“I’ll have to shave you.” I could swear she smirked when she said that.
“I’m already shaved. Completely.”
Her eyebrows shot upward, then she asked, “How big do you want it?”
Again, my brain was going to the gutter, but I kept it cool and replied, “About two inches around.”
“Something like this?” She pulled a page from a book and brought it over to me, showing me a tribal design encased in an octagon. As I studied the design, I couldn’t help but look at her glorious cleavage, now mere inches from my face. It took all my willpower not to lean over and lick her, but I got myself together and told her that the design was perfect.
She stood and shut the door. “I’m going to need you to remove your shorts and panties.”
“Okay,” I said, in a shaky voice. Did I mention that I hate the sting of the needle? I was also having some weird conflict between that and feeling excited at the same time. Not to mention Gia’s energy was full of sexuality, and her hands were soon going to be on my half-naked body.
As I undressed, she turned her back to me, fiddling with things on the table. When I had everything off from the waist down, I sat on the table, put my hands in my lap, and said, “I’m ready.”
She turned around, allowing her gaze to travel over my bare legs. “Lie back. That’ll keep the skin taut, and it’ll make it easier for me to work on you.”
Oh, I wanted her to work on me all right. I eased myself backward. The table was cushioned with padded leather and a disposable paper cover, so it was soft and comfortable. The reclined position allowed me to see what she was doing, although I wasn’t sure I wanted to, given my fear of needles. As I tried to get my nerves under control, her voice startled me, causing me to jump slightly.
“I’m going to clean the area with alcohol. Sorry for the cold.”
Even though she had warned me, I jumped when I felt the spray hit my skin. She placed her warm hand on my abdomen and said “Easy” in a low voice, and that turned my arousal up a notch. This is not the state I wanted to be in. I wanted to be relaxed, not anxious and aroused. I tried to focus on anything but her hand, which was so close to my pussy that I wanted to scream, and somewhere in the back of my mind, I secretly wanted her to touch me there. But she was all business and seemed not to notice anything out of the ordinary as she wiped my skin clean with a sterile gauze pad.
Then I heard the buzz of the gun, and all thoughts of anything sexual disappeared in an instant. I tried to calm myself by breathing slowly and thinking about warm, tropical places and sandy beaches. I reminded myself about how happy I’d be when this was all over. I would be sporting a gorgeous new tattoo. It was a nice idea, but I bit my lip anyway, bracing against the pain.
As Gia worked on me, she kept moving her hand to different areas on my body, trying to get the best angle. I felt her fingers move from my abdomen, to my thigh, to my hip, and although I know she didn’t do this for any purpose other than her work, it was turning me on like crazy. I tried to use this as a distraction from the pain. I pulled my focus together, thinking only of her hand. No more thoughts of that annoying sting that kept biting me. Although my arousal was intensifying, I kept reminding myself that her touch was not for this purpose. But when she placed her hand just above my pussy to pull the skin taut, I couldn’t help but moan and arch my hips slightly. She looked up at me then and said, “Everything okay?”
I could feel my cheeks turning red, as I answered, “Yes, sorry.”
She smiled and said, “If you need a break, just let me know. Otherwise, I really need you to keep still.”
She had no idea how difficult that was proving to be, but I nodded anyway and forced myself to relax. I closed my eyes and concentrated on my breathing, keeping my inhales and exhales steady and even, trying to forget the now insistent throb in my pussy.
As I began to finally reach a state of calm, her voice brought me slamming back to the present when she said, “You’re wet.”
My eyes flew open and I looked at her while she stared into my eyes, and then glanced down at my center of arousal. I was so embarrassed I didn’t know what to say, so I didn’t say anything. Instead, I lay there mortified, my face turning fifteen shades of red.
“Do you like the sting of the needle?” she asked, running her finger lightly between my pussy lips. “Is that why you’re so wet?”
I shook my head no, still unable to speak.
“You could have fooled me,” she said as she dipped her finger in and pressed lightly on my clit.
“Oh fuck,” I moaned, finding my voice and arching my hips toward her.
She put the tattoo gun down and ran her hands slowly upward, over my stomach, then back down over my thighs. “You have great skin,” she said, pushing my legs apart. Her voice was like liquid silk; I could have listened to it all day. I gladly let her spread my legs. “That’s it, let me open you up,” she said, using her fingers to part my swollen lips. At first, I thought I was going to come just from watching her touch me, but when she leaned down and let the tip of her tongue glide over my pussy, I felt as though I was going to pass out.
As I lay there moaning and panting, I suddenly wondered if anyone else could hear me. Realizing they probably could, I tried to be quiet, but when she eased two fingers into my cunt, I gasped and moaned even louder.
“Sh,” she said, coaxing me to be quiet as she continued to trace my clit with her tongue. Her touch was so light, I thrust upward to try to get more, but she said, “If you don’t stop that, I’m going to spank you.”
I looked at her with an amused smile, but honestly I couldn’t tell if she was serious or kidding. I thrust upward once more, and she surprised me by giving my pussy a quick, stinging slap.
I was so shocked I didn’t know what to do. I lay there rigid and unsure of whether to give in to my arousal or get the hell out of there as fast as I could. No, it was too soon to give up, I decided. I wanted to see where she was going to take me.
“Yes, Ma’am,” I answered, hoping that would signal to her that I wanted to continue.
“Good girl,” she said as she continued to play for several glorious minutes, her fingers in my cunt and her tongue on my clit.