By the time she had finished, it looked as if the Guides were taking part in a sack race whilst the sacks were on fire; furiously rubbing their naked buttocks as the tears poured down their cheeks. And having invested in a two-liter tube of ice-cold moisturizing cream, the Guider allowed each of them to smear some across their naked cheeks. It wasn’t long before the tub was completely empty.
As she struggled in vain to soothe the flaming sting across her bottom, Natalie was beginning to understand why this Guide troop only held meetings once a month. But as the Guider instructed them all to get back into pairs and to “help rub each other better,” she began to wish she could go there every day.
Passionately kissing each other’s tear-stained lips as they rubbed the soothing moisturizer into each other’s bottoms, Natalie and Rebecca could not decide if they were in agony or lust.
A couple of the sobbing women even decided to “help rub each other better” by greedily licking each other’s dripping pussies as the tears flowed. And as they eagerly kissed and caressed each other’s naked bodies, it wasn’t long before all of the other Guides had followed suit.
“Isn’t anyone going to lick my pussy?” demanded the Guider as she watched her whole troop descend into wailing Sapphic delight.
“I will, Madam,” sobbed Natalie as Rebecca eagerly lapped the last of the pussy juice from her swollen clit.
And as Natalie knelt between Miss Redding’s gorgeous thighs, it wasn’t long before the new Guide had earned her second merit badge.
Before she sent her Guides home, however, Miss Redding reminded each of them that they needed to have designed and built a functioning CP implement before next month’s meeting; something that any member of the troop could make out of ordinary camping equipment and twigs or branches.
“Imagine that you’ve gone on a camping trip and your girlfriend’s forgotten to secure the tent,” she explained as the girls changed back into their normal clothes and got ready to leave. “Design me something that you can put together in two minutes and that will leave her wincing for days.”
And although it took quite awhile for Natalie to come up with a suitable idea, it didn’t take her long to design something that made her wince with desire.
“Very nice,” praised the Guider at next month’s meeting, lashing the makeshift cat-o’-nine-tails back and forth to test its whipping action. “Very nice indeed.”
Natalie brought two pairs of leather hiking straps and a roll of waterproof duct tape to the meeting that evening. In less than thirty seconds, she had knotted the straps together and secured the handle with a length of tape, creating a truly vicious-looking CP implement that she longed to feel against her cheeks. And so when the Guider decided to put it to the ultimate test, Natalie eagerly pulled her knickers down.
“How does it feel?” teased the Guider as the first stroke sliced into Natalie’s naked buttocks, leaving half a dozen razor-thin, flaming red welts that would sting for days to come. “Does it feel lovely?”
But gripping her beautiful ankles as hard as she could, Natalie was too busy trying not to scream to be able to reply.
In fact, as the seventh stroke hit her swollen cheeks, the urge to run was almost impossible to resist. But closing her eyes and gritting her teeth, Natalie managed to keep her composure by reciting the first line of the Guide’s Pledge over and over again.
“I promise to do my best!” She wept pathetically. “I promise to do my best!”
The Guider was so impressed with Natalie’s endurance that she decided to test the other Guides’ CP implements across her naked cheeks as well.
“I PROMISE TO DO MY BEST!” Natalie shrieked uncontrollably as the homemade birch rod cut deep into her tender, naked thighs. “I PROMISE TO DO MY BEST!”
Morgan Aine
My collar threatened to choke me. Each breath was a labor.
I had been dreading this function for weeks. But the party John was holding, for this group of friends, meant a lot to him. The hotel suite had been prepared earlier by the caterers. This was the second social event that had come up since we began seeing each other, and the first had been brutal. The memory of his friends’ reactions left its mark. They thought me second-rate and trite. I wouldn’t say out loud what I thought of them.
Our entrance to the suite was duly noted. The silence that ensued spoke volumes. Heads turned and mouths hung open. Here was the entrance he expected and the one I dreaded. Everyone in the room took note. My skimpy dress barely covered the tops of my stockings. There was no place for me to hide.
John’s failed marriage was a hot gossip topic. No one could understand why he’d left his wife. The couple appeared to have it all. Everyone wanted to be them. Very few people knew his wife privately. Her lack of self-control had been her ruin. She’d had problems keeping her legs together around the hired help. John caught her time and time again. Her lack of loyalty annoyed and infuriated him. It pushed them apart and ultimately ended their marriage.
What made me especially desirable to him was that I was the perfect submissive. Nothing could pry me away. From the moment we’d gotten together, his dominance over me was complete. My level of admiration and trust in him was enormous. His faith in me was the same. I neither needed nor wanted anyone else. He filled me up.
Now, John casually carried my leash between his fingers. He fondled the handle lovingly, his grip light and loose. Every person in the room seemed to have their eyebrows raised. The heat of their gazes washed over me. My skin darkened blood red from my face down across my breasts. I swallowed deeply and tried to keep from panicking.
I had begged him to reconsider this public display of our personal relationship. The vanilla-ness of these people had almost drowned me the last time. I wasn’t sure I could handle another attack. Almost all of the couples knew his ex-wife. They didn’t give a damn if they embarrassed me or hurt my feelings. I was nothing to them.
Yet John felt it important to be himself. He didn’t care what people thought of his little eccentricities. He relished the thought of keeping people off balance. His openness in exposing his dominant personality had been a long time in the making. His ex-wife’s infidelities had taught him that social priority didn’t matter. Whoever you are in your core is who you are. No sense in trying to hide from the world.
It took a lot less time for the conversation to resume than I had imagined. After their initial shock, the guests dealt with the situation by ignoring us.
We made our way through the crowded room, John pausing here and there to speak with his friends. I followed around behind him as he greeted a few close associates. I smiled quietly at everyone, and although I noticed the rude glances, I didn’t let them register very deeply. As a submissive, I knew my place.