This time it takes four cock slaps before Lily’s mouth opens. I slip my index fingers into either side of her mouth and use my thumbs to push my balls past her lips.
“Work your tongue, Lily. Suck like you mean it. I know you’ve had the practice.”
Lily’s eyes narrow, but she works my balls nonetheless. The sensation itself is not particularly exciting, although seeing my erection rest on Lily’s face while she struggles to please me is entertaining. As with so many pleasures, context is everything. In this case the context is set by the fact that it is not my balls that Lily has been practicing on.
I think it’s only fair that, if you are going to fuck another man’s wife, he should get some benefit from it. Alan, Lily’s husband, is a man of simple sexual needs who, over the two years of my association with Lily, has found his sex life becoming more complex. First, I had Lily habituate him to letting her film their fucking. She told him it turned her on. True enough in its way. She has come many times while replaying the film on the state-of-the-art LCD screen the hotel thoughtfully provides. I like to try to beat a come out of her before her husband’s onscreen performance ends with him collapsed on top her. Initially, this didn’t give me a lot of time, but I usually managed it.
After awhile, I had Lily insist on being on top, facing toward the camera when they fucked. I’d grown profoundly tired of watching Alan’s arse; the sight of Lily bumping and grinding and pulling at her breasts was a decided improvement. It also had the benefit of making the fucking last long enough for me to do a more thorough job of beating Lily during the playback. Besides, with Lily facing the camera, she could mouth “Thank you, Daddy,” before each sticky dismount. It’s our way of sharing.
Recently, I’ve spiced things up a bit by phoning Lily before each session with Alan and telling her how I want her fucked. At my bidding, Alan has been introduced to the delights of having his balls sucked and his arsehole rimmed while Lily jacks him off onto her tits. Alan never lasts long, but he is extremely grateful. Lily, on the other hand, finds these sessions very frustrating. When Alan is happily asleep, I call her and make her fuck herself for me in front of the camera while Alan’s drying cum puckers the skin on her breasts.
Now Lily is sucking my balls when she would rather be fucking. I’m sure the message is not lost on her. When my balls are wet, I pull them out of her mouth but leave them resting against her cheek.
“Ask Daddy to ream your arse, Lily, there’s a good girl.”
“Please, Daddy,” Lily says, “Fuck me hard and deep.”
I smile. Progress.
“But use my cunt. It’s wet and it aches for you. Please, Daddy.”
Not enough progress. Time to change tactics.
I climb down from the bed, my cock swaying absurdly in front of me, and set to work on detaching Lily from the bedpost. Leaving her hands cuffed behind her back and the spreader bar in place, I wrap the leash around my fist and pull her roughly down onto the bed so that she’s lying on her back with her legs spread.
She can’t help but grin as she bounces on the bed. Lily is anticipating getting fucked. I’m anticipating taking her breath away.
It seems the constant stimulation from the toys has had an effect; the crotch of Lily’s jeans has been darkened with moisture. Instinctively, I lower my head to investigate. Lily lifts her hips, offering herself to me. Now it’s my turn to grin.
I place my hands on her thighs and push them even further apart. Quickly and without warning, I bite down hard on Lily’s mound. She thrashes beneath me, too shocked even to scream. I bite a second time and she stiffens, back arched. The third bite does it; Lily’s first orgasm rides her. When the shaking stops, I grab the spreader bar and use it to force her to bend her legs until her knees are pressing into her breasts. I’m bent over her, inches from her face, tying the leash to the spreader bar so that she will remain folded, when her eyes open.
“You BIT me.”
There is as much surprise as anger in her voice.
“THREE times”
Indignation seems to be losing out to incredulity. I finish the knot that will keep Lily bent double, kiss her forcefully on the mouth, and say, “It seemed like the right number.”
“You are a sick, twisted freak.”
“And your point is?”
“Fuck me. Fuck me right now. Please.”
I stand up and start to undress, slowly, carefully folding each item as it is removed.
“Come ON.” Lily says, rocking a little, testing the strength of the knot that holds her.
I still have my trousers and shoes on. I will not tolerate being hurried.
I grab the spreader bar and push down until it rests quite firmly against Lily’s neck. “You will be quiet now, Lily,” I say. My voice is level and calm and all the more menacing for that. “You will not speak until after I have fucked you.”
I can see that Lily wants to ask a question, but she restrains herself.
“Good girl,” I say.