his body and he exploded in thick ropey stands with exhausting effort that made him sob in earnest until he eventually went slack against the big electric bull.
Beth smiled, leaned over, and cooed gently in his ear, as if to a child. She nibbled at his lobe, kissed the wetness of his cheek, and then teasingly clamped her teeth onto his jaw before rising.
Jed slid to the hardwood floor, landing soundly on his knees and sitting gingerly on the denim trapping his lower legs. He slumped forward, shoulders rounded, and leaned his head against the worn hide. His spent body heaved with his breath, hiccupping sporadically. Beth ran her hands through his hair, rubbing his head as if trying to calm a distraught child.
Gently, she loosed her belt from his wrists, replacing it around her waist in the loops of her jeans. Then she walked toward the door, flicking the spotlight off as she went. Beth plucked up the green shade, spun the sign back to “open,” unlocked the bolt, and resumed her wiping of glasses behind the large mahogany bar, this time smiling and humming a country tune.