Her bottom was so sore and swollen that she felt like she might never be able to sit down again. And by the time the Guider had picked up the twin-tongued leather tawse, Natalie could hardly remember what her bottom had felt like before her initiation had begun.
Dozens of dark welts formed across the new girl’s buttocks as the razor-sharp leather sliced into her swollen cheeks; forcing Natalie to bite her lip until she practically drew blood. And although she sighed with relief as the Guider began smacking the back of her thighs with the flat of her hand again, her bottom was still on fire, and it wouldn’t be long before the backs of her thighs would begin burning as well.
It took less than two minutes for the Guider to turn the woman’s thighs the same gorgeous shade of pink. And squealing with agony as long, slender twigs of the sharp birch began cutting into her skin, Natalie could already tell that the blazing red welts would be with her for many weeks to come.
“Stand and salute!” commanded the Guider, finally releasing Natalie’s wrists from her vice-like grip. And the moment she was free, Natalie leapt onto her feet.
At this point, most of Michelle’s initiates would have run screaming out the front door, never to be seen again. But biting her lip to help endure the pain as she stood at attention, holding up three of the fingers of her right hand whilst holding her left hand behind her back, Natalie barely batted an eyelid as she waited for the second phase of her punishment to begin.
“Recite the Guide’s Pledge,” ordered Miss Redding as she started smacking the front of Natalie’s thighs, using the same smooth, even rhythm that had set her cheeks ablaze.
Natalie obeyed without a moment’s hesitation.
“I promise…to do my…BEST!” She yelped and whimpered as her burning thighs turned the same blushing shade of pink. “To serve the…Oh God! Please Stop!”
But the Guider never missed a single stroke.
“Silly girl!” she snapped derisively, smacking each thigh twice as hard to emphasize the point. “Now you’ll have to start all over again!”
And although Natalie longed to obey her new Guider, the pain was too much to bear.
“I promise to…Oh fuck!”
“Start again!”
“I promise to…Jesus Christ!”
“And again!”
It took more than a dozen attempts for Natalie to recite the entire pledge without a single plea for mercy as she gasped for air and pulled away from the Guider’s furious stroke. And by the time she was finished, Natalie’s thighs were burning like a campfire and covered with blazing red handprints.
Needless to say, the experienced Guider was more than impressed with Natalie’s phenomenal endurance. This sexy little blonde had proven beyond a doubt that she wanted to be a member of her troop and that she’d be able to take whatever was dished out. But before she could receive her first merit badge, however, Natalie had one last hurdle to clear.
“You will walk the entire length of the course with your fingers laced above your head,” instructed the Guider, as the rest of the troop took a studded leather paddle and prepared to beat her buttocks black and blue. “If you run, skip, jump, or take your hands away from your head, you will have to start all over again. And when you finish the course, you will have earned your ‘Endurance’ badge. Clear?”
Natalie nodded obediently. But as the first set of cold metal studs bit deep into her swollen buttocks, the pain was so unbearable that she didn’t think that she’d ever be able to finish.
Placing one foot in front of the other as slowly as she could, Natalie clenched her fingers together until her knuckles turned white as each Guide beat her naked buttocks in turn. And when she’d finally finished the course, the new Guide sat down on the pile of ice cubes that Miss Redding had provided, wailing uncontrollably but still feeling as happy as could be as the Guider presented her with her first merit badge.
“And in two months, you’ll be able to try for your second merit badge,” laughed one of the other Guides as they all gathered round to congratulate the new member.
But Natalie wasn’t sure if her buttocks would have healed by then, and so she decided to play it safe.
“Better make it three,” she murmured happily.
Three months later, when the swelling had gone down, the blue-and-purple welts had healed, and the memory of the pain had faded, Natalie returned to the Guide’s headquarters for another night of blazing crimson ecstasy.
“Remember, girls,” instructed the Guider as she marched back and forth across the room, “Try to cane each other’s buttocks as hard as you possibly can.”
Natalie paired off with an experienced guide named Rebecca, a sweet little redhead who loved corporal punishment and had the merit badges to prove it. And having whacked the long, painful bamboo rod across Rebecca’s gorgeous cheeks, Natalie gritted her teeth with anticipation as she bent right over, touched her toes, and prepared to receive another vicious stroke across her rump.
Every Guide in the room was screaming as the huge, stinging welts swelled across their naked rumps. But still rubbing her naked bottom with one hand as she prepared to cane her partner, she drew the bamboo cane far back behind her head and laid it full square across Natalie’s swollen buttocks; forcing the sexy blonde to squeal in pain before passing the cane back to her and bending down to receive another stroke herself.
Without allowing the girls to wipe their tears away or to soothe their throbbing cheeks, once the punishment was over, the Guider ordered the girls to stand side by side with their hands behind their heads as she inspected each bottom in turn. And if one of the girls’ welts wasn’t as swollen as it could have been or if the line was crooked, she ordered the Guide to bend over while she corrected the problem.
With the speed and accuracy of Zorro cutting a Z into someone’s clothing, Miss Redding could lay up to a dozen cutting strokes across a woman’s rump before she even had a chance to notice the pain. And having decided to lay a beautiful crisscross pattern across Josephine’s rump, Miss Redding allowed the girl to jump around the room as she set to work on the next girl’s bottom.
In the name of fairness, with sadistic delight, Miss Redding proceeded to lay a crisscross pattern across each of the other Guides’ bottoms in turn, ordering them to bend over and making them yowl in pain as the swollen welts began to throb across their cheeks.